
Who is the pedant and what are his strengths and weaknesses

When a pedant “pops up” in conversation, an image of an extremely serious person dressed in a strict suit and distinguished by heightened demands on others appears before his eyes. How true is this view? We will try to find out in this publication. We will also look for an answer to the question about the pros and cons of the pedant. Let us analyze the strengths and weaknesses of this type of personality. Let us examine the causes of punctuality and its role in human life. We learn how to raise these children and build a dialogue with older people. We will do all this very scrupulously and thoughtfully.

Who is a pedant

A pedant is a person who devotes much of his strength and energy to the observance of rules, regulations, norms, requirements, and prescriptions. This property assumes excessive accuracy, accuracy, and tidiness. Describing pedantry, experts point to different degrees of manifestation of this trait, from simple responsibility to painful and even manic forms. What is this, pedantry, and why in some cases it is appropriate, and in others unacceptable? Do similar personality traits occur and what are their differences?

Pedantry can be equally reward and punishment. For example, for a lawyer this quality is very important, whereas in his personal life it can seriously harm. Let's talk about all the pros and cons of this phenomenon, but for now let's touch on the topic of synonyms and their differences.

Very often pedants are confused with perfectionists. In some ways they are similar, but not identical. The first pay great attention to detail, sometimes slipping into meticulousness and pettiness. But they do not always strive for development and excellence. Pedants rather "revel" by the process of unfolding everything "on the shelves." For them, it is not victory that is important, but participation in the "competition" at the most meticulous.

The perfectionist strives for progress and an ideal. Such a person will surely get into all the little things and nuances, but with the aim of improving them. Perfectionists, as well as pedants, superficiality is alien, but for various reasons. They are afraid to miss the smallest detail, because then they will not be able to bring what they have begun to perfection. Pedantic personalities are simply afraid to miss the nuance, without a clear understanding of why this is happening.

This quality has a pronounced geographical reference. For example, in Russia it is quite rare. Much more real pedants in Northern Europe. First of all - in Germany. Goods from this country are in considerable demand all over the world. For example, German cars are considered among the best.

Types of pedants

Pedantry does not have a clear classification. Conditionally it can be divided into moderate (rational) and excessive (painful). In the first case, it arises as a result of logical reasoning, which suggests the need for rigor and thoroughness. In the second case, a person manically enumerates the same details in his head, literally “sorting out” matter into atoms. However, he himself does not understand the meaning of his actions, which rather oppress him than help in life. This condition is called ananastia.

Moderate pedant - a successful man, thanks to its accuracy and thoroughness. In contrast to him, the anancast is a nervous and taunted type, harassed by obsessive ideas and negative experiences. This condition may turn into a clinical case, which already requires the intervention of a specialist. To avoid this, it is necessary, as soon as possible, to identify the aggravation of pedantry, learn to recognize the norm and deviation. How to identify the pedant in your environment and understand how strongly this quality is expressed in him, let's talk further.

How to recognize a pedant

Identify the pedant can be in appearance and behavior. In most cases, neatness extends to the clothing of such a person, in general, his appearance and manner of holding. It is unlikely that anyone will see a real pedant in a crumpled suit, with dirty shoes or holey gloves. Most often, he is dressed "from the needle," while preferring classic clothes than fashionable "squeaking" of the next designer. Therefore, an adult pedant can dress old-fashioned and at the same time feel completely comfortable. It is in this form that he, most often, appears in the fantasies of those who think of pedantry.

But the main criterion, nevertheless, is associated with the behavior of this type of person. Excessive neatness and accuracy manifests itself in increased demandingness in relation to himself and others. In addition, these qualities exist, both at work and in the family. Pedantry does not distinguish between the situation. It is equally pronounced in all areas of life. Therefore, a first-class accountant, who is practically “carried in the hands of” colleagues, may be less joyfully perceived by his wife and friends. Attention to trifles, the desire for orderliness and accuracy appear always and everywhere. In one case, it is appropriate, and in the other annoying others. But the pedant is such, and it is advisable to treat him with understanding as soon as he is identified.

