Polygraph or, in other words, a lie detector now actively used in different areas of human life: when investigating crimes, when applying for work in some structures, to verify people already working.
But how to pass a lie detector? To reduce the likelihood of errors in the results, it is important to prepare for the test.
How to prepare for the check?
Despite popular belief, lie detector not able to detect a lie with one hundred percent probability.
It only captures specific changes in the physiological state of the subject, which may indicate a lie, but may not indicate.
Scientific studies that have been repeatedly conducted in this direction show that polygraph testing can be useful only in certain cases, for example when interviewing a small number of people regarding the crime that happened.
However, polygraph testing is usually not the only method used to identify the truth about a crime.
Therefore, for a person who has learned that he is faced with a polygraph test, it is important to remember that imperfect. In order to reduce the likelihood of a device error, you should properly prepare for testing:
- Try to make your body feel good during the test. Be sure to sleep well. Sleep should be at least seven to eight hours, and you should go to bed at your usual time. Conduct procedures that have always helped you to calm down, feel better and get ready for bed, except for taking medications. For example, you can take a shower, lie in a foam bath, read a few chapters of your favorite book. Do not skip meals before checking.
- Study the information on how the polygraph works, how the check will be carried out. This will help you calm down. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude reading sites devoted to methods that can help hide a lie: there you can often find materials that make you more nervous.
- Do not take at least 24 hours a day before testing psychoactive substances.: tranquilizers, drugs, alcohol, antidepressants, antipsychotics. If you need to take any psychoactive substances on a regular basis in connection with the disease, notify those who organize the test. In some cases, it will even free you from having to get tested.
Also, you should not start taking a new drug on the eve of testing and participate in activities that include inhalation of toxic compounds (for example, painting walls, using toxic adhesives).
- Do not think too much about the upcoming testing and do not wind yourself. It is also important to discuss verification less with relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances: they may recall various “horror stories” and stereotypes associated with the polygraph that will make you feel uncomfortable.
- Try not to be nervous on the eve of testing. If possible, do not make important decisions, avoid conflict situations.
- Before checking, be sure to go to the toilet. If a person during the test will restrain the urge, straining the sphincters, it can adversely affect the test results.
Remember that a law-abiding citizen doesn’t make sense to fear a lie detector test.
Who can not take a polygraph?
Not all people are allowed to check on a lie detector, since many diseases and conditions can affect the test results.
- Age. Persons under the age of fourteen do not pass a lie detector test. A child of fourteen or sixteen years can be tested, but only if his parents or guardians give written consent. The test in this case takes place in the presence of a teacher or a psychologist.
If the child is over sixteen, testing is also carried out with the consent of the guardians, but the presence of a psychologist or teacher is not necessary.
- Mental illness, in particular those for which a person may demonstrate a certain degree of insanity: various types of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, some types of psychopathy.
- Oligophrenia. People with mental retardation are usually not able to get tested correctly.
- Severe hypertension, which is accompanied by severe hypertensive crises.
- The recovery period after a stroke, heart attack or serious surgery. If less than six months have passed since the moment of the operation or the development of a stroke, a heart attack
- Acute cardiovascular insufficiency and other serious heart diseases.
- Central nervous system lesions traumatic, organic nature.
- Pregnancy. In some cases, it is permissible to check if the pregnancy is in the first trimester, but on condition that the pregnant woman does not have pronounced toxicosis and other abnormalities.
During pregnancy, located in the second and third trimesters, the check is not carried out.
- The period of exposure to psychoactive substances: drugs, alcoholic beverages, tranquilizers, sedatives, antipsychotics, antidepressants. This also applies to non-standard means that can affect the central nervous system: inhalation (and use in a different form) of various chemical vapors, including the smell of glue, ingestion of various alcoholic liquors and colognes.
- Bronchial asthma, paroxysmal cough (it is often observed in the presence of various infectious diseases and tumor processes in the upper respiratory tract).
- Severe pain of any nature, especially one that cannot be controlled without the use of narcotic analgesics. If the pain is temporary (for example, severe pain before and during menstruation), the test is postponed.
- Epilepsy. If the person has epilepsy in an extremely mild form, then testing may be possible.
- Different types of exhaustion: physical, nervous.
- Hunger. If the subject did not eat for more than five hours, the test is not performed.
