Stress and Depression

The best pills and vitamins for stress

Stress factors are present in every aspect of human life, with a stressful state even small children face.

The more often a person experiences stress, the higher the likelihood that over time he will develop serious mental disorders: neurosis, depression, anxiety disorder.

Therefore, people who are regularly under stress, good to drink drugs from stress.

How to treat stress?

Stress - is a natural state of the human body, developing under the influence of excessive tension (both positive and negative).

It helps people cope with difficulties, but only in cases where these difficulties are feasible.

It is incorrect to consider it a disease, but it is not completely safe either.

The more often a person is under stress, the more his psyche is exhausted, the state of the immune and digestive systems deteriorates, and the likelihood of developing serious somatic diseases and exacerbation of existing ones increases.

Therefore, the best and most effective remedy for stress is being in conditions that are almost completely devoid of stress factors.

Basic tips for dealing with stress:

  1. Rest, take care of yourself. After the first two phases of stress, which change a person's state so that he has more opportunities for adaptation and copes with difficulties more effectively, the third comes: exhaustion. For the body to recover faster, you need rest, and to the greatest extent possible. After a hard day's work, be sure to give yourself more opportunities to recover. It is also useful to walk: a walk in the fresh air helps to cope with a stressful state.
  2. Spend time hobbies. Many hobby-related activities can seriously support a person in difficult periods of his life, ease the grip of stress, reassure. It is useful to read books, listen to music, engage in physical activity, draw and engage in other types of decorative and applied arts.
  3. Change jobs. If your work is extremely difficult, you regularly experience stress, you need to think about changing it. Even if it is prestigious and well paid, it is better to try to find something that will not harm you. Chronic stress has an extremely destructive effect on the body: it reduces life expectancy, weakens the immune system, and provokes the development of many somatic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, which most often lead to death.
  4. Perform soothing treatments. Take a bath with herbs, meditate, do self-massage (it is useful to knead the shoulders, massage the forehead, temples, hands, feet).

    You can sew a small pillow and fill it with soothing herbs: hop, sage, oregano, mint, lemon balm. It will help to fall asleep better and maintain immunity.

  5. Properly distribute the load. Some people tend to postpone things often. As a result, they are experiencing stress, doing everything at the last moment, and so it happens time after time. Therefore, it is important to perform tasks gradually, even if you really do not want to.

People who are often confronted with stress need to take care of yourself and more often listen to your own body, since regular stressful condition significantly increases the risk of developing mental and somatic diseases.

It is important to consult a therapist and psychotherapist., if a:

  • sleep quality deteriorated significantly, it became difficult to fall asleep;
  • the work of the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, arrhythmia, pain, pressure surges) was disrupted;
  • headaches are often observed;
  • difficult to keep calm, emotional state is unstable;
  • much has become annoying, sometimes for no reason;
  • more than two weeks there is a depression, there is a feeling that everything is meaningless;
  • increased fears;
  • occasionally dizziness, darkness in the eyes;
  • the work of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, constipation, gas, pain);
  • there is a loss or, conversely, increased appetite;
  • for a long time there is a continuous feeling of tiredness.

The presence of these symptoms may indicate that you have developed a neurotic disorder. If the feeling of depression is expressed very strongly, this may indicate the presence of a depressive neurosis.

Do I need to take medicine?

Depends on how long and regular stress is.

For example, there is little point in taking medication if a person feels stressed out rarely and for a short time: it is not dangerous for the body, and in some ways even useful.

It makes sense to drink medication against stress if:

  1. Stress state persists for a long time. It is about chronic stress, which, according to statistics, is extremely common: more than 25% of people suffer from its presence.
  2. In life there are quite long periods when stress will be present constantly. For example, this happens if the work is relatively calm, but once or twice a year, a state of trawling occurs, requiring workers to work through several weeks, at the risk of losing their job or the job as a whole. This also includes long sessions with students.

Medicines and vitamins can alleviate the condition, improve sleep, support the immune system and reduce the risk of developing mental disorders.

But it is important to understand that they are not able to solve the vital problems of a person, change his approach to work, and so on. They - primarily supporting factor.

People in a state of chronic stress, it is important to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist in order to get advice, treatment and support.

