Personal growth

On logical-intuitive and other types of introverts

Considering a large company of people, one can observe in it a variety of characters. Alone vigorously chat, generously gesticulating.

Others sit silently and detached. Psychologists explain such different behaviors. features of human adaptation to the outside world.

How a person contacts with others is dictated by the soul itself. And it's hard to argue with her.

Who is that?

What does an introvert mean and what is the meaning of the word introversion in psychology?

The product of human interaction with the outside world mental energy.

Simply put, the way a person disposes of his energy is the psychological type of personality.

Psychologists have combined all modes of interaction in two categories. So the concepts came to light "Extrovert" and "introvert".

Both concepts are absolute opposites, but inextricably linked. To understand who are introverts, you should study the concept of extraversion.

Theory in a few words:

  1. Introvert. Be it a man or a woman, a person whose energy is focused on his inner world. Outwardly passive, he experiences most of the emotions within himself. When communicating with other people, they spend their own strength.
  2. Extrovert. A man whose energy is focused on the outside world. Character's activity is high, he seeks to receive information from communication.

    When interacting with others, this person receives energy.

Types of introversion and their definition

Psychologists have divided the concept of introversion into several types. Analyzing each of the categories, one can identify the main features of any representative of the psychotype.

Four types of introversion:

  1. Social. Representatives of the type of rather sociable characters. However, they choose their circle extremely carefully. The social introvert is not closed and is very active in a circle of loved ones. However, in large companies it is rapidly losing strength, so it tries to avoid noisy gatherings.
  2. Thinking. This introvert still avoids hoards. But once in such a company, it does not get lost, but simply closes its thoughts. Type focuses on their own experiences. The key features are empathy and trust of intuition.
  3. Anxious or introvert sociopath. This type does not like to be in society. His conversations and exhausting audience. With all his might, the anxious introvert is trying to stay alone or with one or two close friends. Constant anxiety and negative communication experience give rise to nervousness.

    A character can suffer only if he remembers the experience of the negative. This is an extremely deep introversion.

  4. Restrained. Introversion of this type is manifested in slow preparation for communication. The type is ready to contact and even seeks to it. But before proceeding to a conversation or a meeting, he must think things over and mentally prepare himself. This is the most maneuverable psycho.

By the nature of interaction with the outside world, introverts are divided into eight categories.


This psycho is guided by logic. Harmony and balance are extremely important to him. Conservative, scrupulous in work. Sensory-logical type of self-confidence.

Calm, rarely shows emotions. From others is kept at a distance. Balanced, it is difficult to ruffle. Flashes only if you hurt his dignity. In other situations, peaceful and loyal.


This type of love rules and established framework.

He tries to systematize his life in accordance with the norms of morality.

Disciplined and ambitious. Demanding not only to themselves, but also to others. Due diligence, seeking high positions.

Emotions rarely take precedence over him, but he is sensitive to his own experiences. No one knows about them. No conflict, but consistent, therefore, can respond to aggression with aggression. Does not like a change of atmosphere and innovation.


Moving and dynamic consciousness. This psycho is happy to observe the variability of the world. He is able to adapt to change and makes long-term plans.

In the work he is zealous only when he feels the perspective of his undertaking. He prefers not to engage in useless matters. Searches for all the deep meaning, which should be.

Emotionally stable, but permits explosions of feelings. Outwardly calm, he can suddenly break even for himself. In the statements is harsh and straightforward.


The task of this character - get to the bottom. This is an intellectual who is interested in absolutely everything. A meticulous analyst and executive in charge. In decision-making relies on intuition, which it almost does not fail.

In communicating tactful. Sharp emotions does not show does not tolerate rudeness and rudeness. Logical-intuitive introvert does not get close to people. For him the privacy of his own experiences is extremely important.

Sensory ethical

It relies entirely on its feelings.

Tied to comfort and pleasure. Rarely goes against your own feelings..

In communicating tactful and cautious. Conflicts abolish before they occur. Dislikes pressure, responsibilities and inconvenience. Pleasant and open, but the circle of friends selects carefully.

Ethical-touch type

What does this mean? Consistent and correct type. Sees the meaning of life in following the rules. Estet and moralist. Do not seek to look to the future. Live sensations here and now. Practitioner and materialist. She does not like to dream and does not know how.

