Recommended Interesting Articles

Personal growth

How to learn to achieve your goals?

Your activity must always be in the name of a goal, otherwise it loses all meaning. But sometimes, wanting something, people openly give in to the first and even not very difficult obstacles. Inside fear and contradiction - maybe I do not need it? Or maybe just the opposite, an obstacle is sent in order to strengthen your desire and desire to move on.
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Personal growth

Self Talk - Effective Self Help

It’s quite normal to talk with yourself if it happens in the format of an internal dialogue. From a psychological point of view, it is more useful to talk out loud. This contributes to better coordination of actions, relieves stress and emotional tension. The inner voice, the subconscious, the intuition - the names of the inner self are many.
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Personal growth

Take a break from your problems: see Russian psychological films

Cinema offers the public a huge variety of films. They are distributed by genre. Russian psychological films are popular: they are filled with an interesting storyline, they surprise and capture, they do not let go of the viewer from the beginning to the very end. What is it and what are they looking for? Psychological films with meaning tell about the inner world of a person, his character, emotions, desires and feelings.
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Personal growth

How to plan time?

It’s quite difficult to consciously plan your life. After all, by doing this and then carrying out the planned, you fully take responsibility for your life and your future, for your success, etc. etc. How often can you hear phrases like "I do not plan for more than six months ahead," "How do I know what will happen in two years," "We will see ...", "Life will show ..." and many others.
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Fears and phobias

What attracts a "drunken pool": the psychology of an alcoholic

The occurrence of alcohol dependence in a person is always due to certain psychological factors. To understand the behavior of an alcoholic, it is important to understand the main causes of the emergence and mechanisms of development of this problem. The concept of alcohol dependence Alcohol dependence is an uncontrollable strong craving for alcoholic beverages, which leads to a deterioration in the mental and physical health of a person.
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How to develop a sense of humor: basic rules

It has been scientifically proven that laughter dulls pain, reduces stress, strengthens the immune system, and even prolongs life. People with an excellent sense of humor more easily endure adversity, women retain their beauty longer, men easily make new acquaintances, make connections. But what about those who have to laugh through force, and you only have to dream about a witty joke?
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