Personal growth

What if no mood: 5 ideas

There are moments in life when there is no mood and it is not even clear because of what. Although the wording is not entirely accurate. It, of course, is, but just bad. What causes a minor mood? Is it possible to prevent its occurrence, and what to do if it has already happened? How fast can you get back to normal? What is needed for this? What hurts a person a bad mood? Can we say that this condition is dangerous to health? How to smooth out the negative effect? Are there simple and effective tricks to help bring yourself back to normal? Let's talk seriously about fun.

Why is a bad mood?

The causes of depression are many. Conventionally, they can be divided into three large groups: physiological, mental and spiritual. So, depressed mood can be the result of feeling unwell or tired. For example, as a result of physical or mental fatigue, injury or general malaise.

Accordingly, it is possible to overcome a bad mood by eliminating the cause of its occurrence. You should take a vacation, sleep well and rejuvenate. Do not forget that success in any business depends not only on the desire to work. No less important is the ability to relax. This is true both in terms of manual labor and intellectual work.

It so happens that the lousy mood arises due to mental discomfort. This may be bad luck, quarrel, conflict. The physical body is not disturbed, but in the soul "cats scrape." How to be in this case? Should learn to disengage from circumstances. Otherwise, if you constantly have a bad mood, you can earn depression, which is already fraught with physiological consequences. After all, the release of various substances into the blood depends on the mood. If “stress hormones” prevail, this can lead to the destruction of the body.

There is a mood of zero for no apparent reason. It seems no one quarreled, nothing hurts, but the smile on his face does not appear. Very often this is due to problems of a spiritual nature. Many reject this factor, wholly devoting themselves to the physical world. This is their mistake. The fact is that man is a biosocial and spiritual being. If at least one of the components of its nature is ignored, it can cause serious problems. When they develop at the level of the organism or psyche, they become evident rather quickly. If there are problems with the spiritual realm, this may not manifest immediately, but the consequences will be catastrophic. Then a person asks a question "bad mood what to do?", the answer to which you still need to search.

How to fix a bad mood

It was previously mentioned that the causes of this phenomenon are varied. First of all, you need to deal with them. Understand exactly what caused depression. After all, mental problems are “treated” in a completely different way than physical ones. The main thing to remember is that for those who decide to improve their mood, there are no obstacles. So, consider the most universal tricks to bring your emotions in order.

Good diet

The statement that we consist of what we eat is relevant for all occasions. To grow muscles, you need protein and creatine. For a man to be in good shape, you need a trace element zinc, and for a woman - copper. If the mood is minor, it can be enhanced with the following substances:

  • Tryptophan - amino acid, which is part of the "hormone of happiness";
  • Vitamin B12 - improves metabolism and general attitude;
  • Selenium - strengthens the immune system and the nervous system;
  • Chromium - improves mood;
  • Omega-3 fatty acids - eliminate depression and fatigue;
  • Lycopene - An antioxidant that improves health;
  • Magnesium - trace element that increases vital energy.

These are not the only "bricks" of a good mood, but one of the most basic. Their deficiency will easily fill in various nuts, seeds, green tea, bananas, citrus fruits, tomatoes, seafood, herbs, honey, fruits and milk products. Including this food in your diet is much easier to overcome bad temper and fatigue.


After the "bricks" of good mood are ingested, it is necessary to "bond" them with each other. For this fit a good portion of humor. It does not matter in what form it will "enter" the body. From a viewed comic show, comedy, or heard a joke. Why does a bad mood recede before them? The fact is that it occurs at the biochemical level. Accordingly, having adjusted the production of "hormones of happiness," you can easily overcome the negative. It is especially important to get a fresh "dose" of humor in the morning and before bedtime, and not to watch the next portion of "dill", which is abundantly provided by the "zomboyaschik." One of the “Heart of a Dog” heroes, Professor Preobrazhensky, did not recommend reading newspapers before lunch. If at the moment of creation of this story there was a TV in use, then he would have got it along with the newspapers.

Full sleep

Restoration of all body systems occurs during sleep. If the daily rhythm is broken, and the person does not get enough sleep - it is fraught with depression and loss of strength. It is in a dream that the renewal of vital energy and working capacity occurs. A sleepy person often thinks that “I have a bad mood,” or, as they say, “I have no mood at all.” What to do in this case? First of all, sleep well. By the way, the most useful is the dream, which began before 24.00. It is best to go to bed at about 10:00 pm, because it is up to midnight that substances are released in the body that contribute to the maximum restart of all systems and organs.

Interesting hobby

Bad mood often arises from the fact that a person is engaged in an unloved affair. Work is not fun, staff and management are annoying. If you are not in the mood, it is best to switch to a pleasant activity. Hobbies, just, and this applies. After all, hobbies are closely related to our real desires. For example, a bank employee can rest his soul when he sits on the bank of a river with a fishing rod in his hands. The security chief turns into a big carefree child, collecting a model of a sailboat. The strict head of the personnel department is transformed beyond recognition, when a karaoke microphone falls into her hands. It is these moments that bring people real rest and reload.

Sports and active lifestyle

It has long been proven in practice that physical education helps to fight depression and bad mood. The stronger the muscles are heated, the less stupid thoughts visit the head. Of course, this is not about excessive exertion, but about healthy physical activity. Running in the park, swimming in the pool, or just walking will improve the minor mood. The main thing is a systematic and regular approach, which over time turns playing sports into a good habit.

If you are not in the mood, the main thing is not to despair. Worse, when there is no, for example, brains. And the mood can always be raised. To do this, pay attention to the physical and informational "food" that a person consumes. If only a good “product” gets inside the body, then the effect on emotions will be favorable.

Watch the video: How to Study when you are not in the mood to Study. Tips to get in Studying mood (May 2024).