Fears and phobias

I'm afraid to have a baby for the first time: what to do with tokofobii?

The excitement and fear of one of the most important events in the life of the future mother is natural.

But what will happen if this fear grow into a real phobiathat will start poisoning her life?

What to do if a woman is afraid to give birth for the first time?

Tocophobia - the concept and characteristics

Tokofobiya - This is a pathological fear of pregnancy and childbirth.

Present in 10% of women on our planet. It leads to the fact that a woman can refuse to have children at all, but at the same time she is very unwilling and willing to have a child.

Scientists believe that it is tokofobiya that causes fertility decline in European countries. Experts are sure that the reason for this phobia comes from childhood.

At a young age, girls are especially impressionable, having heard that giving birth is a painful process, or having seen a film in which everything is shown in detail, a girl can once and for all stop wanting to have a baby.

Usually there are two types of tokofobii: women who have not yet given birth suffer primary. The causes of their phobias may be hiding, for example, sexual harassment.

A second type of suffering women who have already given birth. Their reasons are quite clear: previous births were too severe, postpartum depression and so on.

If a woman who is sick with tokofobiya still becomes pregnant, then the worst thing she can do is get rid of the baby. Many do so, the fear of childbirth and pregnancy is so great that girls simply can not cope with it.

The main thing here is to have a desire to solve the problem of phobias, and not to consider the problem of a child. At the same time, making abortionMany people realize that this is a mistake, that the child is willing, but they still cannot overcome their fear.

Women who are still able to cope and agreed to give birth, often persuade doctors to cesarean section, even if there is no medical indication for it.

In this case, the doctors still have to agree and carry out the operation.

After all, no one can predict how a woman’s body will react during natural childbirth.

There may be serious problems. Women in labor with tokofobiya believe that cesarean is a kind of control over the situation.

Psychologist about the fears of pregnant women:

What is the fear?

Tocophobia is expressed by certain by symptoms:

  • tachycardia (heart palpitations);
  • sleep disturbance and nightmares;
  • panic attacks;
  • inexplicable and insurmountable fear of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • constant psychological stress;
  • anxiety;
  • nervousness and nervous breakdown.

All this and more is serious threat to pregnancy women.

Feeling of panic and fear is destructive, feeling all this, a woman can make decisions, guided by emotions.

Constant nervous excitement can badly affect the course of pregnancy and even the baby. Fear is expressed in the fact that a woman may decide to terminate a pregnancy or else refuse to give birth.

It is very difficult to simply convince, in this situation, the help of specialists is needed, because tokophobia is usually justified by certain reasons.

Why idea of ​​childless lifestyle gaining momentum? Childfrey, the pros and cons of pregnancy:

Causes of phobia

Tocophobia is not just the excitement and experience that most mothers have experienced, it’s real paralyzing fear. A woman feels strong excitement, trembling in her hands, panic, the most terrible thoughts creep into her head.

Agree, this is not just an easy jitter before the most important decision in life? This phobia drives many crazy and for a reason.

Often, those suffering from tokofobiya experienced some kind of event that left a bright imprint on their psyche. The reasons can be both psychological and physical. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • sexual harassment or sexual abuse, in consequence, such an event may cause severe depression, which in the future may cause phobias;
  • pregnancy at a young age when the boy and the girl were not yet ready to become parents;
  • abortion in adolescence;
  • previous painful childbirth;
  • postpartum depression;
  • the birth of a dead or unhealthy child;
  • the fear that life will not change for the better;
  • fear that a woman cannot become a good mother;
  • fear of losing the beauty of the body and health;
  • fear of complications during childbirth;
  • many women admit that the cause of their phobias is the media, which vividly depict the process of childbirth, once viewed a movie with all the details may adversely affect the psyche of future mothers;
  • fear of severe pain;
  • fear of dying during childbirth.

How to get rid of fear miscarriage or missed abortion? Psychologist tips:

How to overcome fear?

The first thing to do is recognize your problem and seek help from specialists.

