
Your choice: prestigious job or favorite

What is a prestigious job? This is work, thanks to which we have the opportunity to have some status in the eyes of other people, that is, to change the way others look at us, without any changes at all. This fosters such qualities in us as pride and vanity, which in itself is not good for us and for those around us. The one who occupies such a "prestigious" place is always surrounded by ill-wishers who are filled with malice and envy towards him, since they also mark him in his place. Everyone is waiting for him to make a mistake so that he can “hook up” him and take his place.

This is aggravated if the person’s qualifications do not correspond to their position. In war, everything is clear: there are our own, there are enemies. But around man on prestigious work there are many enemies that cannot be calculated because they are disguised as colleagues, that is, under "their". People permanently are in two states: they either seek to achieve something, or are afraid of losing what they have already achieved. Fighting for their place in the sun, people lose all their human qualities.

For some reason, many people think that it was you who took their place, although there are many places around which the sun shines brightly. But people blinded by envy want to by all means push you out of your seat and take it, believing that only they have the right to it. One poet wrote that striving for power in order to feel safe is like climbing a fire-breathing volcano in order to escape from a thunderstorm. Instead of one small problem, many big ones come.

Each person considers himself unique and irreplaceable in his place.

But in fact, we are everywhere pursued by competition, competitors breathe in our heads, and we will be unpleasantly surprised when we see how easily we can be replaced by others. The more a person thinks himself out of competition, the more competitors he is surrounded in reality. Companies are also fighting among themselves for the consumer. Although, having directed the same resources to our own development and improvement of the services provided, everyone would achieve a better result and only win. What would benefit the consumer who loses if companies simply fight among themselves, without seeking to improve anything in themselves.

Prestigious work brings with it not only the respect of others, but also money.

And you need to spend big money somewhere. Usually they go on maintaining the same prestige. This is the usual personality psychology. A person becomes a hostage to his status, he spends money so that everyone can see that he is rich. Whereas truly rich people usually do not advertise their wealth.

In fact, many rich people know the secret to increasing their wealth. They donate a portion of their money to charity. At first glance, this is not a profitable investment. But the laws of nature act in such a way that the more a person gives, the more he comes back. The more he saves for himself, the faster he gets everything through his fingers. Miser pays twice. A lot is not always good. A person cannot “digest” a lot of food, a lot of things, many years of his life ... There is a danger that he will simply “drown” in all this. A person becomes forced to protect his property, which seems to be supposed to protect him.

But few people are able to pause and ask themselves: what am I doing and for what? Few are able to resist the clichés of prestige, power, and wealth imposed from outside, for which people are ready to step over much, and even through themselves. You need to ask yourself the main question: what's the point of finding the whole world, and losing yourself.

Watch the video: Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs (May 2024).