In communication loyal and intelligent. It has a strong temperament and confident temper. If the situation becomes uncontrollable, shows unshakable will. Achieving the desired in any way, including sharpness.

Intuitive ethical

Enjoys own inner world and does not need external. Fully immersed in yourself. it deep introvert dreamer. Depends on your own emotions and sensations.

Unable to force himself to act, if in his heart he does not want this.

In communication restrained and laconic. Intuition helps him to literally see through people. He knows how to build good relationships, but rarely does it. Does not need others, because it is self-sufficient.

Ethical-intuitive or potential

This type of introversion needs others.

He strives to build relationships, but emotionality leads to frequent conflicts. Tactful and careful communicationsprefers to come closer slowly.

Particular attention is paid to spirituality. Develops the inner world and improved externally. Responsible performer and hardworking worker. He does not like pressure and prefers to choose the mode and schedule.

Signs of turning into yourself

In order to recognize inversion, it is not necessary to be a certified psychologist. Most adults and without complicated terminology understand what kind of psycho they are.

In the case of children, things are more complicated. To determine the psycho type of teenager not always working.

Find out what category a person, will help the list of signs.

Signs of an introvert:

  1. Man prefers close communication with one interlocutorrather than being in a noisy environment. If there is an opportunity to stay at home, the introvert will not miss it.
  2. Character feels need for solitude. Periodically, an introvert needs to be alone in order to put his thoughts in order.
  3. Meeting new people is complicated. The type can go on contact with strangers, but only out of politeness.
  4. Dislikes empty talk. Chatter about anything too expensive for an introvert. Spending his little bucket on the talk about the series, the character is sprayed in vain. Same as buying air.
  5. Deep inner world. This person thinks a lot, listens attentively and gives good advice. Outwardly, it remains calm even in difficult situations, keeping all experiences deep inside.
  6. Character not too concerned about the opinion of him outsiders. He prefers to act assertively, rarely turning to other people's comments.
  7. Work alone brings him pleasure. He quickly focuses when there is no need to "hold" in public.
  8. Introvert can be a leader. A common opinion about the weak-willedness of this type is wrong. However, the introvert prefers to command restraint. He will not fit the team, constantly in need of guidance.
  9. All important dialogues occur in his head. The chain of thoughts of the psychotype is very long. Sometimes she replaces him with a real conversation.
  10. Close type relationships are strong. If an introvert has put someone in his heart, that person will remain there forever. Communication with him deeply and confidentially. Only next to proven people, it is fully disclosed.

How to recognize?

When meeting a person, it is extremely important to determine which psycho type he belongs to.

This information will help in further communication. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the girl is the object of attention or the guy. Both sexes of the same type have similar behaviors.

How to recognize an introvert:

  1. The man is silent in the company, but leads the conversation alive, being alone with the interlocutor.
  2. Going into the room, trying to avoid attention, quietly "seeping" into its place.
  3. Takes on challenges that one wants to do alone. But lost in teamwork.
  4. Stewing in public, does not want to attract attention.
  5. Remarkable. He can express an opinion in a few words, but they will be filled with great meaning.
  6. In interesting topics for him, animates and talks a lot. Getting into the circle of like-minded people, the introvert does not waste energy, but replenishes its bucket. Why sometimes it seems that he may be an extrovert.
  7. Everything is going according to plan. The inconsistency of the schedule and routine knocks him out of a rut.
  8. Much more willing to answer messages on the social network than the call. Introvert's phone number will not interrogate.
  9. Without elaboration, introversion turns into a real social phobia. These people are asocial and need the help of a psychologist.

How to penetrate his world?

Why is it difficult to communicate with introverts? How to communicate with them correctly? Introverts make an impression closed personalities. To approach such a character will be extremely difficult. To penetrate into his inner world and find a common language, useful simple tips.

How to get along with an introvert:

  1. Warn of your appearance. Give an introvert the opportunity to prepare for communication. He will be assembled, which will benefit both interlocutors.
  2. Do not hurry. Do not require an instant response from him. But do not interrupt if he began to speak.

    Slowness is just a way to collect your thoughts, not an attempt to annoy you.

