
How to stop hating yourself: the advice and opinion of psychologists

"How to stop hating yourself? How to stop thinking that you are lonely, worthless, stop thinking about the bad and become happy? If only for a moment, find out what others feel, who just live and enjoy every day." If you are visited by such thoughts, then you just need to take time out and sort yourself out.

Where does the negative come from and how to cope with it?

The roots of the problem are often in remote childhood, in difficult relationships with parents or peers. In order to find out the real reasons for self-hatred, you should visit a psychotherapist. But on your own, you can track down what makes you feel negative, learn how to manage your emotions, and understand when self-acceptance is a projection of your own powerlessness over circumstances.

Remember when you first said: "I hate myself and my life"? Why did this happen? Often the impetus for such thoughts and subsequent self-destruction is a painful defeat or rejection on the part of the person whose opinion matters to you. Consider the most common, which will help find the answer to the question: "Why I hate myself."

Dissatisfaction with appearance

In childhood we all consider ourselves beautiful, girls are princesses, boys believe in their strength and masculinity. Until someone “good” catches your nose with potatoes, freckles all over your body, a scar from a burn. This can happen at any age, both in the form of a teaser and “foo, how nasty”, and under the guise of polite sympathy. One way or another, if you pointed out a flaw, it is difficult to forget about it, certain complexes arise. And if this is also a truly significant external defect, then self-hostility and the feeling of being "not so" will pursue all your life.

Rejection of your body

Same as in the previous paragraph. I just want to add that often we see ourselves as if through a curved mirror. All our faults are exaggerated. Overweight, small breasts, short legs can actually be normal and absolutely not terrible.

Even if there really is a problem, this is a reason to work on it. Remember: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." A person who is benevolent towards you will not see a flaw. And the one who sees, treats you not so friendly. Does his opinion have any meaning? Maybe he points out your shortcomings in order to assert himself against their background?

Financial turmoil and unsettled life

Often, uncertainty in life and financial inconsistency cause self-hatred. The psychology of this phenomenon is that a person with the onset of the "black band" begins to consider himself worthless and failed, blames himself for all difficulties.

In modern society, the cult of success. If something is wrong with you, it means that you are an outcast, not like everyone else. In fact, this idea is promoted by the media, TV shows and social networks. But behind the beautiful photos on Instagram lies the ordinary life. Each of us has ups and downs, if you now have just the second option - you just need to wait it out and you should not destroy yourself morally.

Doubts in their abilities

You are a timid and indecisive person, and this often keeps dreams from coming true. It always seems that someone works better, more talented, prettier. You often have to watch how, because of indecision, all plans are crumbling, and someone more talented takes your place. Therefore, you often say to yourself: "I hate my life and myself."

Accept the fact that some people are more courageous, but are inferior in another. If you are a humble person, there is no problem. But not in the case when the cause of indecision lies in low self-esteem. Life is work on yourself. Eliminate doubts, raise personal status not so much in the eyes of others, as in their own. It will become much easier for you to solve the arising situations, and the negative towards yourself will go away.

Constant comparisons with others are not in their favor.

Previously, boasting was considered something shameful. Now, many are trying to establish themselves by what they have. And, in the end, to show off their successes - this is not an illegal act. But starting to compare yourself with peers, former classmates and friends, you suddenly notice that everything is more successful and more beautiful than you. Motivation to live disappears and hands fall. How does such a worthless creature still walk the earth?

What if you hate yourself because you are worse than others? Stop feeling sorry for yourself and “look at other people's windows”. People show only what they want others to see, you do not know the inside story. And if you really want to achieve something, wake up the emotion of anger in yourself. No need to hate yourself, get mad at the whole world. And tell yourself: "I will achieve everything myself, no matter what effort it costs."

Harassment by others

The team at work, at school, university and even the family has its favorites and there are outsiders. If you belong to the latter category, for sure you yourself are not better than your offenders. What if I hate myself because others do not accept me?

The first thing to do is change the team. It is unlikely that relations will develop here, without the work of a specialist with the whole group, nothing will change. But in order for the situation to not recur in the new place, consult a psychologist. You need to cope with the injury, believe yourself again and carry out "work on the bugs." If harassment occurs in the family, we recommend contacting a specialist together.

Dependence on drugs, alcohol, food

About the dangers of drugs and alcohol on the human psyche, everyone knows from the cradle. It is difficult to cope with a neglected addiction, this leads to a prolonged depression, a feeling of “noose around the neck” and even suicide. And addiction to food?

This is not a typo. Bulimia and anorexia are mental disorders that develop against the background of the desire of girls to meet the imposed ideals of beauty. Often these are two sides of the same coin. The girl refuses food to look perfect, after some time there is a breakdown, which is accompanied by an uncontrolled absorption of food. Then comes self-destruction and self-loathing.

If you dislike yourself because of a problem that you cannot solve - contact a specialist as soon as possible. Do not execute yourself only because you are entangled in yourself and your own life. "Unravel" this tangle is much easier than it seems. Just do not give up and fight for your happiness!

Watch the video: 10 Psychology Problems Caused by Parenting Behavior (January 2025).