For people who have any other serious diseases and conditions, it is important to report them to the organizers of the test.
It is important for those who have diseases in which the test is contraindicated help from the doctor.
Also, experts who control the test, should take into account that the majority of older people have many chronic diseases and regularly take drugs that can influence the test results.
Features of the procedure
How is the polygraph test?
Before the test, the subject and the polygraph examiner discuss the following points:
- The expediency of testing in this period. The polygraph examiner asks the subject questions about his somatic and mental state, asks which medications he takes regularly, and so on.
- Discussion of questions that will be asked during the testing process. A list of questions should always be provided in advance. It should contain only those questions that can be answered in monosyllables: "yes" or "no." The subject should have time to study them carefully.
- Questions that will reveal the characteristics of the nature of the subject and his intellectual abilities.
- Other issues. For example, a test subject may ask a polygraph examiner questions that interest him. The polygraph examiner tells how the device works and how to behave.
The room in which it will be tested should be designed in a minimalist style: there should not be bright, colorful elements (ornaments, paintings on the walls), an abundance of objects.
AT ideally the room should be only equipment for the inspection and furniture for sitting. It is also desirable to have sound insulation, no windows.
After discussion, the subject fills in the necessary documentation and gets time to go to the toilet and wash his hands.
When polygraph sensors fixed on the body, the polygraph examiner adjusts it in a certain way.
In parallel, he can ask questions that show how a person reacts to a lie, and allow better adjust the polygraph.
After this, testing starts directly. One test usually includes about twelve questions, but there are several such tests in full.
The polygraph test lasts a long time, since it is carried out in stages. How long is the polygraph? On average, it takes an hour or more, depending on the nature of the test and other conditions.
The results of the test notify later: this can happen in a week or in a month. The more subjects tested and the longer the test is conducted, the more time specialists will need to process the result.
How to behave during the examination?
Tips to successfully pass the test:
- Allow yourself to be nervous. Most people undergoing a lie detector test are not able to maintain complete peace of mind, and this is normal. Trying to artificially "adjust" yourself is meaningless, try to behave naturally better, so that the specialist can better understand how you react to the truth and lies.
- Answer truthfully. The polygraph test is usually carried out by people who have not done anything wrong. Just answer honestly questions and rest assured that everything will be in order.
- Remember that you can ask the polygraph examiner to ask you a question several times. During the discussion, you can check with him how often you can do this. You can also answer the asked question immediately. No need to rush to answer: listen to the question completely and only then answer.
Each person must decide for himself whether he wants to try to deceive the device or not. In fact, the best option would be to eliminate deception, since not all people can good enough to control your own state.
In addition, before checking, an expert can inspect you: for example, ask to take off your shoes to make sure that you did not put a button there in order to influence the results with the help of pain.
An experienced polygraph examiner is able to notice other similar tricks, for example, to see how you bite your tongue or strain your muscles. Therefore, a person who seeks to deceive a polygraph, it is necessary to choose methods that provide self-control and relaxation practice.
Questions frequently asked by polygraph examiners
Common sample questions asked by people coming to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs:
- "Do you like to humiliate anyone?";
- "Have you ever used psychoactive / narcotic substances?";
- "Have you ever hurt an animal / killed an animal?";
- “Did you manage transportation during the period of alcohol intoxication?”;
- "Do you like weapons?";
- "Do you like alcoholic beverages?".
Also, questions are usually aimed at identifying the employee’s propensity to commit unlawful acts (bribery, possession of drugs, weapons, craving for cruelty, violence, theft).
Common questions asked by people entering the service of the FSBare similar to those that are set when they join the police, and may include such as:
- “Do you have a criminal record?”;
- “Do you have any experience using drugs?”;
- "Do you like to drink alcohol?".
People trying get a job at the enterprisemay also be faced with the need to pass a polygraph test.
As a rule, the questions are similar to those mentioned above, and are usually aimed at identifying people who have committed illegal acts that have a tendency to various addictions (narcotic, alcohol addiction, gambling), having connections in the criminal world, taking bribes and so on.
What to do if the polygraph did not pass in the Ministry of Internal Affairs? If a person could not be tested, he is denied employment. He can re-pass the test, but usually not earlier than six months.
How is the lie detector test? Find out from the video: