Category Psychology

Who is an introvert and all you need to know about introverts

Who is an introvert and all you need to know about introverts

Society tends to hang labels and stamps on everyone who is different from the generally accepted "golden mean." If an athlete is stupid, if a PhD is “botan”, if an introvert is a misanthrope (he hates people). But is it? Who are introverts? Is it bad to have this type of personality? How to know your psycho, introvert or extrovert?

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How to deal with laziness: useful tips

A man of action strives for a goal, lazy is only in the clouds. ... Sometimes, idly indulging in laziness, we lose a huge amount of opportunities. Without her, each of us would have long reached the top of a career, made a fortune, learned all languages, and as a whole became a successful person. But you can’t throw out the words from the song, laziness is inherent in any person, but some have managed to take it under control, others are in her captivity.
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Efficiency wall newspaper - the first reception of Kairos-management

Hello, dear reader! The second publication from the series of articles about success and self-development is devoted to one simple, but rather effective, method that allows you to get to know the people around you better and also present yourself to them. The effectiveness of the newspaper can be useful for both permanent teams and temporarily united.
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Enjoyment of solitude. Is it possible to?

Enjoyment of solitude. Is it possible to? The development of the modern social world entails an inevitable increase in the amount of time devoted to human communication with other people. Someone is satisfied with this, such a life even pleases a person. Some people consciously choose community service, which involves spending a lot of time on having more opportunities to communicate.
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3 ways to get rid of jealousy

How to get rid of jealousy Jealousy is a negative feeling that sits deep in a person’s soul. Some are able to control it, for others coping with bouts of jealousy is a real problem. How to learn to keep calm in ambiguous, delicate situations? Jealous means loves?
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How to force yourself to work and not idle?

As Confucius said: "Choose a profession that you love, and you will not have to work a single day in your life." I will not argue with a great thinker, let me just say that sometimes even my favorite work gets to the side of my throat when I begin to feel nauseous at the mere thought of it. What to say about those who are forced to work for pennies as a seller or a waiter, simply because there are no jobs?
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Secrets of absolute self-confidence

Denis de Vito or Arnold Schwarzenegger, Meryl Streep or Sarah Jessica Parker can hardly be called beautiful in accordance with the generally accepted standard of attractiveness, but their charisma and inner faith in their strength earned millions and made even some politicians of some actors. And would you like to captivate the audience with public speeches, clearly and clearly present all your knowledge and demonstrate skills without hesitation and tightness?
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What you need to do to do something

The man is essentially lazy. If you do not believe, then you can analyze the whole path of progress, and you will notice that everything that has been created is invented, openly and designed to do only one thing - to do as little as possible. Cars are designed to walk less, household appliances - to work less at home, machine tools and industrial equipment - to do less manual work, and computers - to think less.
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Woman-hater: who it is and how to resist such a man

It is necessary for a man to carelessly drop the phrase “I hate women,” as he will be immediately included in the ranks of women-haters. But quite often, in a far-fetched way, there is a completely normal man, offended by the former. A real woman-hater, first of all, reveals himself to be deeds - active oppression of women's rights, humiliation and even physical abuse.
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How to stop eating sweets: important tips

Do you know that this, at first glance, innocuous habit of seizing trouble with sweets, is on a par with addiction to tobacco and alcohol? This may seem insane, but it is - in any case, a person is looking for a way to escape from the problem in the most simple and convenient way for him.
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Diagnostics of motivation and needs in a team

The needs of every living creature form and feed, among other things, a constant, continuous exchange in the world - an informational, material exchange. The same rule has been operating for thousands of years in human society in the same manner - the needs of individuals, ascending along a certain chain, make society move, change, transform and develop.
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How to beautifully respond to an insult: useful tips

In life there are different people, and the longer you live, the less you pay attention to the negative, which they are able to “give”. You should always understand that a happy and self-sufficient person, who first of all respects himself, will not descend to insults. However, there are actually few such people, so sometimes you have to deal with situations when you need to know how to respond to an insult.
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Non-verbal and verbal communication: what is important to know about him

Every day a person communicates with other people: at school, at work, at home. A rare individual receives satisfaction from constant isolation, because communication allows you to learn something new, recharge your friends with energy, and defend their own opinions in a dispute with a colleague. Without it, life is boring and uninteresting. Verbal and non-verbal communication are two integral components of human socialization.
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How to manage your emotions?

How to manage your feelings and emotions. Every person knows what strength and what value emotions have. Most often, emotions arise in the wrong place and in the wrong place, which contributes to a further deterioration of the situation, if it concerns negative emotions. It so happens that completely your usual reaction and the manifestation of emotions can be perceived not quite adequately, and even offend other people.
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6 ways: how to stop getting angry and annoyed

Even the most stress-resistant people can periodically lose their temper, giving vent to emotions and even accumulated aggression. Those who can hardly control and say nothing at all, such people are forced to be irritated more often than others. And even though the emotionality of each person is a strictly individual factor, it’s still much better to learn how to control your emotions or at least to prevent irritation.
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Where does sadness come from and how to cope with it

From time to time, everyone utters the phrase: "I am sad." Everyone understands that behind it is a bad mood, melancholy, despondency. But does everyone know where sadness comes from? Is it in the air or is it in the blood of everyone? We can figure it out: find the causes of sadness and understand how to deal with it. What is sadness? Sadness is a negative emotion that arises when one is dissatisfied with certain moments of life.
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5 types of lies used by all women

5 Types of lies, used by all women Even if you love your wife or girl very much, you should know one bitter truth - all women lie. And this does not mean that they are ruthless liars. They do this solely for the sake of good purposes - to protect themselves and their family, including you, dear men.
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Dealing with anxiety and anxiety: help from psychologists

For most, stress is a constant companion of everyday life. It has long been known that experiences can cause many diseases, and they really interfere with life. Many people know and understand this, but the phrase “do not worry” does not become easier. How to cope with anxiety and anxiety? First you need to figure out why experiences may appear.
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