  3. Do not hurt him. If you say causticity extrovert, he certainly parries. Introvert first surprised, and then closes in itself. Extract the offended character from his shell will be difficult.
  4. If the introvert has spoken, be sure to give your opinion relative to what has been said. It is important for him to get feedback. Then the effort will not be wasted.
  5. One should not expect decisive initiative steps from him. Introverts better "push" to the solution.
  6. To “open up” the interlocutor, start a conversation with interesting topics. Take an interest in his affairs and plans. Be sure, the story does not take much time. "Self-converted" is short and concise.
  7. Leave him alone more often. If you are close to the introvert 24/7, it will expire. This person needs a little recharging, happening alone.
  8. Do not pull it into clubs and parties. For the sake of you, a loving introvert will visit noisy events, but they are unlikely to give him pleasure.

Is it difficult to be different?

Is it good or bad to be an introvert? Modern world - extrovert universe.

Crowd meetings, huge concert halls and even cafes mix people into a boiling mass.

Introverts difficult find your nook in this human assorted. However, the answer to the question of whether it is good to be an introvert will be a firm “yes”.

The advantages of a closed temperament

None of the spirit of psycho-types is good or bad. Each temperament has its own unique qualities. Introverts can boast of both advantages and disadvantages.

This psycho-type copes with complex tasks. Where the extrovert acts without thinking, the introvert weighs everything and makes the right decision.

  1. Self-education, study and professional development for this character is a real pleasure.
  2. In a comfortable atmosphere, he will become a real fount of ideas. The perception of "self-directed" differs from the generally accepted one. From here and creative.
  3. Best friend you will not find. These are the most sensitive and responsible people. If the introvert was entrusted with his experiences, he would take care of them, like helpless kittens.
  4. PunctualityResponsible promise is a trump for introversion.

Deficiencies Representatives

Of course, in introversion there are not only pluses. The psychotype is fraught with difficulties and, first of all, annoying the wearer of temperament.

Cons closed type and problems:

  • communication difficulties;
  • experiencing failure in yourself;
  • constant scrolling of negative experiences in thoughts;
  • difficulties in finding a partner;
  • touchiness;
  • inability to adapt quickly.

How to make friends with yourself?

What if you are an introvert? How to live an introvert?

Those who have discovered signs of introversion should calm down and stop perceiving their character as something uncomfortable.

Man comes into the world with a ready set of qualities. The task of each - find the key to your own heart.

First, stop trying to "break" yourself. Change your psycho will not succeed. An introvert can only be advised to choose a “convenient” type for oneself and strive to match it. For example, anxious individual may well transform into a social type.

Planning will help you to understand your own soul. Having drafted a plan for the day on a piece of paper, the introvert will save himself as much as possible from unexpected events.

The same goes for the need make a speech or make an important conversation. It can be scribbled in a notebook, thereby preparing for the situation.

The particular difficulty in the closed psycho is familiarity. Some introverts literally panic when it comes to invading a “stranger” into their lives.

Find a mate it is difficult for such individuals. To meet a loved one, it is advised not to pretend to be an extrovert. Look for those who understand you, but do not pretend to be an extra-sociable joker.

In fact, in society there are many introverts. Perhaps to see them, you just need to take off your mask and accept yourself.

How to become?

Extroverts or introverts do not become. Psychological personality type - congenital predisposition human to a particular kind of interaction with the world.

However, none of the psycho-types is considered a “sentence”. Work on yourself will help a person to show their strengths.

Stop being an introvert is also impossible. A closed person can present himself as an extrovert, but he will not be able to become one. However, psychologists are sure that regular communication and work on their experiences will help the “open” introvert.

Celebrities under the dome

Watching the introvert may have the impression that his life boring and monotonous.

The representatives of the psychotype themselves do not think so. An example of this would be the famous personalities who told the world about their inner space.

Famous introverts:

  • Isaac Newton;
  • Charles Darwin;
  • Albert Einstein;
  • Dale Carnegie;
  • George Orwell;
  • Franz Kafka;
  • Audrey Hepburn.

Introversion - a personality type characterized by “self-converted” emotions. These are people who find the whole world in their own soul. To touch this universe, it is enough to pick up the key to the introvert's heart.

Learn about the signs of an introvert from this video:

Watch the video: Logical-intuitive introvert - Analyst - INTj. Mission in MBTI and Socionics (April 2024).