Category Fears and phobias

Fears and phobias

Natural fear, character traits, or pathological phobia: differences in norm from anomaly

Today, the term "phobia" is a common concept, which often ordinary citizens call any manifestation of intense fear. However, this is not quite the correct interpretation of the essence of this disorder. In the understanding of academic minds, a phobia implies a long-term presence of irrational uncontrollable obsessive fear or a feeling of baseless uncontrollable anxiety in a person.
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Fears and phobias

What attracts a "drunken pool": the psychology of an alcoholic

The occurrence of alcohol dependence in a person is always due to certain psychological factors. To understand the behavior of an alcoholic, it is important to understand the main causes of the emergence and mechanisms of development of this problem. The concept of alcohol dependence Alcohol dependence is an uncontrollable strong craving for alcoholic beverages, which leads to a deterioration in the mental and physical health of a person.
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Fears and phobias

How to overcome the midlife crisis in men?

Most people have heard that men have a middle age crisis, but not everyone knows how to safely survive this difficult period. What it is? What does a midlife crisis mean for men? A midlife crisis is an emotional state, characterized by a long course of time, depressive manifestations, an overestimation of values, and attempts to prove its worth.
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Fears and phobias

Tips for those who are afraid to give birth

Motherhood is a wonderful time in the life of a woman. For many, children are the meaning of life, but the step into the world of motherhood causes fear in most women. Childbirth causes feelings and sensations, which no one managed to explain to the end, but at the same time more horror stories about them were going on than we would like. What to do if an invincible thought constantly turns in my head: “How am I afraid to give birth!
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Fears and phobias

Why does aerophobia and how to get rid of it?

Flights to other cities and countries are an integral part of the life of modern people. A professional or business trip, a honeymoon trip, or simply the desire to see the world is often associated with overcoming long distances on an airplane. Despite the fact that air transport is the safest in the world, uncontrolled fear arises among many passengers long before they have to step onto the ramp.
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Fears and phobias

How to get rid of fear: useful tips

Probably not in the world of people who would not have their own fears: even the strongest personalities are afraid of something, but the secret of their success is that they are able to overcome those negative emotions that arouses a feeling of fear inside. If you understand that any fear (fear of the dark or dogs, fear of losing a loved one, etc.
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Fears and phobias

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts and fears

I work as a psychologist for more than 10 years in one of the rehabilitation psychological centers. Once, on the threshold of this center, I met a girl who, somehow, hesitantly climbed the steps of the stairs. After some time, there was a knock at the door, it turned out that this is the same girl with whom I met at the entrance to the center.
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Fears and phobias

Fear of clowns: what is the name of a phobia?

Circus for the majority is a colorful celebration with the participation of various disguised characters, including funny clowns. Here are just some of the children, and adults are beginning to freeze with horror at the sight of a colorful figure with a bright nose and mouth. How does the fear of clowns arise? The concept of coolrophobia Uncontrolled and panic fear of clowns is called co-rorophobia.
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Fears and phobias

Tricks of Morpheus: why does a person talk in a dream?

Sleep disorders are not limited to insomnia and hypersomnia: there is another type of violation - parasomnia. Earlier, when medicine was extremely underdeveloped, and belief in the supernatural was an integral part of people's worldview, signs of parasomnias, including talking in a dream, were often explained by the intervention of spirits or demons, so frightening they were.
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Fears and phobias

Eats up "black" envy: how to get rid of it?

Envy can be felt by any person, even the one whose life develops successfully. This negative feeling invariably entails the appearance of pronounced discomfort, feelings of inferiority, negative emotions (such as sadness, irritation, anger). Some people begin to hate a person who is envied, and may try to seriously harm him: initiate a harassment in a team, use violence, even trying to kill.
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Fears and phobias

Carcinophobia - what is it and how to overcome?

Carcinophobia is a pathological fear of cancer. This phobia is considered one of the most common in the world and can seriously deteriorate the quality of life. A person who has it regularly suspects the presence of malignant tumors, often examines and studies materials related to cancer.
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Fears and phobias

Tanatophobia - what is the fear of a person?

Thanatophobia is a fear of dying. It is among the most common phobias in psychological and psychiatric practice. When such a pathological condition occurs, a person has a panic fear of death. Phobia has a very negative effect on the psyche and can provoke consequences that will, indeed, be life-threatening.
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Fears and phobias

"Drunk mother - family grief": signs of alcoholism in women

Currently, female alcoholism is not much less common than male alcoholism, but it is not easy to recognize it. To determine whether a woman has this problem can be determined by certain signs in her behavior. Concept and characteristics Female alcoholism is no different from male. This disease is characterized by physical, mental dependence on alcoholic beverages.
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Fears and phobias

What does this mean: if a person sleeps too much?

It is believed that with age a person begins to feel the need for a longer sleep. Is it really? And where does chronic lack of sleep occur in young people? Sleep rate Healthy sleep is the key to productivity. Scientists recommend sleeping at least 8 hours a day. If this recommendation is ignored, weakness, dizziness and headache, lethargy and problems with concentration can occur in the morning.
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