Any person finds himself in situations that go through as negotiations, even if it happens unconsciously. These can be situations of concluding a contract or selling a product to a client, negotiating with superiors, even conversations with a loved one. Our life depends on how we handle all these situations. But not everyone by nature knows how to behave properly in such situations. And if in private life it is somehow solved with the help of close people, then in the business world it leads to the fact that a person becomes an incompetent specialist in the eyes of management.
To help people learn how to negotiate confidently and sell various sales training, in particular, training "Quick Sales" or "Quick Talks". In such classes, you can get an answer to the question of how quickly to sell any product or service, as well as to test the material obtained in practice.
It is worth noting that it is better to learn to sell a certain product or service than to get acquainted with the general principles of fast sales. First, there will be a base of specific skills, behavior algorithms and even the seller’s finished speech, which will be a plus for work. And secondly, the sale of various services and goods differs in its features, so you should pay attention to the industry in which the seller is currently working.
Who is useful course "Quick sales".
The quick sales training is useful because a person not only learns to sell, effectively negotiate and conclude deals in a short time, but also learns to control himself, to cope with emotions. These skills will be of great help to those who constantly communicate with people in their activities, since unpleasant and difficult situations can hardly be avoided, and skillfully getting out of them without leaving negative experiences inside is already an art, which is also very much appreciated by the bosses. .
Although the benefits of the method are obvious to everyone, first of all learn quick sales method worth the following specialists:
- those engaged in active sales,
- sales managers,
- Head of Sales.
It is important to familiarize yourself with the principles of the method for those who often hear refusals from potential or actual customers, who want to be able to sell actively and quickly, and also teach this to subordinates who are interested in increasing the profits of their company and, accordingly, their personal profits.
The main principles of fast sales.
Fast sales technique as part of staff training, based on compliance with certain rules or principles when working with a client:
Do not be annoying.
Those sellers who do not comply with this principle, most often lose customers precisely because of their intrusiveness, unexpected calls and visits without warning. By this they show too much interest in the client, put pressure on him, thereby making it clear that they need him, depend on him. In this case, the client will already dictate the terms or completely refuse to cooperate with such a seller.
It is important, before communicating with a potential or real customer-client, to find out if it is convenient for him to talk, if there is time for a conversation. If the buyer is currently busy, you should schedule a time for the conversation, which will be convenient for both the customer and the seller.
Use the "choice without choice" technique instead of a direct purchase offer.
Technique "choice without choice" is applicable not only in work, but also in private life. In essence, it is inverse to the technique of direct sales, it lies in the fact that when communicating with the client and clarifying his preferences or the availability of free time, he is offered an alternative from the options that the seller obviously suits. In this case, the client does not feel the pressure, as he realizes that he has a choice.
For example, the question "When can I contact you?" when planning a meeting, it can lead to an answer that does not suit the seller in time, or an answer like "I will call you back when it is convenient." If we reformulate the question and turn it into an alternative one, it will sound like “Should I call you tonight or tomorrow morning?”. A potential client answers to such a question most often with one of the proposed alternatives, since it is in nature that people do not have to expend energy where it is possible to enter with minimal expenses.
In ordinary life, this technique will help in dealing with indecisive people. The question "Maybe we go somewhere together?" makes a person think and be responsible for his proposal. If you ask the question “Where are we going to go to the theater or to the cinema?”, More often than not, a person will be happy to choose one of the proposed alternatives, and will think that this is his idea.
This technique should be used wisely and ask such questions only at the right time. It is not necessary to shoot down the buyer immediately with his questions, if he is not even aware of what is being offered to him.
Ask the client questions and listen to the answers.
This principle is not only a manifestation of politeness, but also a certain help in the work. With the help of promotion questions, you can find out the needs and plans of the buyer, decide how the product or service of the company can help him in their implementation. The ability to listen and hear in general is one of the important in the work of the seller.
Do not argue with customers.
Even if you have evidence that the client is mistaken, you should not engage in open conflict or heated discussion. If it is important to sell, and not to realize their ambitions in confrontation with an opponent, you need to work correctly with the objections of customers.
Make your company's offer unique.
A unique selling proposition is, most often, a specially developed concept in order to compete in the market of goods and services with other organizations. Almost all companies declare low prices, high quality of goods and services, therefore these qualities are not unique.
It is desirable to create a unique offer that distinguishes the goods or services of the company from the offers of competitors. This sentence should be as specific and as vague as possible. If you compare the proposals "In our company, fast delivery" or "We will deliver the order to your region within 24 hours", the choice of the client on the second option is obvious.
Encourage the client to take action.
Often, the correct implementation of the previous principles leads to the fact that the client decides to purchase a product or service in the company, but may postpone this action for later, if not induce him to action. This is fundamentally contrary. quick sales method.
The potential buyer should be shown that the company's offer is limited: either a profitable share is limited in time, or the number of goods offered is limited, etc. So the client will be afraid that he may miss the benefit, so he will try to draw up a deal in a short time, and he must be completely sure that he has made the right choice.
The implementation of these principles in practice has already helped many sales managers and retailers increase their profits and company profits.
Do not forget about the important principle of behavior in the business world and in personal life - to call the interlocutor by name. Appeal by name to the interlocutor in any convenient situation increases its importance in their own eyes, shows that they are interested in him, he is respected, and this allows him to better relate to the interlocutor and agree with him.