Love and relationship

How to please a girl in school: helpful advice guys

Many young people think about how to please a girl in school.

This is a natural desire. Communication, flirting need to learn, it does not come immediately, but there are some general principles that help in the conquest of the opposite sex.

Why is it so important for boys?

The boys are growing up. Have them hormonal changes, signs of puberty appear.

Self-esteem for the future man requires that he not only respect peers, but he liked the opposite sex.

Active, cute, early maturing boys are more popular with girls.

The reasons desire to like:

  • puberty;
  • the natural need of the body to be visible and attractive;
  • increase self-esteem;
  • preparation for the future, adult life.

The desire to please the opposite sex is inherent in us by nature, so do not be afraid of it.

Meanwhile on this ground Often there are complexes when the boy has not yet formed externally and internally, and so far does not attract the attention of girls so much. You should not be afraid of this, over time the children's traits will disappear, and the teenager will acquire the features of an adult.

How do you like a girl at school? Tips:

Is it possible to attract the attention of a girl who does not notice you?

It is difficult to be noticeable to all. Quite possibly, there is a girl who does not notice you. Can she please?

If you follow certain rules of behavior, conform to her image of a good guy and become more visible and active, then the girl always has a chance to like her.

If you are shy, communicate a little, then as a result you become imperceptible and unattractive for society and the opposite sex. therefore you have to work yourself: character, appearance, hobbies.

Not many people have natural charisma. Most have to develop their qualities, improve, learn to communicate and flirt.

Tips for younger boys

So, you decided to like the girl, and here the problem arises: how to behave, how to present yourself, become more prominent.

What to wear to school?

Teens pay attention to style, fashion conformity. Girls definitely pay attention to clothes, its modernity, relevance. In a social group, it is customary to dress in a certain way.

See what your successful peers are about.

Their clothes match the style: masculine and relaxed.

Jeans and trousers are quite suitable for this, but sports pants are not the best option, wear them only on physical education.

For the winter period, use a stylish sweater, in the summer - T-shirts and shirts. Looks great shirt in black, but in the box for young people not always suitable.

In addition to matching fashion and a particular style, pay attention to accuracy and cleanliness clothes.

Spots are unacceptable, as are wrinkled shirts and T-shirts, which make a person unattractive and repulsive.

How to behave?

This is one of the highlights. Work your behavior in front of the mirror. You should like yourself, radiate confidence and charm. In this case, the behavior should not be demonstrative or artificial.

  1. Act like a gentleman. Opening the door in front of the girl, helping her in something is the first step on the path of conquering her heart;
  2. Be sure of yourself. It is not always easy, especially in adolescence. Increase confidence help special books, which tells about the rules of communication, increase self-esteem, visualization - imagine yourself a confident person and behave as if you are nothing scary. If the school has a psychologist, you can contact him for advice.
  3. Get ready to help other people., if they need it, our actions will tell a lot about us.
  4. Girls will certainly pay attention to those who loves petstreat your pets with care and love.
  5. Evolve. What interests do you have now? Do you make progress in school or completely abandoned her? Are there any plans for the future? Girls prefer successful guys seeking self-development and clearly representing what they want from life.
  6. Have an interesting hobby. What makes you stand out among the other guys? Find yourself entertainment that will positively tell about your character, purposefulness.
  7. Develop your page in social networks. In modern realities, the Internet has become part of the life of young people. Pay attention that you post on your page, whether it can be attractive, whether it speaks about your high intellectual level, right interests, entertainment.

Gradually create your image. But this should not overdo it.

Behavior, communication, even a hobby must be natural and match your natural talents.

How to communicate with the girl?

Without the ability to communicate you can not achieve anything. If you are afraid to talk in the presence of a girl, will have to urgently deal with this and improve self-esteem.

Start simple "Hello". This word does not commit to anything, but it is already attracting attention.

  1. Try not to use with a girl indecent expressions, it pushes away, speaks about your rudeness and bad manners. Girls are gentle creatures, and harsh words cut their ears.
  2. Work on diction, if there are problems with this, now there are various techniques, so even the stuttering and non-discrepancy of some letters is corrected.
  3. Don't ask if she likes you. Such a question, especially at the beginning of communication, will cause confusion. A girl should get used to your presence.
  4. Pay attention, Does she already have a boyfriend - Take away someone else's girlfriend is not very ethical and you can run into trouble.
  5. Be fun, charismatic, know how to feel humor, tell stories. You should have an aura of positive and good mood.