Tocophobia, like any other phobia, is amenable to therapy. The main thing is to take the first step.

A conversation with a psychologist will help find out the causes of fear. It happens that it is easier for a woman to share her inner feelings with a stranger than with close relatives. A psychologist, after listening to the whole story and determining the cause, prescribe treatment.

It is necessary for someone to explain to the expectant mother what actually happens to the body during pregnancy, how the birth goes, what the risks are.

Woman must know and understand what awaits her. For this there is a special training. It can take place both individually and in groups.

Support for family and loved ones is very important in this situation. A woman should see that her problem is shared, and the future mother herself is supported.

Relaxation, meditation, yoga - all this is good helper in the fight with your fear.

Respiratory gymnastics is used to treat many phobias. It helps to cope with a panic attack and to establish an even breathing. In some cases, hypnotherapy can be used - hypnosis treatment.

And of course, do not forget about the permanent consultations and conversations with a psychologist.

How to get rid of the fear of childbirth? Find out from the video:

Recommendations of psychologists

Not all girls are afraid of childbirth, many have a variety of fears:

  1. “I'm afraid I can't get pregnant”: Some girls are terrified of not being able to get pregnant. Some have their own reasons for this: the doctor said that it will be difficult to get pregnant, or some relatives have problems in the family; for others, this fear may not be justified at all. Psychologists advise to be screened. If there is no reason to worry about the fact that you can not get pregnant, then this fear should be banal, let go. If someone in the family had problems with pregnancy or childbirth, this does not mean that you will have them. But if there are some health problems - do not despair. It is necessary to take all attempts and methods to conceive a child. During this period it is best to keep in touch with your psychologist.
  2. “I'm afraid to get pregnant”: Some girls on the contrary are terribly afraid of getting pregnant. This may be due to the fact that they do not want children at all (it has nothing to do with tokofobiya), or they are not yet ready for them.

    In such cases, you should always use contraceptives, so as not to worry about it.

  3. "I'm afraid I'm already pregnant": women turn to psychologists for help in panic, fearing that they are already pregnant. Some of them are simply not ready to become mothers right now, so they do not know what to do. First you need to do a test. If he showed a positive result, then you should not panic, you need to decide whether you want this child or not. Do not worry about the fact that you are not yet ready. No one is ever 100% ready. The main thing is the support of loved ones, they will help you get through it. And of course, you should not stop visiting a psychologist, no matter what decision you take.
  4. “I'm afraid of missed abortion”: most women fear that their baby will die before being born. You can understand their fears, but they are often groundless. In this case, to calm down, you need to go through all the tests and make sure that your child is healthy.
  5. "I am very afraid to give birth to my first child": and this is not surprising! The first birth is always scary and exciting. In this case, it is better to look like courses that tell you how the pregnancy proceeds, what awaits the future mother during childbirth. She must understand that there is nothing particularly terrible about it. Many women go through this and all of them once were just so afraid. If the fear is too strong, it is worth visiting a psychologist. You can be like group counseling, where mommies share their fears and experiences. A woman should understand that she is not alone, and her fears are not far-fetched.
  6. "It is terrible to have a second child": for many women, the first birth is difficult and painful. Remembering them, she does not want a second pregnancy. The first time is always scary.

    Do not forget that the second time may not be so painful.

    You can ask the doctors to have a cesarean section during the second birth.

  7. "I'm afraid to give birth to a sick child": this fear is quite understandable. To make sure your baby is born healthy, you need to go to the clinic and go through all the tests and procedures. Why just eat yourself if all this can be figured out long before the birth.

Second child Errors of parents that should not be repeated:

Pharmacological therapy

Tocophobia is very rarely treated. medication drugs.

After all, do not forget that pregnant women better to exclude most of the drugs.

In some moments can be used soothing drugs.

In cases where the phobia is too neglected and causes a depressed state and even suicidal thoughts, antidepressants can be prescribed.

Fear of pregnancy is naturally, the main thing is that it does not develop into a real phobia. But even from this phobia, you can get rid of, if at the time ask for help.