Fears and phobias

Tips for those who are afraid to give birth

Motherhood is a wonderful time in the life of a woman. For many, children are the meaning of life, but the step into the world of motherhood causes fear in most women. Childbirth causes feelings and sensations, which no one managed to explain to the end, but at the same time more horror stories about them were going on than we would like. What to do if an invincible thought constantly turns in my head: “How am I afraid to give birth!”?

Such thoughts can be visited by all women: those who are in the position, and those who only assume a future pregnancy but abstain because of fear. Everyone needs to learn to direct their thoughts in the right direction.

Not pregnant

Pregnancy and childbirth - a matter of purely individual. Therefore, in order not to feed your fear, you need to attach less importance to what others say or write about childbirth. In various forums and groups similar topics can be discussed, and women there tell stories and stories, one more terrible than the other. Not only that most of them are a horror story, embellished with every gossip girl, so they also impose the idea that a similar story necessarily happens to each. This is not true.

In contrast to the opinions of home-grown specialists, you need to know the point of view of someone who actually understands the issue. In general, any woman, regardless of her age and lifestyle, needs to visit a gynecologist at least once a year. He needs to learn about the possible risks and ways to protect themselves. He may order additional tests, and will give clear recommendations based on the facts. Doing everything for your own health and the health of the baby is easier to get rid of fear.

Communication with the doctor will give confidence, because fears are born from ignorance.

The woman is arranged so that for her a discussion of the problem is already 50% of her solution. Therefore, even if with all the efforts made, fear does not pass, it is worthwhile to talk about it with those who are trustworthy, for example, with a mother, close friend or husband. It is important that this person himself is not one of the number inspired and greedy for scary stories.


A little differently, this topic affects those who are already in position, and the fear of giving birth does not give rest. The feeling of hopelessness is mixed with this, and such a cocktail can provoke a serious panic. What can be done?

First of all, you need to understand for yourself that experiences can be triggered by changes in the hormonal background. This will help to treat the experiences simply as symptoms that do not have a real basis.

It is necessary to tell the doctor about your fears. Perhaps he will advise some drugs and vitamins for the nervous system, suggest how to build a routine and give other recommendations on this matter.

Some women drive themselves into even greater panic, inventing unnecessary rules for themselves. In most cases, if there are no pathologies, you need to adhere to the usual way of life. If you just sit at home and think about how scary to give birth, you can become a real victim of self-hypnosis.

There is a widespread myth that during pregnancy you need to move less, and certainly not have sex. This is not true. Unless certain pathologies have been identified, it is necessary to refrain from intimate relationships only in the first couple of months, in the last stages of the period, and at the time when monthly periods have passed.

The rest of the time, sex is not only not contraindicated, but, on the contrary, recommended. With regard to physical activity in the fresh air - it is simply necessary for oxygenation of both mother and her expected baby.

Causes of fear and ways to fight

Often the fear of childbirth has little to do with real life. More often than not, this thought is fueled by somewhere read ideas and someone told stories. These fears include, for example, the fear of unbearable pain. What just do not write on this subject: the measurement of pain in the number of broken bones, detailed descriptions and much more overwhelms various online forums. After reading any hair on your head will move. The solution is simple - do not read. Most of the writing can not be true. You need to trust only trusted sources and remember that every woman's body is unique. Some even comb their hair very painful.

For most people, adrenaline inhibits muscle. Therefore, there is a simple relationship: the more a woman is afraid, the harder it can be. Therefore, you need to learn how to get rid of fear and relax at least for the sake of your own well-being, and the well-being of the child.

For some, breathing exercises help, it teaches the ability to relax the body forcibly.

Others are scared because they do not trust doctors. In fact, it is not easy to find a specialist who could be trusted with your life and your child. Therefore it is worth spending time and in advance to find a doctor, talk with him. Find a specialist who is easy to trust is not easy, so the search must begin the sooner the better.

No less terrible is superstition, which people associate with pregnancy and childbirth. Many women in position are becoming very suggestible. There is a fear that if she knits or sews, for example, something will happen to the child. It begins to spread to other areas of life, and as a result, fear literally pursues the future mother at every step. No need to let superstition inspire such thoughts. Mom's constant anxiety is what can really harm a baby.

Sometimes fear becomes an obsession. If it causes physical symptoms, such as insomnia, dry mouth, or panic attacks, the woman should consult a specialist.

One of the decisive factors is the attitude towards childbirth. What does the expectant mother focus on: pain, possible problems with the figure, or at the meeting with the long-awaited baby? What she thinks about influences how the delivery goes. Therefore, every mother should think about how to bathe the baby, feed, everything that happens when he is born. There are so many of these troubles that fears will be relegated to the last plan.

Therefore, in order to cope with your fears, every woman needs to listen to tales about childbirth less, and more - to her doctor, to follow the usual rhythm of life and think of motherhood as a beautiful time with her joys and difficulties.

Watch the video: Patient Education Animation: Labor and Vaginal Birth (May 2024).