    The girls do not like gloomy, closed guys, therefore, if you have similar traits, start to work on yourself immediately.

  6. Get closer to her - help to hold the backpack, climb into the bus, light and almost imperceptible touches - is the beginning of contact.

Communication - this is what relations are built on. If you have problems with this, read, for example, the book by Dale Carnegie, a famous specialist who teaches how to make friends easily.

What to do to like a classmate?

With classmate you spend time in the same roomtherefore, it is much easier to attract attention than girls from another group.

Basic principles:

  • say hello to her;
  • help with tasks if she asks;
  • make unobtrusive compliments;
  • do not make fun of, but on the contrary, protect;
  • sit near her, to be in her field of attention;
  • show your competence in school, but do not be too abstruse;
  • be sociable

Girls prefer leaders more. In addition, in the adolescent environment, it is important which group you belong to. If you are in an environment of unpopular guys or even a loner, it will be more difficult to please the girl.

How do you like a girl in her teens? Useful recommendations:

Practical advice for older guys

Soon you will become a real man, so communication with girls - excellent practice before adulthood.

How to dress?

In clothing, the main thing is to find your own style. Sweaters, shirts should go exactly to you. Do not wear baggy knitted and shabby sweater, like a grandfather option. For the guy, the most stylish clothes are quality jeans. Looks good and presentable suit.

Clothing reflects your inner world. Therefore, if it is untidy, torn, faceless, then it will tell a lot about your character.

The leaders prefer black tones, and a light gray suit and shirt looks beautiful, especially in summer. But clothes of brown and dark blue are less suitable for a stylish guy.

How to behave correctly?

There is a saying that girls love bad guys. This is not entirely true.

The "bad" in you should be so that it did not outweigh all other qualities.

Hooligans, rowdies and losers most girls still avoid.

Must be golden mean. Be open to communication, sincere and radiantly charming. It seems difficult at first, but practice will help develop charisma and personal appeal.

How to communicate with a girl?

You have to keep confident. No need to curry favor with the girl, to fulfill all her whims. These guys usually just usebut do not start a serious relationship. Stay confident and slightly detached.

A guy who evokes a feeling of light mystery is more attractive - I want to know what he is, what he really is.

If you are completely open and all your qualities, advantages and disadvantages are known, you are no longer so interesting, and girls very easy to change preferences in adolescence.

What to do to like a high school girl?


  1. Create your image. You must be unique and different from other guys.
  2. Remember that all people are imperfect, therefore don't be afraid of your faultsbut try to work on them.
  3. Be an optimist. Positive, good mood, smile attract girls.
  4. Be active. Passive people are not leaders, which means that they are less likely to find a strong and good pair. You want to win a girl, become popular among the women's team, increase your level of activity, get out of the hole, stop hiding from society. You will not learn to communicate if you do not practice.
  5. Meet her friends, join the company, become interesting for other people.

How would absolutely any girl like? Find out about this from the video:

What mistakes should be avoided?

The first rule to remember is - we can't like everybody. There will always be people who will avoid us or just show indifference.

This is not due to the fact that we are bad, just a person, in this case a girl, has different preferences.

To avoid mistakes:

  • don't bother her too much with your attention. Annoying guys who are always dragged around the girl, try to avoid. They very quickly begin to annoy.
  • study the nature of the girl. Observe what she likes, how she communicates, what kind of guys she prefers.
  • get out of your comfort zone. You will not succeed if you sit in one place and wait for the weather by the sea. The girl will not come herself, and if you wait for a long time and hesitate, she will choose another.
  • don't be afraid of failure. Everyone went through it. And if one girl refused you, the other will surely reciprocate.
  • watch your appearanceneatness. This not only applies to clothing, but also the purity of hands, teeth, hair.

Be yourself and do not try to copy someone, in most cases it looks ridiculous. The girl will love you precisely for your features.

Adolescence - the time when we fall in love for the first time. These are the moments when a person learns to be attractive, attractive. Do not be upset if you have temporarily failed. Just a little practice, and any girl will be at your feet.

Watch the video: Guys Vs. Girls Back To School Morning Routine! Krazyrayray (May 2024).