Stress and Depression

"From work horses die": how to cope with stress in the workplace?

Spending most of the time at work, modern people are so overwhelmed with various information and "included" in the process that often even at home can not relax.

Inability to recover both physically and emotionally leads to stress, coping with the symptoms and effects of which can be quite difficult.

The reasons

Work stress is painful psycho-emotional state, which is formed in the process of employment.

The main causes of its occurrence annoying factors serveUnder the guise of which can act:

  • uncomfortable working conditions, high noise levels, too high or low temperature in the room;
  • mental overload, increased demands, the combination of two positions;
  • prolonged lack of vacation and frequent overtime work;
  • the inability to adapt to existing conditions, the inability to prioritize, plan their activities, to perform the tasks in time;
  • monotonous and monotonous work schedule, abrupt change of activity;
  • difficulties in communication (both with colleagues and with the authorities), inability to defend one's own interests and point of view (or, on the contrary, inability to stop in time);
  • low self-esteem, lack of motivation and a clear vision of prospects, increased anxiety.

These factors are present in work constantly. With periodic effects on humans, they cause only short-term nervous loads, while prolonged exposure causes chronic stress.

Another major stress factor is job change. An important role in this process is played by the reason for dismissal.

If worker leaves on his own initiativewhile moving to a more promising position, it is much easier for him to cope with the changes.

If his care has forced nature (staff reduction or initiative of the authorities), stress can be especially strong, accompanied by:

  • a sense of psychological pressure from the former head;
  • a strong decline in self-esteem;
  • digging in the past, constantly "playing" the situation with different variants of their own behavior;
  • fatigue, decreased appetite, depression.

How does it appear: signs

The manifestation of stress at work depends on the characteristics of the organism and the type of the nervous system. The most common symptoms are:

  • increased nervous tension, irritability, anger, frequent bouts of anger;
  • anxiety and anxiety for no apparent reason;
  • constant dissatisfaction with oneself: results of work, behavior, appearance;
  • feeling of loneliness and detachment;
  • unwillingness to communicate with people, lack of joy from success;
  • significant memory impairment, loss of concentration, difficulty in making decisions quickly, and obsessive thoughts;
  • the emergence of conflicts (both with colleagues and with close people);
  • unwillingness to take responsibility for the work done, putting blame for one’s own mistakes on others;
  • a sense of catastrophic lack of time and complete immersion in official cares even during off-hours.

All this leads to the fact that in a state of health failures also occur“Signaling” about the state of chronic stress:

  • high or low pressure;
  • excessive sweating;
  • heart palpitations;
  • dizziness and nausea;
  • chills or fever;
  • tremors or muscle twitches;
  • pains in the head, back, or stomach (including digestive problems);
  • allergic manifestations (rash, itching);
  • a sharp change in weight (increase or decrease);
  • sleep disturbance and appetite;
  • decrease in sexual activity.

The more symptoms a person has, the closer he is to the state of uncontrolled stress, which can become chronic and lead to serious disturbances in the functioning of the body (neuroses, psychosis), which will be very difficult to cope with.

Exists three phases of working stressBased on the duration of exposure to stimuli factors:

  1. Anxiety - the very first reaction of the nervous system, in which the level of adrenaline rises, and all the forces of the body are mobilized to fight.
  2. Resistance - occurs when a particularly strong and prolonged stress factor. In the process of adaptation of the organism to unpleasant circumstances, there is a decrease in the activity of all physiological processes.
  3. Depletion - occurs with the continuous action of an annoying factor and leads to a lack of strength in the fight against it and the "breakdown" of all protective mechanisms.

It is possible to overcome stress independently only in the first two stages. With exhaustion, the help of a specialist is already required.

How to be stress resistant?

If it is not possible to eliminate the irritant at work, you should try to change your attitude towards it. Increase stress resistance will help:

  1. Compliance with the regime. Awakening and going to bed at the same time (no later than midnight) and continuous sleep for 6-8 hours ensures stable operation of the nervous system. Due to this, the body is fully recovered both physically and emotionally, and therefore, it endures stressful situations more firmly.
  2. Nutrition. Saturation of the body with valuable substances (especially magnesium) makes it much easier for it to adapt to stress conditions without compromising health.
  3. Physical activity. Due to regular loads, the body begins to produce hormones that are released into the blood during stressful situations. As a result, there is an “addiction” to them and a kind of hardening, which makes it possible to survive stress much calmer and easier.

    An alternative to the gym can be walking in brisk steps, swimming or cycling.

  4. Pleasures. Taking up a favorite thing at least half an hour a day allows you to relax and rejuvenate. It can be anything you want: needlework, reading a book, watching a movie or chatting with friends.

How to cope on your own?

