Love and relationship

How to make the guy offered to meet

There is mutual sympathy between you, common interests, you spend a lot of time together. But nothing more. Relationships are stuck at this stage. It is not clear who you are with each other - a couple or just friends. How to make a guy take the next step? What can be done to finally offer to meet?

Why relationships do not develop and how to change it

Why the guy does not take long steps towards the further development of relations? There may be several answers to this question:

  1. You are his version of the "rainy day".
  2. The guy is afraid that you will refuse him.
  3. He is still undecided and doubts you.
  4. He has heard about your past love victories.
  5. You still maintain a relationship with an ex-boyfriend.
  6. He does not want to break your heart.
  7. The guy just does not feel reciprocal feelings.

In any case, each situation is individual. Therefore, we consider the most common options, and determine what to do in each of these cases.

You are in the friendly zone (from the English. Friendzone - friends zone)

You are not his ideal, he is still in search. Usually in a friend zone there are girls with whom it is simple and easy. They do not need to conquer, they are always there when needed. This is very convenient for a guy, because when there is a lull on the "personal front", there is always someone to spend time with. Often, these girlfriends men do not even consider as a partner for the relationship. In fact, if you find yourself in a friend zone, then you should know that you are a rainy day option.

The guy used to assume that you are not going anywhere. He is absolutely satisfied with this situation, and he does not want to change anything. Prove him the opposite. Start flirting with other guys with him. Not too frankly, but so that he noticed that they are showing interest in you. Think up a fan for yourself and sometimes buy flowers on your behalf, small gifts like new headphones or a bumper on a smartphone. This will force the young man to see that you will not wait for him forever and may push for more decisive action.

He is afraid of failure

This also often happens. Especially if the guy with the girl has long been acquainted and they have a common circle of friends. I do not want to get a refusal and look like a fool in the eyes of my friends. And if the girl is different wayward character and bright appearance, then many guys really difficult to offer a relationship more serious than friendship. Indeed, in this case, the probability of failure is quite high.

Make it clear to the young man who you like that you have feelings of response to him. Hint that you want a more serious relationship and are tired of short-term intrigues. Say that you need stability and real feelings. Show more attention to him and act as if you are already dating.

He doubts his choice, and is still eyeing you

The guy likes you, but no more. He is not yet sure about his feelings, and he has other options in mind. Such relations, if not transferred to a new level in the near future, will quickly disappear. Suddenly flashed interest in the girl, can easily fade away.

Here you need to show some perseverance. However, do not forget that there is a thin line between perseverance and obsession, do not cross it. Guys love girls who are interested in them, so pay attention to his hobbies. Spend time together fun and diverse, let him remain the most vivid impressions. If he loves "nightlife", then go to clubs with him. Playing sports? Sign up at the same gym. At the same time make sure that in comparison with other girls from his environment, you look the brightest and cutest.

He is concerned about your past relationship experience.

This happens if the girl had many fans in the past, and the young man knows about it. He may be alarmed by the list of your past victories and, possibly, a bad reputation in the circle of males. Also, the guy can not take any serious steps, because he believes that your previous relationship is not over. The fact that you are still communicating with the former young man, even if you do not have feelings for each other, is alarming and suggests that there is not everything between you in the past.

Stop maintaining relationships with past guys and pay maximum attention to the young man who you like. If you have a reputation as a windy lady, behave in such a way as to disprove it. Show to the guy as much love and warmth as possible, be sincere, simple and kind with others. Let him know that you want a stable relationship and are ready to give up on something and change for that.

He does not want to "break your heart"

Look at your chosen one. He is not distinguished by constancy in love relationships, there are always many other girls around him and the same innumerable number of beauties is in the past? Perhaps he treats you in a special way and does not want you to join their ranks. He really has fun with you, he may feel the most sincere sympathy, but! At the same time, the young man realizes that love relationships will not last long because of his windy nature, therefore he saves your heart from suffering.

In this situation, it is worth thinking, maybe the guy is right? How will you feel if he starts to change? If you decide that you need to leave? Can you come to terms and become one of the hundreds of "former" who are called and come to tea when there is no regular partner? Think it over well. If nothing bothers you in this situation, and you are ready for a relationship without obligations, then just say so directly to the young man. Not? Then run!

You have non-reciprocal love

If you are in love, and the guy does not take any steps towards and does not try to develop relationships, maybe he just does not have any response to you. It's a shame, but this also happens. Girls tend to idealize a partner, and also begin to see mutual sympathy and signs of attention where they simply do not exist. Think whether you are starting to believe in what you want instead of looking the truth in your eyes and honestly admit to yourself that nothing can happen between you?

Just let go of the situation and try to be distracted by something else. Minimize your meetings, do not write and do not call without special reason. If you do not do this, then you risk loving the person to whom you are indifferent. In this case, only you will suffer. Your chosen one will continue to live his life, and you will only have to build castles in the air and quietly cry into the pillow about what is not destined to come true.

How to help a guy take the first step

Guys in a relationship are going through no less than girls. From the stronger sex expect courage and determination. But it is very difficult to take the first step and offer to meet, especially when you are not completely sure if you are sympathetic to your chosen one or not. To help the young man overcome the fear of failure, you need to show that you like him. The following tips will help everyone say it without words:

  1. Smile at him and maintain eye contact. When you are in the company of other people, always catch his glance, duplicate his facial expression. What was said by the interlocutor did not like the guy, and he frowned? Look at him, frown slightly too. Something made him smile, so let him notice a smile on your face. He must see that you are on the same wavelength with him.
  2. Tactile contact is also important. Each person has a certain comfort zone, only close people can touch us. Therefore, if you accidentally touch his hand in a conversation, remove a feather from the hair of a young man, or adjust the collar of a polo shirt, then psychologically get a little closer to him. The main thing is not to overdo it and avoid touching sexual nature. Usually, such actions without cause cause rejection.
  3. Turn on a sense of humor and do not be afraid to poke fun at it, just kindly. Think how a sister would tease her older brother? It should be about the same, as if you are already close to each other. Just avoid vulgar jokes, black humor and ridiculing the guy’s flaws.

Self-confidence is a magical quality that helps anyone to achieve their goals, regardless of their appearance, position in society and material wealth. Develop this quality in yourself. If you love yourself and consider it worthy of this relationship, then the guy will surely offer to meet. After all, how else?

Watch the video: How To Meet A Health Conscious Guy! 5 Things Healthy Men Look For In Your Profile (October 2024).