
What you need to do to do something

The man is essentially lazy. If you do not believe, then you can analyze the whole path of progress, and you will notice that everything that has been created is invented, openly and designed to focus only on one thing - do as little as possible. Cars are designed to walk less, household appliances - to work less at home, machine tools and industrial equipment - to do less manual work, and computers - to think less. So everything that has been created by progress is motivated by only one thing - the desire for lesser activity. Truly laziness is the main engine of progress.

True, for any enterprise, company or corporation it is important to stimulate their own employees, and for the entrepreneur himself the constant search for new is a natural state. How to "infect" employees with activities and how to motivate them correctly? To get started is to understand why a person acts in one way or another. Knowing this can motivate employees of any level act and act in the way that benefits the company.

What to do?

Money? Perhaps, but this is only part of the stimulus. Often money becomes the motive for crime, but financial incentives do not always produce results in business. Increasing the cost of unloved work rarely stimulates to do a better job, because it is hateful. The promise of career and wage growth cannot serve as a motivation for an individual who does not like this type of activity. But perfect for those. Who feels in his place.

What else can serve as a motive?

Career? Not all tend to move up the career ladder, spending on it not only a lot of money. But not less time. In addition, careerists, as a rule, are not competent in business matters, and those who know him well do not strive for leadership positions. The combination of “two in one” happens extremely rarely, but even more rare cases when aspirations are combined with personal qualities. True, such people do not need motivation, since all their activities are already based on their own convictions, rules and principles. The manager only needs to “calculate” such people and give them the opportunity to prove themselves.

What else can motivate?

Personal growth? This factor is important only for creative people who rarely work in a team. However, in the team, the support of personal growth of valuable (and not only) employees creates prerequisites for motivation to work. Experiments and surveys conducted by various structures suggest that initiative is important for a creative person, or rather, an opportunity to manifest it. At the same time, we should not forget that both a senior researcher at a research laboratory and a plumber can be creative.

However, every single person from time to time needs to stimulate himself - his beloved. In particular, it is important to motivate yourself for an activity that is not very pleasant, but necessary. Moreover, it is more difficult to motivate yourself than to interest others, since self-motivation always or almost always encounters "excuses" with which it is extremely difficult to fight. It is almost impossible to motivate yourself with money, it is difficult to grow personally, and initiatives usually do not happen anyway.

To deal with this more difficult, but also quite realistic. You can try the Japanese technique of "one minute". When systematically performing some activity, it becomes a habit. However, one can motivate one’s own activities by “primary needs”, such as the threat of starvation, or the forced rejection of sleep or anxiety about one’s own security.

In contrast to self-stimulation, the motivation by the “primary needs” of production activity is not very effective. The "primary needs" include physiological and security needs. Both the first and the second can serve as motives for refusal of activity, but they are not suitable as incentives for active sales. These are the pain points that most people try to cover.

For productive motivation, it is better to use "social needs", such as "self-expression", "respect" and "belonging to a group." Therefore, in some cases, "public praise" and the delivery of a not-too-valuable, but personalized gift, stimulates employees to work.

Do not overlook the competitive factors. Of course, “socialist competition” is no longer effective in our time, but there may not be any financial factors as a prize, although their presence only increases the “excitement” of competing parties.

Watch the video: 11 Secrets to Memorize Things Quicker Than Others (December 2024).