
3 ways to get rid of jealousy

How to get rid of jealousy

Jealousy is a negative feeling that sits deep in a person’s soul. Some are able to control it, for others coping with bouts of jealousy is a real problem. How to learn to keep calm in ambiguous, delicate situations?

Jealous means loves?

The people formed the opinion that jealousy is one of the manifestations of love. But, as it turned out, it has almost no relation to a high, pure feeling. Jealousy is nothing but insecurity and dislike for oneself, for one’s appearance and character. And to get rid of it, it is necessary to stop justifying this destructive feeling.
First you need to pay attention to the main point that prevents to live a full life - low self-esteem. Without love and self-respect it will be difficult enough to get rid of jealousy.
Take care of yourself.
To truly love yourself, leave your soulmate alone and enjoy self-improvement. It would be nice to make a detailed list of your merits and look at yourself from the other side. But if you are not a fan of digging into yourself, it is better not to do this. Raising self-esteem is necessary with joy and pleasure.
Change the image, try new styles in clothes, hairstyle, make-up, order a photo session. You should like yourself. This will help you an experienced stylist who skillfully emphasizes your strengths and hide the disadvantages.
Soon you will see that there are more compliments in your favor. Rejoice in them, do not hesitate to your new image. And in no case do not compare yourself with others. Firstly, you will not be able to evaluate them objectively, and secondly, it is simply meaningless.
Do not focus on the problem.
There is a rule - when a person pays excessive attention to a problem, it begins to get worse. If you constantly think about not being jealous of your loved one, your jealousy will become even stronger. The process of getting rid of this feeling should be natural, without showing fanaticism.
To do this, you need to occupy yourself to the maximum. After all, how to stop being jealous, when there is nothing to do, and thoughts are constantly busy with silly suspicions? In your free time, do what you like. Visit the gym, chat with new people, try yourself in new areas of life. Set a goal (for example, learn to drive a car or cross stitch) and confidently go to it.
Soon you will notice that jealousy you simply do not have enough time or energy. You will develop in certain directions, and this will help you to get rid of mental anguish. Your psychological state will gradually return to normal, and you will be able to reach a new, trusting stage of relations with your loved one.
In the soul of a person there lives a feeling that is completely opposite to jealousy - gratitude. It is extremely difficult for her to get along with distrust and suspicion. Begin to thank your partner for everything: for being there, for how he treats you and what he does for you. So you not only eradicate annoying jealousy, but also improve relations with your dear person.
In addition, kind words, like a magnet, attract people. Your loved one will rush home from work to be with you, see your smile and hear gratitude and a declaration of love. Thus jealous you will have neither reason nor desire.
It is necessary to fight with jealousy. This negative feeling can destroy even the strongest relationship, settle distrust in the soul and aggravate the state of mind. And over time, a jealous person can turn into a notorious, evil, useless creature.

Watch the video: Life Advice : How to Overcome Jealousy & Possessiveness (May 2024).