A life

How to become happy: 16 secrets of happiness

A person seeks happiness all his life. Many say I want become happier"but that happiness is in us. Most are waiting and dreaming to meet someone who makes them happy. But as it turned out, no one can make a person happy until he wants it. In this article I would like to share the secrets of happy people and the basic rules of life, which can be implemented by any person.An attempt to use them is not worth any effort, but the result in the form of such a long-awaited happiness will not keep you waiting.
1. Try to smile more, laugh, laugh, learn not to hold back positive emotions
Laughter - the best cure for all ills. Sometimes laughter can take any serious and funny case to a completely different level of perception. Self-irony is a powerful weapon and a great way to get out of conflict situations. Remember children, in many situations, having fallen into puddles, having worn in the mud, even having struck hard, they find something funny, shake off and continue to move forward.
Laughter helps to overcome even physical pain, whereas tears and self-pity only make it worse. In the hottest disputes, a successful joke or a witty funny remark helps to defuse a heated situation. According to statistics, Russia and Ukraine are among the most unhappy countries in the world.
But you look at the expression on the face of our fellow citizens. As often on the street, in public places and transport, in the service sector, we are faced with gloomy, disgruntled persons. Why do we have enough strength and energy to splash out negative emotions - the same rudeness, remarks, disgruntled statements - and not enough strength for elementary politeness, a smile, instead of a rude word, a joking remark instead of a disgruntled grunt.
After all, the result will be completely opposite. Good always attracts positive, and negative encourages even more negative emotions. Even in the fight against rudeness, happy people disarm their counterparts with a calm and positive reaction, something that the other person does not expect from you.
If you start to smile in public places and on the street is difficult for you, start this activity from home, start the day with a smile to yourself, family and friends. On the street, try to fill yourself with an internal smile, it will gradually turn into an external one.
You yourself will not even notice how it will become commonplace. Recall the song of Little Raccoon - a smile always comes back. Happy people know how to notice funny. If funny, do not hold back emotions, laugh from the heart. Laugh to tears, release yourself. Laughter is a great source of endorphins.

2. Happy people walk at a wide pace and don’t hide their eyes.
Remember, psychologists have proven that confident and successful people have a special gait. Success very closely accompanies harmony, inner peace and happiness of a person. A happy man does not slouch, he looks forward and holds his posture, his head is slightly raised.
Confident and joyful people do not look at their feet, do not make shoes and do not slouch, they look widely around and directly into the eyes of the interlocutor, therefore they notice a lot. And walk in strides. Try not to mince with a fine gait, but to widen a step; it is easy to go, as if floating above the ground, and you will feel completely different.

How to become a happy person?

3. Happy people play sports
The love of self and the inner feeling of happiness is not possible without the love of your own body. In order to become happy, you need to play sports. It can be both professional hobbies and amateur activities in fitness centers, as well as basic physical exercises, warm-ups, gymnastics, yoga at home.
Sports, in addition to improving physical fitness and allowing you to keep your body in good shape, increase self-esteem, help pay attention to our body, and many types of activities, such as yoga, allow you to combine physical development with spiritual.

