Category Stress and Depression

How you can soothe a sick soul: the advice of psychologists
Stress and Depression

How you can soothe a sick soul: the advice of psychologists

Every person during his life faced with a lot of difficult stressful situations that made him feel disgusting for a long time. Some of these events could even provoke the development of a mental illness. Therefore, many people who feel devastation, anxiety, helplessness, want to know how to soothe the soul and heart, because what happens to them seriously poisons life.

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Stress and Depression

What to do when symptoms of depression appear in men?

Depression is a pathological change in the human psyche, characteristic of the so-called depressive triad, namely: reduced overall ability to experience positive emotions and get joy from life (anhedonia), qualitative changes in the mechanism of thinking caused by joyless, often pessimistic thoughts, and psychomotor inhibition.
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Stress and Depression

The best pills and vitamins for stress

Stress factors are present in every aspect of human life, even young children face a stressful state. The more often a person experiences stress, the higher the likelihood that over time he will develop serious mental disorders: neurosis, depression, anxiety disorder.
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Stress and Depression

Varieties and Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder

Тревожное расстройство - психическое нарушение, при котором чувство тревоги выходит на первый план и значительно влияет на поведение, самочувствие и личность человека. При тревожном расстройстве симптомы и лечение имеют ряд специфических особенностей и зависят от особенностей заболевания, его формы, индивидуальных особенностей человека и причин возникновения.
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Stress and Depression

How to overcome seasonal depression?

Are you feeling overwhelmed and depressed? Do you feel a breakdown and a strong desire to wrap yourself in a blanket and not go anywhere? It became hard to wake up in the morning? It is likely that you have seasonal depression. What is it, how to recognize and overcome? What it is? Seasonal depression is a mood disorder in which depressive episodes occur annually at about the same time.
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Stress and Depression

How is it easier to treat work and not worry about it?

Work for a person is a source of income. Therefore, it is impossible to treat her frivolously. However, often excessive responsibility leads to the strongest experiences, fear of losing your job. As a result, the employee begins to have health problems, conflicts in the family, etc. To avoid this, it is necessary to work out the correct tactics of attitude to labor duties.
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Stress and Depression

What are the causes of stress: a list of stress factors

Stress is an atypical situation that puts a person off balance, calm. As a result, adaptation and struggle with the arisen problem occurs. We consider the nature of stressful situations, their classification and the method for determining the level of stress. Theories A great contribution to the study of the topic was introduced by Hans Selye: the theory of stress, which he derived in the second half of the 20th century, laid the foundation for future scientists.
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Stress and Depression

How does fairytale therapy for adults?

Fairy tale therapy arose 15-20 years ago as one of the directions of practical psychology. This method of art therapy is widely used when working with children and adults. Fairy tale therapy originated in St. Petersburg. The founder of this direction is Tatyana Zinkevich-Evstigneeva. What is the method?
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Stress and Depression

9 major misconceptions about depression

Among psychologists, there is still no agreement on the causes of nucleation, the mechanisms of action, and methods for treating depression. Usually, the manifestations of this disorder are perceived by others and the people themselves suffering from it, as a demonstration of weakness, laziness and bad mood, especially in our mentality, where it’s not particularly accepted to love and appreciate yourself.
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Stress and Depression

Agitated depression - what is it and how to treat?

Agitated depression is a type of depressive disorder characterized by the presence of both classic symptoms of depression - feelings of hopelessness, fatigue, loss of working capacity and interest in everything that surrounds - and agitation. Agitation is inadequately increased motor activity, which is accompanied by anxiety, fear, and emotional arousal.
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Stress and Depression

What are the causes of insomnia after drinking alcohol?

Alcohol-induced insomnia is a serious problem, further aggravating the condition of addicts. There are characteristic signs by which you can identify a person with this disease. Concept of sleep after drinking alcohol: why? Alcohol-induced insomnia is a disorder caused by alcohol addiction, in which poor quality of sleep, its insufficient duration, or a combination of both phenomena is noted.
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Stress and Depression

How you can soothe a sick soul: the advice of psychologists

Every person during his life faced with a lot of difficult stressful situations that made him feel disgusting for a long time. Some of these events could even provoke the development of a mental illness. Therefore, many people who feel devastation, anxiety, helplessness, want to know how to soothe the soul and heart, because what happens to them seriously poisons life.
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