Category Money

Your choice: prestigious job or favorite

Your choice: prestigious job or favorite

What is a prestigious job? This is work, thanks to which we have the opportunity to have some status in the eyes of other people, that is, to change the way others look at us, without any changes at all. This fosters such qualities in us as pride and vanity, which in itself is not good for us and for those around us.

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7 ideas for extra money

Ideas for additional income Are you running short of money? You should not put up with this state of affairs, because today it is not a problem at all. Each person can find an extra income to their liking. And for those who do not know where to begin their journey to financial independence, this article presents seven simple ideas for discovering new sources of income.
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5 main rules of investment. How to invest money?

How to invest money? Before each investor, whether he is a beginner or already practicing, there is one question, how to find that middle ground that will help to increase the money invested. Everyone is looking for her in his own way, stuffing "bumps" and losing their money. But all the same, it is necessary to know that the leaders of world investments have already formed certain rules a long time ago, adhering to which you can achieve the desired result.
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How to invest money?

How to invest money correctly When a person decides to start investing his money (albeit small, even in trial tools), he will have reasonable questions about how to do everything correctly, so as not to burn out and lose his savings. This is a well-founded reaction of a newbie who decided to enter the investment business.
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Training for managers to help develop an organization

The slogan "Live and learn" does not lose popularity. In today's world, successful people constantly attend various training courses, seminars, and receive education abroad. This is especially useful for managers of companies, directors, managers and top managers, since the list of their duties includes a large number of tasks.
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Own business. Search for an idea

A list of your talents and skills, already developed or visible only to you, is gradually born in your treasured notebook. How to convert this list into a fruitful business idea? Here one should mention one characteristic feature of successful entrepreneurs. When the average person sees something that he would like to have (for example, a car), but does not have the ability to get what he wants, he says to himself: "I can not afford it."
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The secret of wealth is the right motivation

The secret of wealth is the right motivation. A rich person is not one who earns a lot, but one who spends less than he receives! I hope that this truth does not require proof? After all, it really does not matter how much you earn! If you spend every last penny you are not a rich person.
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5 ways to save without changing the quality of life

Sooner or later, but everyone comes to the fact that you need to save money, or at least spend rationally, which is actually the same thing. The incentives that motivate people to do this useful work can be completely different, most importantly, they should be treated with a mind and a positive attitude, only then can the desired effect be obtained and remain morally satisfied.
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What are team building trainings and why are they needed?

A united and cohesive team is the key to successful work of an enterprise, company, company, or any other organization of a commercial or other orientation. How different people can interact with each other depends on the effectiveness of the realization of their potential. Therefore, it is very important that people can find a common language and constantly interact with each other with maximum efficiency.
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Quick sales, how to learn to quickly make deals

Any person finds himself in situations that go through as negotiations, even if it happens unconsciously. These can be situations of concluding a contract or selling a product to a client, negotiating with superiors, even conversations with a loved one. Our life depends on how we handle all these situations.
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Where to invest money so that they work for you?

Where to invest money If you suddenly have a free amount of money, or you have been saving for a long time and persistently to secure a decent future for yourself, then your savings should work no less than you. Money loves the movement, otherwise they will be eaten by inflation, or a mole in a stocking, where you keep your nest egg.
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How to become rich?

How to become successful and rich Do you know about the amazing fact that on our planet 1% of people own 98% of wealth? Why it happens. First of all, because they are ready for this internally. Below will be described this secret, which is applicable to each person. The psychological aspect of wealth is described and some practical recommendations are given.
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How to open a business, do not let fear pull you to the bottom

Alas, only a few of those who want to start their own business, decide on this. The problem often lies not even in the lack of opportunities, because there are quite a few people who started their business from scratch and achieved excellent results. The main difficulty is often the inability to overcome your fear, overcome doubts, find the strength and make an important decision.
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Psychology of poverty - 10 signs

Psychology of poverty You can not decide what is your standard of living, but do not consider yourself rich? And also you want to prevent or even get rid of poverty, then you need to know the signs of poverty, according to which you can do work on the mistakes. Man himself builds his own destiny and chooses how to live, whether it is poorly bad or rich.
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How to make more money?

How to make more money Every person dreams of a stable high income. But not always the main work, is able to bring due material satisfaction. Passion and excitement plays an important role in enrichment. It is known that the more you are interested in the process of work, the greater your income.
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What is active sales training

The ability to work with people and bring them to the desire to make a purchase or use the service is a real art of communication and is developed with experience. Therefore, training helps beginners to quickly master the intricacies of the profession and methods of special interaction with a potential client. Sales are divided into active and passive.
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Ten thoughts on the right business.

These ten thoughts about the right business will help you solve difficult problems and simplify the process of creating your own business. 1. The more spheres, the better? You can create your own business with a wide range of services and products. You are sure that the more services you offer, the more profitable the business will be.
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7 principles of reasonable money saving

How to learn to save money? Building a financial future, whether it's retirement savings, the future needs of your family, or just personal goals and financial viability - everything starts with saving. Savings are not only a reduction in spending on purchases, but also saving money on a rainy day or large goals.
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Motivation of staff, material and additional

What is motivation. The definition of motivation implies an individual's inner need for action. What is staff motivation? Personnel motivation is a set of activities conducted by the employer or a team of managers aimed at awakening sustainable (based on the needs and requirements) motivation of employees to improve productivity and obtain better products.
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Corporate training as a method of solving problems within the company

If the training is attended only by employees of the same company (a specific department or representatives of different departments of the same organization), then this type of training is called corporate or closed. Corporate training one of the important tasks is the improvement of the professional qualities of employees, as well as the consolidation of the team.
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