4. Happy people will pay great attention to their inner self.
Spiritual practices, meditations, personal growth trainings help happy people to know themselves better, listen to their inner voice, develop their intuition, love themselves, praise themselves, study themselves and come to inner balance and harmony. How often in the modern world and the frantic pace of life we ​​are focused on anything, just not on ourselves and our inner feelings.
5. Happy people know how to rejoice in trifles.
It is clear that major achievements and important achievements give us a feeling of happiness and joy. But a truly happy person knows how to rejoice and find a positive even in small things. There is so much beauty in life - you can enjoy every minute: the sound of rain outside the window, the rustling and smell of autumn foliage, the rays of the sun, a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning.
Simple things that always exist. Even small pleasant events that occur in the life of every person and to which many do not even pay attention, cause delight in happy people, a lot of positive emotions.
6. Gratitude
Happy people can be grateful for all the good things that happen in their lives. Even in psychology, there is the concept of “gratitude diary”, where it is recommended to enter every day a list of all the good things that have happened and for which it is worth thanking the Universe.
7. To become happy, you need to learn to give, and not just take
A person who is ready to give, give, give his warmth, energy, time will be happy. The more you give, the more you get in return. It has long been proven that a person gets more pleasure by giving gifts. Seeing someone happy, happy, laughing, and being involved in this is a wonderful feeling, giving an unforgettable impression. This is happiness - to see the shining eyes of close people, to make someone happy. Happy people are progressive, actively interested in everything new.
For a person to feel happy, he must develop and move forward. That is why happy people have an interest in everything new, they are not afraid to master progressive technology, they are interested in modern technologies, they are passionate about some kind of hobby, they keep abreast of all the new products.
They are interested in trying unusual things, changing the scope of activities, attending various courses, improving their professional and creative level. As a rule, they are easy-going, love to travel. It can be both long trips, and the study of nearby cities and attractions. There is nothing better than a change of scenery to get away from the routine and routine. Even a simple trip to nature for the weekend is a great way. become happier.
9. Happy people surround themselves with optimistic people.
Happy people try to avoid the company of boring, boring and dissatisfied people. They prefer a society of positive, cheerful, funny people. In the end, like attracts like - easy to communicate, lively, energetic, seeing good friends is much more interesting than grumbling and dissatisfied.
Negative thinking and dissatisfaction with life does not carry any charge and incentive for a happy life. Therefore, in addition to changes in yourself, it will not be superfluous to reconsider your social circle. Try to stop the negative outbursts from others - words, thoughts, actions. It is necessary to reach out to interesting and outstanding individuals, many-sided creative people who can tell a lot of interesting things, teach something new, next to which you can grow, and not degrade.
9. Happy people know how to listen and hear.
When a person knows how to listen, he expresses respect for his interlocutor and opens himself to receive new information.
10. Happy people do not waste time on empty talk.
Time is the most valuable and irreplaceable source. So is it worth spending precious moments of life on talking about anything, regret that you can’t change anything, empty platitudes, self-digging and self-pity, doubts, walking around? We often talk a lot about trifles, but we are silent about the main thing. And then we regret it. A happy person knows how to articulate his thoughts clearly and clearly, he organizes them into a constructive and deep conversation, displacing light talk.

11. Happy people allow themselves to lose their sense of time.
Remember how in childhood, being something passionate, time and the whole world around us died down and ceased to exist. Similarly, happy adults are looking for something they like to do and enjoy in order to return to the state of "weightlessness" again.
12. Happy people know how to cope with failures and quickly move away from them.
A happy person perceives any obstacle or mistake as a challenge, and any failure as an experience from which appropriate conclusions are drawn. Such people have learned not to reproach and scold themselves in difficult situations, but on the contrary, to strive to find an excuse for themselves, comfort. It didn’t work today - it’s tomorrow, there’sn’t enough knowledge, experience, time — all of this can be fixed. This is just a chance to become smarter, faster, learn new things. Optimists easily move away from failure, do not get hung up, but move forward. This ability to heal itself is an important quality that can and should be cultivated in oneself.
How to become happier?

13. Happy people prefer live communication and know how to make friends and build relationships with other people.
They are disconnected from the network and prefer personal relationships to virtual conversations through social networks. They feel quite normal without the Internet, a computer, a TV, and other nonsense eating time. They prefer to spend their spare time with maximum benefit, they read a lot.
Happy people know how to be friends, they are sociable and easily find a common language even with strangers. They know the approaches to family and dear people. As thin psychologists, they feel the interlocutor and can fly through half of the country to see their close friend.
14. A happy person knows how to love
The energy of love is the most powerful in the universe. A happy person loves himself, others, nature, animals, his work. Whatever he undertook - he does everything with pleasure. An optimist radiates waves that attract other people. Therefore, happy people are always loved.
15. Happy people have a special attitude to money.
As a rule, a happy person treats money very easily. He does not neglect them, knows how to earn them, but easily part with them. He enjoys sharing, participating in charity, helping the needy. A happy person is capable of selfless deeds, volunteer work. When giving, he rarely waits for something in return, so he always gets more.
And the last:
happy people think positively and program each day’s scenario in a positive way. They are able to block negative thoughts and are always determined to succeed even before they embark on a business. A lot of books have been written and a large number of documentaries have been made about the power of thought, desire and positive thinking.
It all starts with the desire to change your life for the better and become happy. The pursuit of pleasure, waste of money on yourself, the accumulation of wealth, material wealth, which many people understand as happiness, have nothing to do with the true feeling and awareness of yourself as a happy person. Believe me, the one who really wanted to be happy - will be it!

Watch the video: If You Want To Know The Secret To Be Happy, Watch This by Gaur Gopal Das (May 2024).