
Diagnostics of motivation and needs in a team

The needs of every living creature form and feed, among other things, a constant, continuous exchange in the world - an informational, material exchange. The same rule has been operating for thousands of years in human society in the same manner - the needs of individuals, ascending along a certain chain, make society move, change, transform and develop.

At the same time, the needs and satisfaction of these people are involved in the varying complexity of the structure and sequence that society builds; along with physiological and physical needs, psychological begin to play an inevitable and critical role in life, and the satisfaction of any needs begins to require action from their experience. If, on the whole and at a certain level, the needs themselves, by definition, move the individual to perform the tasks set, then the other component of this system is motivation.

Diagnosis of motivation.

Motivation, in turn, becomes individual. The needs of the highest are also individual - according to Maslow's classification of a psychological level: self-realization, self-expression, self-actualization; needs requiring and building up life and human experience. In a team, motivation at this level is necessary not only for specific participants, but also for general work: movement and development require a different set of tools. It can be divided into material motivational means and psychological motivation. Separately, you can select personal motivational reaction in the team: competition.

A person goes through three stages, which can be distinguished: goal setting (to break out and earn respect), assessment of the ability to achieve the goal (if I can achieve respect, earn it), after which, after passing through a system of personal assessments and knowledge, the implementation mechanism is already activated or the idea is abandoned. The rest of the motivation of employees in the team can be considered in more detail; However, in any case, it can be said that the pattern of action for human motivation is the identification of a system of needs and a further approach with an emphasis on meeting these needs.

If it comes to material motivation, then it is usually reduced to any kind of material remuneration - increased wages, various privileges in the workplace (for example, transport), a new office, and the like. Such motivation descends to a fairly simple level of encouragement and reveals a natural relationship between the level of security and work efficiency. It should be noted, however, that an irregular motivation is a characteristic trick: material rewards on a regular basis lose their effect, therefore unexpected additions in this matter act more effectively.

If we touch on the area of ​​psychological motivation, then a deeper topic is touched upon, affecting personal qualities and person requirements. This question includes the extent to which the work pays for a person’s expectations in the sphere of self-realization, his / her compliance with his ideas, needs for growth and relevant issues for him; if he finds an answer to them in his work and in the process of implementation of the assigned projects, and also whether he will avoid failures on his course. Thus, the diagnosis of motives is an essential attribute of motivation in professional activities, and the information obtained should ideally be used to solve immediate problems with the team, when distributing personnel in the field and recruiting new personnel.

Motivation in a team.

Human needs tend to change over time, and the employee, being a man, is no exception. Diagnostics should be carried out periodically, starting from the very beginning - entering the work; this will help keep up with the psychological and ideological needs of employees, keep abreast and make changes to the program in accordance with changes in the needs pattern.

If we consider the instruments of motivation in this case, they can be naturally divided into two groups: positive motivation and negative. If the first is the praise, promotion and improvement of opportunities for self-realization at work, then the second, respectively, includes the punishment for failure, transfer to an unprofitable position, reprimands and the like. What is psychologically more effective? this decides on the whole practice, but logic dictates that a harmonious approach - the well-known "stick and carrot" - should play the most effective role.

Anyway, the main thing in the approach is the real implementation of the motivators: empty promises will not feed anyone and will not create a stable, integral team. A person must receive the promised place and have the opportunity for personal implementation, otherwise he will not linger on such work, and if he does not have the opportunity to leave, he will not work effectively and in good faith.

Watch the video: Hackman and Oldham The Job Characteristics Model (December 2024).