You should not hope that the stress will pass by itself. The best thing is to learn how to react to it correctly and try not to let it go to work or to personal life. Compliance with simple rules will help to cope with this task.

  1. Think positive. Starting the morning with a smile is the rule of all successful people. Waking up in a good mood will allow compliance with the regime, and a mandatory breakfast will give strength and energy for the whole day.
  2. Select the main thing. Do not desperately grab at all things at once. In addition to irritation and a sense of catastrophic lack of time, this approach to work will bring nothing. It is very important to be able to plan, distributing cases according to the degree of their importance. Before proceeding to the next item, you should make sure that the previous one has been completed. Such tactics will allow you to correctly distribute working time.
  3. Determine the boundaries. Not everyone is able to take a sober look at their own capabilities and not to shoulder the unbearable burden of tasks on their shoulders. Often, this feature is inherent in perfectionists who naively believe that the world will collapse without their help. In fact, they are in a state of chronic stress simply because they are unable to work for everyone, but they cannot say “no”.
  4. Do not delay. Often the cause of stress are things that you need, but really do not want to do. Day after day, the idea that a table in the table doesn’t start spoils the mood and doesn’t concentrate on current work. The solution is simple - to do an unpleasant thing in the first place.
  5. Check your breaks. No matter how heavy the workload is, it is very important to increase the work efficiency and concentration of attention for small (5-10 minutes) breaks every hour. It is not necessary to go somewhere: you can just walk around the office, make a few movements with your hands, straighten your back and hold an exercise for the eyes.

    At lunchtime it is better to leave the office, eat and stroll.

  6. Reward yourself for work. At the end of the working day you should definitely pamper yourself with something. It can be like a delicious cake, a fragrant bathroom, or going to the movies. Do not deprive yourself of small weaknesses that bring pleasure.

These techniques will allow you to avoid stress or minimize its effect on the body.

But if the nervous strain reaches a critical point and emotions are ready to spill over, you should apply emergency ways to deal with stress:

  1. Deep breathing. Inhaling for four counts through the nose and exhaling for eight counts through the mouth, repeated 4-5 times, will allow to normalize blood pressure and heart rhythm.
  2. Glass of water. Drinking cool liquid in small sips, you can feel how the tension is gone, the breathing level off and self-control returns.
  3. Fresh air. If possible, you need to open the window wide or even go outside - the lack of oxygen will immediately be replenished, eliminating the manifestations of stress.
  4. Sharp movements. The most permissible in a working environment are quick clenching, unclenching fists, which reduce the level of adrenaline.

How to overcome the alarm when changing jobs?

Psychologists have found that 85% of people experience stress when changing jobs.

The painstaking work on oneself will help reduce its manifestations:

  1. First of all, need to calm down and take a new job as the next stage of its development.
  2. Full sleepCompliance with the working mode and proper allocation of time will avoid overwork.
  3. You can adapt to the new environment by coming and going 10-15 minutes ahead of time. This will allow without haste and vanity to penetrate into current affairs and tasks.
  4. Comfortable workplace - pledge of effective work. It can be arranged with the help of beautiful stationery, as well as cute things and photos brought from home (if allowed by the authorities).
  5. Be sure to take breaks and do not neglect a full meal. If you wish, you can join new colleagues to get to know each other better and make contact.

    Also, do not abandon trips to corporate events.

  6. Do not be afraid clarify the tasks and be interested in the nuances necessary for their implementation.

Ways to relieve stress after a hard day

How to get rid of stress? Many people cope with stress with alcoholic beverages or sedatives.

Both - no way out, because both methods only dull the feeling of stress, which comes back with double force.

That is why it is necessary to try other ways of dealing with stress after work, for example:

  1. Lesson like. This may be yoga, dance, fitness, etc. In addition to the fact that physical exertion favorably affects the state of health and helps to eliminate irritability, the social circle will also significantly increase.
  2. Meditation. Relaxing after a hard day’s work, clearing thoughts and driving away the negative will help sessions lasting 10-15 minutes a day.
  3. Massage. With it, not only relieves tension in the muscles, but also stabilizes the emotional state.
  4. A diary. Writing on paper all the experiences, feelings and thoughts, you can free your head from the negative, and then - calmly analyze this or that situation, relying on your records.

    For those who do not like to write, a voice recorder is suitable, or simply pronouncing aloud exciting and unpleasant moments.

  5. Positive emotions. Laughter and hugs are a great way to deal with stress. Therefore, after work, you can safely watch a funny comedy in an embrace with your loved one or pet. And you can read an interesting book, take a foam bath or do another favorite thing.

Because stress is a natural reaction to a stimulus, you shouldn't be afraid of him. The main thing is to understand in time the reason for your condition and start fighting with this uninvited guest, using all effective methods.

How to deal with stress at work:

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