A life

Personality crisis: everything everyone needs to know about him

There comes a time when fate seems to challenge you to a duel. Win - become a winner, lose - so be it. No one has yet managed to escape from this ordeal, the crisis of identity. How to recognize the beginning of a critical stage and what are the reasons for its appearance? How to pass a line with the smallest losses? We offer to arm yourself with helpful advice, preparing in advance for the fateful meeting.

What is a personality crisis?

Personality crisis (personality crisis) is a turning point that determines the further course of life and is characterized by strong emotional experiences. This is a period of choosing a new direction and moving to another level of perception of reality. Personal growth has a clear requirement - to change the style, formula of life, way of thinking, attitude to the world, as well as to himself. You can recognize the beginning of the transitional stage by using specific symptoms.

Development crisis: signs that alarm:

  • Sense of inferiority, excessive complexion
  • Helplessness, fear of decisions
  • Feeling lonely ("No one understands me ...")
  • Variability in mood, inconstancy
  • Inconsistency, duality of opinion
  • Inability to explain the causes of uncharacteristic acts

Causes of crisis

There are three main types of crises, each of which has its own causes.

Age threshold

Personality age crises have such a name, because the crucial stages await a person at a certain age, are marked by a number of characteristic features and are quite predictable. There are children's age levels (3, 7, 14 years), the main causes of which are the jumps in the growth and development of the personality.

Adults face critical moments at 18, 30, 40 and 60 years, but they can start sooner or later. These are periods of rethinking their lives and moving to a new level of self-perception in the outside world. They can be accompanied by depressions, cardinal estates, rethinking of the past.

Traditionally, the age of development crisis awaits on the eve of the Birthday, when instead of a joyful mood, panic and uncontrollable desire to draw the line rolls: "What did I manage to do?", "Well, what did I achieve in my ...", "Eh, how much time was lost ..."

It is enough to know the special features of each of the age levels in order to prepare in advance, knowing in advance how to survive the crisis.

Specific situation or plural

The loss of a loved one, a sharp deterioration in the financial situation, a crisis in relations or relocation cause the emergence of situational crises, the complexity of which lies in their unpredictability. Starting a new life stage, we do not know what we will have to face, and uncertainty always scares.

In addition, most often it happens in such a way that misfortune does not come alone, but brings behind itself a chain of various failures. This obsession can drive into a dead end, the way out of which is not always simple. It is about this stage that we can say: “What does not kill, it makes us stronger”.

Change of world view

The revision of the existing value system and the search for new life orientations lead to an existential (spiritual) crisis. He may arise later experiences of the previous two stages or independently of them.

Existential crisis is considered an important period in the formation of personality.

Stages of development of the crisis of personality

Regardless of the type, any personality crisis has a beginning, a peak, and a close. Naturally, these phases are blurred and conditional, but they allow one to understand or predict emotionally the state of a person experiencing a turning point.

Dive stage

  • Emotional explosion occurs
  • General physical health deteriorates.
  • The algorithm of actions is confused, decisions are chaotic
  • Possible "care in yourself"
  • Overcomes inaction, apathy

Deadlock stage

  • Awareness of the problem comes
  • The question of what to do remains unresolved.
  • The search for the causes of the current situation begins.
  • The future is gray
  • There is a search for new solutions.

Breaking Point

  • A new look at the problem appears
  • There is a desire for change
  • The situation does not seem to be a dead end.
  • Gradually "ice is crumbling"

This is a classic model of crisis, having survived that, a person goes to a new level. But there are other options for the development of the situation - mental disorders, suicide, drug or alcohol addiction. These negative effects are caused by ignoring the complex state. To avoid this, it is advisable for everyone to know in advance how to survive in a crisis.

How to survive the crisis: 6 important tips

Don't hide

The first mistake made by a person experiencing a crisis of personality, psychologists consider trying to escape from problems and an incomprehensible state. Hiding, the person closes, ceases to be honest with himself, and also undergoes various phobias.

Escape is not to be confused with the desire to distract or switch, which, on the contrary, contributes to the improvement of the emotional state. In order to successfully overcome the critical stages, it is important to look your fear in the eyes, displaying readiness for struggle.

Find a fulcrum

The most difficult to cope with any crisis and the adoption of this fact should prevent the manifestation of pride. Feelings should be pronounced and discussed. Understanding that there are people experiencing similar stories encourages, motivates, organizes.

Human nature is such that he simply needs to gain a foothold. She can be found in communication with relatives, mentors, professional mentors, confessors or psychologists.

See shades

We used to divide everything into good and bad, white and black, forgetting that there is always a "but", as well as many different shades and semitones. And man is no exception. It is important to try to accept and love yourself imperfect, but such as it is. And it’s great, if there are many critics in the direction of one’s own “I”, it means that there is room to grow and to strive for.

Create filter

Personality crisis is a good time to filter out unnecessary things, duties, and "unnecessary" people around them. We are chaotically surrounded by what we want to see and what takes a lot of energy, drinking the last juices. It is time to get rid of the latter category, especially if it is imposed by someone from the side. Experiencing a difficult period, it is better to do what really brings pleasure.

Take care of yourself

The relationship between physical condition and internal well-being was felt by personal experience. Taking care of your body (massage, healthy sleep, tasty healthy food, wellness procedures), we heal the state of mind. And, communicating with loved ones, visiting the theater, doing things you love contribute to the recovery of the whole organism. If this formula works win-win, then why not use it?

Become a Columbus

Every person can be called a discoverer within himself. Someone is ready for expeditions or experiments more, some less, but, in general, everyone needs it. Staying at the crossroads motivates you to go for new emotions, because discovering, for example, yugu, diving or crocheting, we risk getting rid of depression forever and less painfully overcoming the development crisis.

A personality crisis can be viewed as a half-empty glass, shuddering at the very thought of meeting it. But there is another option, when the same glass seems half full. In the latter case, the turning point is more like a chance to change oneself and realize the potential previously hidden. After all, having mastered the art of mastering personal crises, we can change our lives for the better. It may sound trivial, but it all depends on us.

Watch the video: Jim Carrey - What It All Means. One Of The Most Eye Opening Speeches (January 2025).