Category Love and relationship

How to get rid of love addiction yourself?
Love and relationship

How to get rid of love addiction yourself?

Love is a wonderful feeling that changes the world and a person for the better. But sometimes this feeling becomes addicted to your lover, an obsession that prevents you from living not only for the lover himself, but also for those around you. In this case, you need to realize the problem and think about how to get rid of love addiction.

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Love and relationship

How to kiss in a hickey - the secrets of a deep kiss

Tired of the simple "cements", but the French style did not like it? Want to reach maximum depth in intimacy and passion? For such situations, the most intimate kind of kiss is perfect. What does he look like? When and with whom can it be used? How to kiss in a hickey so that your partner feels undeniable mastery and dizzying emotions?
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Love and relationship

How to find love: tips on finding a worthy candidate

Love is one of the important components of happiness. Having found a soul mate, a person feels differently: elated, necessary, protected, joyful. A new meaning of life appears. But where and how to find love? First you need to develop this feeling in yourself. The second step is the search for a worthy candidate. Is there a second half?
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Love and relationship

How to cheer up a girl: a few tips

Girls - creatures are very fragile and gentle, which are subject to sudden changes of mood. Sometimes a lot depends on their emotional state, because while she is happy - a woman can make everyone happy. Still, be careful: it often happens that trying to cheer up only leads to a more severe situation.
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Love and relationship

How to make your boyfriend jealous

Jealousy is one of the main manifestations of a person's indifference to a partner. If a man is jealous, it means that he is in love - many ladies hold this opinion, but it is not completely fair. The fact is that jealousy is rather a manifestation of a sense of possessiveness, but it also has its advantages.
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Love and relationship

How to turn off a guy so as not to injure him

Sometimes, meeting or chatting with a young man, you realize that you are wasting your time in vain - you don’t like it and never will like it. They annoy some trifles: they don’t walk like that, they don’t speak that way, they don’t look that way, they don’t breathe that way, or they don’t write ... The main thing you feel is that the boy doesn’t fit you, you don’t see you together in the future, you don’t want to be with him to communicate.
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Love and relationship

What do men want?

I flew from work, cleaned, washed, made my hair, put on an elegant dress with heels, cooked a three-course dinner and met at the door during the whole parade - such stereotypes occur in the head when people ask us what men want from us, women. In fact, everything turns out to be completely different. First of all, the man is looking for spiritual comfort, and then after the outside.
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Love and relationship

How to forget about the girl you love

Yesterday you were with the one without which you cannot imagine your future life. She has firmly taken place in your heart, and it is her that you see in the role of your wife and mother of your future children. But today the world seemed to collapse, she was gone. Perhaps she was tired of such a relationship, she fell out of love with you, or another man won her heart.
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Love and relationship

Should you stay with your boyfriend?

When meeting with a young man, you are madly wanting to unravel him, to understand what he is. Do you think if he will really love you, will he offend you? Do not immediately fall in love, sensibly consider the situation. Sometimes, it is better to immediately terminate the relationship, as it will be more painful. In order to understand whether you need this person or not, we’ll give the following points, which you need to think about.
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Love and relationship

How to part with a partner in a good way

As one song says, “parting is a little death.” This is a difficult process, often painful for both parties. To part in a good way turns out not always and not at all. Time X When the situation is tense, emotions are raging, resentment and anger cover the eyes, and the mind refuses to respond adequately to any words and actions, to part with friends late.
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Love and relationship

If a man wants a woman - the main signs

When a man wants a woman, she subconsciously feels it. But sometimes, to be sure of her feelings, she needs confirmation, an objective view from the outside. There are certain signs that give out the desires and thoughts of a man, even if he desperately tries to hide them. Special attention should be paid to the look, gestures, body language and unusual behavior.
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Love and relationship

How to part with a married man?

Communication with a married man - a situation that is becoming more common. Although sometimes the entertainment industry presents it as an opportunity to diversify the gray life, the attitude of the public as a whole remains acutely negative. Women who have fallen into this precarious situation may try to get out of it, but it is not always easy to understand themselves and the situation, although at first glance the decision is obvious.
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Love and relationship

Female friendship: whether it is and what is needed for it

No matter how much they talk about the impossibility of friendship between girls, when something happens in a woman's life, she immediately calls her friend. Female friendship is an amazing concept for many reasons, and, unfortunately, not so often these relationships are sincere. What is needed for friendship? A friend is an important part of a woman's life: this is an adviser, a psychologist, and a partner for different activities.
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Love and relationship

Holiday romance: how to start it and do you need it?

It is known that summer for many is a vacation period. Working all year, I want to spend a vacation with benefits and many people choose a city place and dust instead of a resort place (for example, the same Turkey or Egypt). Single people dream of having a holiday romance, especially when it has a pleasant atmosphere, romantic landscapes and the appearance of semi-naked bodies on the sea beach.
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Love and relationship

How to understand that you like a man?

When a woman meets an interesting man, she wants to understand whether he has a reciprocal sympathy, and whether she likes her. There is a classic courting scheme that a man sticks to in order to show that he likes a woman. He will give flowers, invite for dates, give compliments, etc.
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Love and relationship

How to make the guy you like to run after you

If you want the guy to "demolish the roof" and he could neither eat nor sleep, dreamed of meeting, counted good-bye minutes and was your eternal "tail," you need, first, to please him. Therefore, immediately throw out of your head the idea that any male is easy to conquer just by clicking fingers with a fashionable manicure.
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Love and relationship

What can you love a woman for?

Female nature is mysterious and multifaceted, combining many conflicting details. A variety of these natures do not know the comparisons. And most of them seek to attract male attention. There are many different ways: the role of a fatal beauty, a desperate housewife or a shirtless guy. All these roles a woman can change during the day.
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Love and relationship

What questions you can ask a girl, examples of questions

So, your eyes focused on a pretty, tastefully dressed girl. On the street, in transport, cafes, in the store. No matter where. It is important that stopped. And you understand that if you don’t speak, don’t “stop the moment,” then perhaps miss the unique chance that is given to each of us. Pass by the one and only, destined by the fate itself.
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