Love and relationship

How to deal with a guy: important rules

Often, girls aged 16-20, and sometimes 40 years, do not know how to behave with a guy. They are shy, posing as Miss inaccessibility, calculating bitch, little girl, cool chick or something worse. Of course, such a mask can cause interest, but for how long? Not usually. If the calculation of a long-term serious relationship, the girl needs to express themselves differently. But how to behave with the guy you like? Today I will tell you a couple of secrets, having learned that you will never be abandoned or rejected.

Healthy egoism

Surprisingly, it is rational egoism that is the main secret of male success. Actually, it doesn't matter what you look like. What matters is how you feel about yourself. Surely you have noticed a couple in which he or she, to put it mildly, "not very." Or they watched as unremarkable girls successfully build relationships, and sultry beauties spend the evenings alone. Does this surprise you? I am not.

It is impossible to love a person who does not love himself. Even if the girl is super-beautiful, but she constantly finds disadvantages in herself, is afraid of expressing herself, the guy will soon perceive her as well. In addition, with low self-esteem a person often swallows insults and insults, does not know how to build personal boundaries. A healthy relationship is difficult to build with him.

But how to express this most healthy egoism? Just love yourself. Sincerely, with all the flaws. Each person is valuable in its own way. Even if you now look or feel not very good, you do not need to focus attention on this. Never lower your head, keep it high. Do not overdo it.

Continue to cultivate and care for yourself. Try to do this out of self-love, and not to assess others. Remember the dignity. Do not run after the guy, he should still try to get such a valuable "prize". But do not stay arrogant, be open to communication.

Facial expression and body language

How do animals understand each other? That's right, according to the movements of the body. This is the most ancient way of communication, and between people too. So, if you constantly cross your legs and arms, then you thereby close your interlocutor. If you constantly look around, you show boredom. To win over a guy, you need to behave as follows:

  1. Smile Do it sincerely. It is better to smile slightly at the corners of your lips than to show a tense smile on all your teeth.
  2. Give a nod if the guy tells you something. He must see that you are interested. Unless, of course, this is actually the case.
  3. Turn to him with your whole body. So you will demonstrate that you are open for communication and are ready to give him your attention.
  4. Straighten your hair, clothes, lightly touch your lips, arch your back, stretch, with your hands behind your head. With this you pay attention to your appearance: "Hey, handsome, I try to please you." Do this unobtrusively, just a couple of times during the conversation.
  5. Let the guy take a closer look. A distance of 30-50 cm is considered intimate. If two people communicate so closely, it means that they trust each other, feel sympathy. Just do not put between you a bag or other items.
  6. Look into his eyes for a long time. Let him feel that you are considering him. Then behave as if nothing had happened. Let him break his head: "Why did she look at me like that? Maybe she likes me? Or did I say something wrong?"
  7. When the guy has already admitted his sympathy, do not rush to open him access to his body. Touching hands, light kisses without a tongue, hugs - yes, and leave the rest under the ban. You love and appreciate yourself, is not it? So, for more intimate caresses, you need to make sure that the guy is serious. For 3 weeks, he will suffer enough from the desire and understand how much you care for him (and you, by the way, too).

Manner of communication

You know what annoys guys in girls? Excessive talkativeness, screeching and abusive words. First, the guys just can not absorb the large streams of information. Especially if they are full of irrelevant details. The attention at them is simply disconnected, they cease to listen to the girl in general. Secondly, the shrill high notes that girls get when they get excited, they cut their ears. Well, and thirdly, mat. Of course, this is part of our rich Russian language and sometimes it is really impossible to get along without it. But if a girl uses strong words in each of her sentences, then there is a feeling that you communicate not with a beautiful creature who needs care and love, but with a rude, uncouth man.

Now about how to properly behave with a guy. There are only a few important rules:

  1. Speak briefly, in fact, especially when it comes to something important.
  2. If you need to ask a guy for something, do not use hints. Ask openly.
  3. Listen carefully to him, ask, find common interests and topics for conversation.
  4. Watch for intonation. Calm, chest voice acts seductively on guys. Shy, on the contrary, repels.
  5. Do not tell the details about the former relationship, even if he asks. All information will be used against you.

Manifestation of feelings

Many girls run after the guy, beat him from rivals and as a result achieve their goal. You can do this if you are not afraid that the beloved is conceited and will treat you with disdain. In this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that you have to continue to constantly prove the "worthiness" of your candidacy. But it is better to do otherwise.

Expressing sympathy to the guy should be unobtrusive, using all his feminine trick. For example, you can ask him to fix something at home and use the excuse to feed him deliciously. Also, guys love when they are sincerely admired, speak on any topic openly and honestly. Friendly unobtrusive communication, the manifestation of their feminine qualities - this is the key to success. Such a girlfriend will push himself.

Conflict behavior

Often girls do not know how to behave with a guy during a quarrel or showdown. To keep oneself in hand when one is hurt by resentment, anger or jealousy is far from everyone. But everything can be learned. Consider some of the most common conflict situations:

  1. The guy pays little attention. If you are in a relationship, it is better not to demand and take offense, but to take the initiative itself. For example, to say that you want to go to the cinema for a long time or to walk around the evening city.
  2. His feelings have cooled. In this situation, the first thing you need to talk. If the guy has good reason to doubt your relationship, then it’s best to dot the i's. In the case when he does not go to the contact, you need to get distracted. You can enroll in the gym, on courses, etc. The guy must understand his feelings himself. And I will tell you a secret that he would rather return to a self-sufficient, cheerful girl, than to be offended and dependent on him.
  3. A rival appeared on the horizon. The best tactic in this situation is to clearly state your position. It should be like this: "You are very dear to me, but I will not tolerate betrayal or flirting with other girls. If you do not respect and appreciate me, then we are not on the way." The rival also needs to be told calmly and clearly that she has no chance for this young man while you are with him. Further the decision should be for the guy.
  4. He humiliates, insults or is very jealous of you. We behave with us as we allow. You can not tolerate and forgive disrespect from anyone else. It is better to turn around and leave in this situation. If the guy is not a fool, he will be aware of everything himself and will ask for forgiveness. But if this is repeated often, it is better to say goodbye to him.
  5. You are annoyed by its shortcomings. Quibbles, comments about and without very quickly destroy relationships. If you already undertook to rehabilitate a guy, then you need to do it in a positive way. For example, if he never opens the door in front of you, then instead of claims, you just need to ask him about it.

Finally, I want to touch on another burning topic. Almost all girls dream of being serious about themselves, while guys just want to "walk". All oaths and assurances of love remain just words. And now a little advice. To make everything really serious, you need not only to pay attention to how you behave with a guy, but also to develop yourself and relationships. It is important to get to know your parents, to strive to create your own family. Then you will succeed. Successes!

Watch the video: 20 IMPORTANT RULES EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW (May 2024).