Good or bad to be a pedant

Quite a difficult question, continuing the previous thought. It all depends on the situation and the severity of pedantry. If it is not a mental disorder that complicates life, then accuracy is an indisputable advantage. In the case of an explicit search, this quality can destroy relationships, career and spoil everything. But let's not talk about sad things. For starters, let's talk about the strengths of such people.

Benefits of pedants

The advantages of pedantry lie in the scrupulousness and prudence of its owners. This type of personality fits perfectly into the role of an employee who is related to finance or jurisprudence. Also, the pedant will be a good employee of regulatory bodies, a clerk, a builder, a mechanic, an engineer, etc. He will succeed in business, as he carefully calculates all possible scenarios for the development of events, takes into account the smallest details and nuances.

Pedantry should learn any organizer or leader who has to deal with a large number of "pitfalls". This will help to avoid problems with the fiscal service, inspection organizations, to detect fraud on the part of subordinates. So, for the development of a career or your business, this quality is almost irreplaceable. It can be compared only with creativity and confidence in success. But it concerns work. If we talk about personal life, it is not always worth being a pedant and in it.

Disadvantages of pedants

The cons of pedantry manifest as soon as this quality interferes with a relationship or friendship. The fact is that during the holidays, people tend to like to relax, forgetting about all sorts of rules and regulations. And if someone persistently reminds them of the norms, regulations, requirements, then such a person is sometimes ready to beat them painfully. Maybe it will not come to punishment, but they are unlikely to communicate with the pedant. Therefore, creating a family, or starting a friendly communication, it is worth a little easier to relate to life, thereby not repelling a potential partner with its severity.

A special case is the clinical manifestations of pedantry, when a person himself is not happy with his “talents”. Most often, they develop already in adulthood, under the influence of numerous stresses and depression. Excessive irritability and nervous strain manifest themselves in aggravating anankastia. To correct this condition, you need to help a person relax, switch and rest. In more detail on a subject of dialogue with pedants we will talk in the following section.

How to behave with a pedant

For a start, it is worth understanding why communicate with him. If there is such a need, then the peculiarities of the person’s character should be taken into account. He does not tolerate laxity, untidiness, and the habit of being late. So, trying to please the pedant, it is necessary to show accuracy, punctuality, thoroughness, accuracy and respect for formalities. It should be expressed, both in clothing and behavior. In this case, communication can acquire more trustworthy forms. This is relevant, for example, during an interview with a potential employer who does not hide his pedantry.

If there is no need and desire to communicate, then it is better not to develop such a dialogue, since you cannot call it easy. Even in a good frame of mind, the pedant is able to “download” any interlocutor. Call such a person can not be bad, he just is very difficult to communicate. Accordingly, noticing the notes of pedantry in your child, it is desirable to pay attention to this in the process of his upbringing. About this and talk.

How to raise a pedant

Pedanty children are not so often. This property of the personality, as a rule, appears at a more mature age. Of course, it is right to develop responsibility, punctuality, accuracy in a child, but it is not advisable to overdo it. The main thing is not to show pedantry with respect to the child, meticulously instilling in him excessive formalism.

Children should not be deprived of childhood, turning them into small "adults." If, nevertheless, such glimpses appear in their young eyes, it is necessary to carefully restrain maximalism, since the habits developed in childhood, then the hardest thing to fix. At first, the little pedant looks funny, but in the process of growing up, there are fewer and fewer reasons for fun. Each demeanor has its own age, so you should not turn a child into a “business archivist”.

As with any other type of character or temperament, the development of strengths (for example, punctuality, responsibility, consistency) should be encouraged, while avoiding excessive fanaticism. Also, it is desirable to teach the younger pedant to distinguish work and rest, showing his nature in the first case, and restraining in the second.

There are many types of human personality. Pedant is not the worst option, but with its tangible flaws, which, above all, manifest in his personal life. If such a person learns to control his diligence, periodically allowing himself to relax, then accuracy and punctuality will help him to succeed in any chosen case.

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