The best drugs

What to drink from stress? The list of medications that are effective under stress and mild forms of neurosis:

  1. Hypericum Extract (trade names: Negrustin, Deprivit, Deprim). Hypericum extracts are widely used in the treatment of mild and moderate neurosis, depression, anxiety disorders. The medicine will improve sleep, reduce anxiety levels, and have a noticeable sedative effect. It should be taken one tablet three times a day.
  2. Tablets valerian. This extremely well-known and low-cost drug has a mild sedative effect, improves sleep, reduces the severity of anxiety, positively affects the cardiovascular system, but is ineffective for severe disorders.

    To be able to notice a sustainable effect, it is necessary to drink pills regularly for at least one month. Take 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day.

  3. Mebikar. A mild over-the-counter tranquilizer. It has a sedative effect, enhances the effectiveness of drugs that improve sleep, reduces irritability. The standard dose is 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.
  4. Novo Passit. Contains a combination of extracts of soothing herbs, such as St. John's wort, passionflower, valerian, hops, lemon balm, elderberry. Favorably affects sleep, reduces irritability, reduces anxiety, nervous tension, improves concentration. Can not be combined with cyclosporine, is not recommended for bradycardia. Rules of admission: one tablet three times a day. After consulting a doctor, you can increase the number of pills to six.
  5. Melaxen. One of the trade names for melatonin: a hormone that regulates circadian rhythms. Admission is indicated in the presence of sleep disorders: difficulty in falling asleep, unstable, light sleep. It has anti-stress effect, supports immunity. Take 1-2 tablets before bedtime. It is important to monitor your own well-being during the reception: melaxen has side effects, such as heaviness, pain in the head, depressive state.

    You can take children under 12 years old, but only for one pill after consulting a doctor.

  6. Persen. Consists of a combination of extracts of medicinal herbs: valerian, lemon balm, mint. Mild sedative. Reduces irritability, improves sleep, reduces nervous tension. Not recommended for people suffering from heartburn. Should not be taken in the presence of severe violations of the liver. Take 3 tablets three times a day.

Before you start taking any means It is recommended to consult a doctor: He will help you find the optimal dosage or prescribe something else if the chosen medicine is not recommended for you.

You should also carefully read the instructions for the selected drug to know its contraindications and side effects.

Vitamins for neurosis for women and men

Vitamins and minerals recommended for use in stressful conditions and mild neurosis:

  1. Magne-B6. Vitamin preparation, which includes magnesium and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). It helps with excessive irritability, anxiety, sleep disorders.

    Should not be taken in conjunction with levodopa, means containing calcium salts.

    Take 3-4 tablets two or three times a day with meals.

  2. Trigamma. Includes the following vitamins: B1, B6, B12. Appointed with psycho-emotional abnormalities, intramuscular injection.
  3. Komplevit Antistress. It contains not only vitamins, but also motherwort, which increases the sedative effect of the drug. Increases immunity, helps to cope with increased loads, reduces irritability, anxiety. Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Take one tablet per day.
  4. Cheers up Vitamin complex aimed at alleviating the symptoms of neurosis and alleviating stressful states. It improves sleep, reduces anxiety, irritability, and has a positive effect on the immune system.

Selecting vitamin-mineral complexes, also it is important to consult a doctorespecially if you have any chronic diseases of internal organs.

Contraindications and precautions

All contraindications and recommendations for use can read the instructions each individual drug. This must be done without fail in order to have an idea of ​​how it should act, with what it can be combined, and with what it is impossible.

Most of the sedatives affect the person’s ability to drive, so it’s important to steer the car less often while taking it or to switch completely to public transport.

Also most sedatives not assigned to children under twelve.

As important as possible drink less often while taking medicines, especially potent ones: this, firstly, gives increased stress to the liver and kidneys, and secondly, increases the likelihood of side effects.

Alcoholic beverages, in principle, is not recommended to be combined with any drugs.

Before taking any drug, even non-prescriptionIt is recommended to consult a doctor.

How to get rid of stress? Top sedatives:

Watch the video: Health & Nutrition : The Best Time to Take Multi-Vitamins (April 2024).