A life

Mental pain and tranquility in representatives of different types of temperament

The heartache is, nevertheless, a useful feeling, because thanks to it a person feels more positively positive emotions. To deeply know the inner peace, you will have to endure heaviness, sadness.

However, each painful experience is different in its own way. People of different temperaments rejoice and grieve unequally. How, in general, do you feel melancholy and harmony in the soul? How can you find a balance between them? What to do to always have happiness, inspiration, love of life inside?

What is heartache

Mental pain is a deep negative emotional state that is not caused by physiology. This means that the state of health does not affect the appearance or development of moral gravity. But the negative experiences in the soul, on the contrary, can significantly affect the state of health. If sadness lasts long enough, then it causes:

  • sleep disorders, nutrition;
  • headaches, clouded consciousness;
  • blood pressure surges, uneven pulse;
  • memory impairment, concentration;
  • weakness, lethargy, pain in the joints, muscles;
  • problems with skin, hair, nails;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • tremor, nervous tics, impaired coordination, difficulties with the vestibular apparatus.

Appear such a state when the soul hurts, maybe for different reasons. Treason, undivided feelings, loss, absence or unattainability of goals - only a small part of the possible causes. Pain threshold for each his own. People perceive differently bad feelings, difficult living conditions, and therefore react to them accordingly. What is trivial for one, a little difficult, for another is a tragedy. How does a sanguine person, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic react to inner sadness?

How does the pain in the soul in different temperaments

The table presents the main types of reactions to long-term spiritual longing in people with different temperaments. You can find out on our website by passing a test for temperament.

CholericPhlegmatic personSanguineMelancholic
Breaks down on others, including relatives.Indifference is growing, including to life.Increases impermanence. Starts to rush from one extreme to another.Self-isolated from society, even from relatives.
There is anger at yourself, frustration in their own capabilities, strengths.Starts to avoid loved ones, becomes incredulous.Fully releases self-control, shows frivolity, superficiality.He conducts self-digging, then starts blaming himself for all the problems.
The tendency to gambling, alcoholism, drug addiction is increasing.Excessive shyness, uncertainty go to a new level.Deterioration of concentration, perseverance.A whining mood with emotional breaks prevails.
Increases the level of aggression, which can grow into violence.Appears apathy, indifference to the daily needs and responsibilities.Not finding an instant exit, is able to fall into depression.Refuses from joys, interests, hobbies.
Self-control is reduced in all areas of life.The reaction to positive events is becoming less noticeable.More often makes impulsive, unjustified decisions.Increased suicidal tendencies.
Practiced by self-punishment.Laziness is progressing.Nervousness occurs.Abuses sedatives.
Heart problems increase.All actions are performed automatically without thinking about why they are needed and whether they are needed at all.He stops listening to logic, acts only on sensations. The balance between the mind and the senses is disturbed.External manifestations of emotions become more scarce.
There are manias, increased anxiety.Strengthening attachment to the state. The desire to actively get rid of it disappears.Confusion, forgetfulness, searching for yourself in dangerous directions pose an even greater threat.Fears, phobias, neurosis, and even psychosis develop.

What is peace of mind

Peace of mind is a state of inner peace, harmony with the outside world and yourself. It makes it easier to experience difficulties, overcome obstacles, and notice even small joys. Often, the path to this equilibrium lies through self-knowledge. A person who has a balance in his soul has the following peculiarities:

  • knows about his desires, recognizes them, sets not always easy, but quite achievable goals;
  • enjoys the opportunities that are provided to him, appreciates life;
  • perceives each failure as an experience, an opportunity to grow even more;
  • leaves memories from the past, but does not live by them, realistically looks to the future;
  • understands that it is impossible to completely avoid problems, learns to cope with heartache;
  • able to choose people for his environment, does not communicate with anyone out of pity, awkwardness, feelings of guilt, fear of refusing or upsetting;
  • realizes how important it is sometimes to say the word "no";
  • successfully combines all spheres of his own life;
  • positive attitude to people, does not show aggression, if it encounters another, distinctive from its point of view;
  • possesses adequate self-esteem, is realistic, but sometimes allows himself to dream a little.

As in the case of pain, peace of mind is perceived by all differently. How can you achieve it?

How to achieve inner harmony to all temperaments

The table describes effective methods for different temperamental types.

CholericPhlegmatic personSanguineMelancholic
Learn to control your emotions, especially anger.Try to express emotions, not accumulate them in yourself.To accustom yourself to assiduity, to train attentiveness.Often communicate with optimists, funny personalities.
Find a safe path for yourself and those around you that helps give an outlet to your feelings.Add more physical activity to your daily routine.To analyze your life, to accept changes that will solve the problem of mental pain.Stop going into yourself and look for the cause of problems in your own behavior.
Learn more about relaxation techniques.Learn to accept change and change yourself.Do not suppress the natural joyful emotions.Look positive in everything that happens around.
Be more often in nature, try to feel the harmonious atmosphere.Open up to loved ones, relatives, trust them with your experiences.Often listen to your rational part - to the mind.Learning is easier to endure trouble, seeing them as a valuable experience.
Do meditation, yoga, or any spiritual practice.stop being lazy about taking care of your body and soul.To accept the fact that negative spiritual experiences do not pass quickly, so you have to be patient.Trust your own intuition - it is best developed in melancholic.
Focus only on one or two tasks and consistently bring them to the end.Set goals clearly described, try to achieve them, overcoming all obstacles.Try to understand the problem on a large scale, from all sides, given the dangers, complications.Love yourself to take care of your feelings, get rid of feelings of guilt or obsession.
Try to develop flexible self-control, eliminate chaos, and bring order to affairs.Start a cat, and even better - a dog. Caring for a pet already makes a person active and cheerful.Try to slightly reduce the pace of life, enjoy the moment here and now.Avoid loneliness, but look for standing people who rightly appreciate the good features of a melancholic.

Some of these tips can actually be implemented independently or with the help and support of loved ones. However, for the majority it is better to ask for help. It can be provided by a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Short-term mental pain is extremely helpful. It shows which problems are best solved immediately and how to prevent depression or other serious conditions. Internal balance gives joy, inspiration. It also helps to establish a mutually beneficial relationship between people, nature, and personal interests, goals. Each type of temperament is able to achieve such harmony. To strive for this is to seek your own path to happiness. And after passing the depression test, you can find out if the heartache is related to it.

Watch the video: Studies in Pessimism by Arthur Schopenhauer (May 2024).