Personal growth

How to find a goal in life?

For life to be interesting, eventful and meaningful, a person needs to decide what he lives on this planet for. This is not difficult to do, it is enough to answer a few simple questions. Then you can determine how to find a goal in life.

1. What do you prefer to do?
First, think about what activity brings you pleasure. What can you do for a long time without getting tired, while experiencing joy and a sense of moral satisfaction? Your main life goal is directly related to your favorite activity.
For example, Steve Jobs always liked computer technology. He also loved to speak in front of a large audience. As a result, he founded the company Apple and became one of the most successful and wealthy entrepreneurs in the world. You can cite many more such examples, the main idea of ​​which is that you can find your vocation only when you are doing what you like.
2. Do you often dream?
Anyone who wants to make his life better. It does not matter whether he is rich or poor, handsome or not, merciful or evil, etc. Think about what you dream and how often you do it.
According to statistics, most people dream of improving their financial situation, strengthening their health and reciprocity of romantic feelings. By mistake, they accept these desires as the goal of life. But it lies a little deeper. For example, when you want to get rich, you draw possibilities in your head how to do it. The method that most often comes to mind that you think about carefully is a reflection of your life purpose.
3. What do people ask you about?
Have you ever noticed that several people from your environment repeatedly ask you about something? Perhaps friends who have heard you sing insist that you sing again. Or those who have tried your meals more than once, want you to cook for the holiday.
If yes, then you should pay attention to your talent. After all, without making special efforts, you manage to surprise and delight your loved ones. What seems ordinary to you is what others see as a gift sent from heaven. It is this activity that gives you a guide to the main goal of your life.
4. What drives you?
There are moments in life when everything is terribly annoying and you don’t want to do anything at all. But as soon as something happens, you have the desire and strength to do all the work that has accumulated at once. The reason for this may be interesting news, a long-awaited meeting, unexpected material profits, etc. In short, you need to understand what inspires you.
This moment will become a guideline that will help you understand how to find the goal of your life. For example, if you cheered up after playing sports, then you should think about a sports career. And when you were inspired after a well-drawn picture, it is a signal that you can become a famous artist.
5. Imagine that you have everything. What would you like more?
Draw in your fantasy a picture in which you are rich, loved, you have excellent health and a wonderful family. What would you do without knowing the material, domestic and love problems?
Maybe do charity? Would you help orphans or lonely old people? Or would you open a chic beauty salon to make thousands of women and men beautiful and happy? Or maybe they would build a huge house in which your big, friendly family would live?
If you honestly answer these questions, you will become much closer to understanding the purpose of your life. After all, in order to help the disadvantaged, it is not necessary to have a lot of money. And to create masterpieces with a human appearance can be at home, having a modest set of cosmetics. There are many such examples. The main thing is to understand that the goal of your life is not a global concept, but what you can do today.
6. What do you notice in the outside world?
There are people who in the bustle of life do not notice many things. For example, only the blossoming spring foliage, a homeless kitten on the street, the sincere joy that another child is experiencing, etc. And what do you see when you leave the house? Moody faces, hurrying to work people? The beauty of your city? Or do you not pay attention to what surrounds you?
Based on your personal feelings and observations, you will get a hint of what your life goal is. And by defining it, you can find the answer to the question of how to understand what you want to do in life. A person who notices around himself a lot of little things, is located to work that requires a creative approach. And those who are constantly fascinated by their inner world, can realize themselves in areas such as the exact sciences, finance and physical labor.
Having correctly defined your life purpose, and stubbornly moving in its direction, you will become a prosperous, happy person.

Watch the video: How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes. Adam Leipzig. TEDxMalibu (January 2025).