Category Psychiatry

How to give first aid in the attack of epilepsy?

How to give first aid in the attack of epilepsy?

When an epilepsy attack occurs, first aid to a person is usually found by nearby people. Compliance with a number of simple rules will help alleviate the condition of the patient. The concept of an epileptic seizure is a seizure triggered by active neural discharges in the brain. A person at this moment there are disorders of motor, mental, mental activity.

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The causes and symptoms of Asperger syndrome in children

In our life we ​​encounter a huge number of people, but do we notice them? The one to whom we will precisely turn our attention is sometimes called the "rain man." Such people are distinguished primarily by their behavior: they find it difficult to communicate, they do not understand the world around them and do not perceive the rules established in it.
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Symptoms and signs of Tourette syndrome

Tourette syndrome is a complex neurological disease, greatly complicating the lives of people suffering from them. The severity of symptoms depends on the severity of the disease. Concept What is it? The disease got its name due to a scientist of French origin, who for the first time in 1885 started talking about this problem and published a report on 9 patients with characteristic symptoms.
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Psychology of onset, symptoms, signs and effects of anorexia

In modern society, thinness is so valued that its kinship with the word “bad” is completely forgotten, that is, bad. Striving for it can really lead to terrible consequences: approximately one out of 22 women suffers from anorexia nervosa or has had episodes of its manifestation in the past. Moreover, the mortality from this disease is 5-10%.
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Causes and treatment of neuroleptic malignant syndrome

Each medication has side effects, and some of them can seriously undermine human health or even cause a fatal outcome. Neuroleptics (or, in other words, antipsychotics), used primarily for the treatment of severe mental disorders, also have an extensive list of possible side effects, the most dangerous of which is a neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
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Is the gene for schizophrenia inherited by children?

The existence of genetic factors in the occurrence of schizophrenia does not cause doubts, but not in the sense of certain genes of carriers. Schizophrenia is inherited only when the life course of the individual, her fate, prepares a kind of ground for the development of the disease. Unsuccessful love, misfortunes of life and psycho-emotional trauma lead to the fact that a person moves away from an unbearable reality into a world of dreams and fantasies.
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Types of hallucinations, depending on the causes

Hallucinations begin to bother a person when mental disorders occur. He sees, hears what really does not exist. But hallucinations can occur with a healthy mind after taking certain medications, alcohol, or with extreme fatigue. If they appear more often, you need to think about treatment.
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Manic-depressive syndrome or bipolar disorder - what is it?

In the twenty-first century, psychological problems associated with mood disorders become epidemic. Every second faced depressing, apathy, even depression. Many are familiar with the state of "flight", euphoria, when any business is possible. But it happens that these sentiments are expressed so excessively that it goes beyond the normal.
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How to give first aid for hysterical neurosis?

Hysterical neurosis, if it is he who is found, cannot be ignored. The situation requires treatment and serious correction. Concepts and definitions Hysterical neurosis is called a severe form of deformation of the human psyche. Such disorders are usually recorded in persons prone to excessive emotionality.
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Dementia - what it is: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of pathology

Деменция - опасное приобретенное нарушение работы головного мозга , оказывающее значительное отрицательное влияние на умственные способности больного и качество его жизни. Деменцию принято считать проблемой старшего поколения, так как подавляющее большинство пациентов, страдающих деменцией, находятся в преклонном возрасте.
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Symptoms and signs of schizophrenia in children and adolescents

Schizophrenia in childhood manifests itself differently than in adults. For example, a significant development lead is so important for the vanity of many parents that they cannot even think about anything else. Meanwhile, this phenomenon deserves close attention. Often it is among the symptoms and signs of schizophrenia in children - a severe mental disorder.
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How not to confuse the symptoms of slow schizophrenia with neurosis?

One of the most common mental disorders is sluggish (low-progrediental) schizophrenia. There are no pronounced symptoms in low-intensity schizophrenia, the patient has only indirect clinical signs and superficial personality changes. Concept What is sluggish schizophrenia? For the first time, the disease “sluggish schizophrenia” was described by the Soviet psychiatrist A.
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The reason for the sudden escape - dissociative fugue

At the end of the XIX century, psychologist William James described an amazing incident with priest Ansel Sturn. This man suddenly moved to an unfamiliar city and opened a shop there. The man lost his memory and started a new life, but after a while he remembered his past. William James, having studied this oddity, gave her the definition of “fugue,” which means “flight” in Latin.
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Classification and causes of psychosomatic disorders

It happens that a person's health deteriorates and he goes to the hospital. The doctor examines it using various methods, but does not find any visible reasons that could explain the appearance of symptoms. Further, as a rule, he is sent to doctors of other profiles who also do not find anything.
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Somatic diseases - what is it and how to treat?

It often happens that there are no physiological reasons for the disease, but nevertheless, the disease actively manifests itself. Many scientists and psychotherapists believe that they are caused by feelings and psychological trauma, and they are called somatic diseases. What does it mean: the definition of concepts What are somatic diseases?
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Dissociation and dissociative deviations - what is it?

The basis of a number of mental disorders is the phenomenon of "dissociation". What is it? The concept of dissociation is a psychological mechanism, consisting in the desire of a person to perceive the situation as if it happens not with him, but with someone else. The brain dissociates, protecting the psyche from strong emotional turmoil.
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