
Top 30 best motivating quotes

Motivating quotes

A small selection of motivating quotes

1. "The goal includes ignition, starts the engine and feeds our souls"

2. "Do your best from yourself, God will do the impossible"

3. "Most people are much stronger than they think, they just sometimes forget to believe it."

4."The highest pleasure is to do what, in the opinion of others, you cannot do."

5. "If you like something, then you can make it a profitable occupation, regardless of the scope of your activities." Harvey McKay:

6. The most purposeful person is the one who really wants to go to the toilet. All obstacles seem insignificant. Agree, funny to hear phrases like:
I described myself because:
- there was no time to go to the toilet.
- I was too tired.
- lost hope. I did not believe that I could reach.
- Well, of course. He ran down. He has long legs.
- I'm too stupid to do it.
- I have already been described 5 times. I will never be able to run.
- this is clearly not for me.
- I knocked on the toilet - but they didn’t open it to me.
- I did not have enough motivation.
- I was depressed.
- I have no money, I can not afford it!
- I decided to go tomorrow
Do you often go to the goal, as if running to the toilet?

7. If you really want to do something, then you will find a solution. If you don't really want it, you will find an excuse

8.Take a step and the road will appear by itself.

9.You can get everything you need, if you really need it.

10. Better a little thing than a big plan without action

11. It will take 3-15 years, and you will regret more about what you did not do than about what you did wrong.

12. The number of successful events on your way depends on your desire to act.

13.We ourselves invent our own problems, obstacles, complexes and frames, free yourself - breathe life and understand that you can do anything.

14. Never tell people about your plans. Just take it and do it. Let them be surprised by the results, not by chatter.

15. Discipline is the decision to do what I really do not want to do in order to achieve what I really want to achieve.

16. The one who has conquered himself in this life conquers ... the one who conquered his fear, his laziness and his insecurity. © Javier Hernandez

17. The main thing to remember is that any falls are preparing us for new highs.

18. "Ideas are the key to the future"

19. Only actions change something. If there are no deeds, then everything remains the same.

20. "At first you form habits, and then habits form you"

21.Every morning is a time to start life again. Paulo Coelho

22. The problem is that, without risking, we risk a hundred times more. © Marcus Aurelius

23. "Our doubts are our traitors. They make us lose what we could possibly win if we were not afraid to try."

24. Do not look for motivation for yourself - become motivation for others!

25. The will is what makes you win when your reason tells you that you are defeated.
Carlos Castaneda

26. A good idea without action is nothing.

27. You can not always wait for the right moment, you just need to create it.

28. "The goal would be set - and the chain of trial and error itself would lead to the desired result." Haruki Murakami

29. The real goal is not something that prevents sleep at night, but something that makes you get out of bed early in the morning.

30. If you do not dare to do this today, tomorrow will be the same as yesterday.

Watch the video: Top 30 Inspirational Quotes That will Change Your Life (December 2024).