Love and relationship

Jealousy is a feeling that is familiar to every mortal on the planet.

Quite a few people have ever gone deep into the concept of jealousy. However, in general, that is, on the fingers, everyone can talk about the main aspects of this caustic mental illness. Jealous men often confuse this concept with possessiveness, and sometimes worse, with love. Between these concepts should not put an equal sign. If you decided to delve into this serious and difficult formula, then you will find deeper arguments based on the psychology of relationships, and clearly define for yourself what is good and what is bad.

Jealousy is like a feeling.

Jealousy is a feeling that is inherent in every truly loving individual. Sometimes the behavior of the subject of sighing of a person causes this negative feeling and leads to quarrels, and sometimes more negative consequences, scandals, hysterics, assault. A lover who feels a weighty or perceived lack of attention of a partner unconsciously begins to suffer spiritual, as if sickness burning through all the insides. The concept itself seems so obvious that very few people will be able to formulate it quickly and clearly. Tasteless and prickly mass is obtained. Unfortunately, when faced face to face with jealousy few people try to cope with it, and those who try - use completely untested and hollow methods that do not lead to the desired result.

The reason for this is confusion in the mind-clogged heads and unsuited feelings based on emotions. So, taking in the parenthesis all of the above, we can confidently say that jealousy is a negative feeling based on the possessiveness of the lover, emotions and passionate love. And yet, it is not necessary to turn a blind eye to one important fact: jealousy, which in especially difficult cases is a character trait, may be caused by one’s own insecurity and complexation.

Jealousy as a need.

Jealousy is different, however, as the love of each individual. The oily side divides jealousy into manifesting it within the framework of propriety and into an unhealthy, fanatical feeling. As they say in the well-known saying: “Have a good little by little.” But indeed, sometimes jealousy in moderate doses can throw the heat into the fire of a relationship and thereby ignite a slowly fading passion and well done fuse. The object of sighing will thus assess its significance and your indifference. The main thing in time to stop and remember the delicacy and respect for your partner.

Why does jealousy arise?

In fact, the causes of jealousy can be very diverse, and sometimes even unpredictable. Often such a feeling as jealousy is far from unfounded. The main aspects of the emergence of such a heartbreaking feeling are:

- distrust of your partner or doubts about him;

You know your soul mate too little time, or the foundation of your relationship was not originally built on trust, and it is possible that your love had already given reason to doubt it.

- Sexual dissatisfaction or sexual tension;

Intimate problems absolutely always affect the daily life of couples. The lack of a normal sex life makes a person doubt not only his sexuality, but also his loyalty to the second half and the strength of his feelings.

- Own inferiority complexes;

The most common problem that finds its origin in our subconscious and in our own self-suggestion. Believe me, if you do not learn to love yourself, then no one will love you.

- Fear of loneliness;

Fear of being left alone sometimes moves a person worse than any puppeteer. A person who is afraid of being alone is clutching at a person as if he were at the lifeline. This case is very much like the previous one.

- Lack of attention from the partner;

- Jealousy of the past.

The worst version of jealousy, since it is characterized by inexhaustibility. As long as a person does not realize that all the past is in fact behind, the further development of relations will lead to a dead end.

Jealousy is so multifaceted that sometimes it is simply impossible to determine its origins. The desire to possess a person completely and to feel his presence around the clock nearby sometimes overshadows all our sound thoughts. To begin with, it is necessary to analyze the whole situation as a whole, and only then begin to move towards conclusions and towards solving the problem that has arisen. Groundless jealousy arises and lives in our heads, do not allow other feelings to pass. Very often, avid jealous people themselves forget to give their partner love, care, and affection, and in the end, such a scenario leads to one thing - a break in relationships.

Jealousy at different angles.

Surprisingly, the nature of jealousy is directly dependent on the person’s gender. Men and women perceive the world from different angles, and therefore a feeling of jealousy, too.

Male jealousy focuses on his low self-esteem, distrust of others. Men are often skeptical of such a feeling as trust and absolutely do not accept male friends against their girlfriend (spouse). The nature of the manifestation of jealousy in men is somewhat more aggressive than in women. Men give out their jealousy with such a number of signs:

  • A man is often a scandal;
  • The man raises his hand;
  • Restraint of liberty;
  • Ban on sexy clothes and makeup;
  • Restriction of communication.

Woman's jealousy more harmless than men. Considering that a woman is a creature rather extraordinary, she can also have various and unexpected reasons for jealousy. Most women who are jealous of their husbands are not aware of all the negativity of this phenomenon. The basis of women's jealousy is possessiveness, which translates into such problems:

  • Fear of being abandoned;
  • Fear of losing the sponsor;
  • Fear of being alone;
  • Feeling of slighted pride;
  • Feeling of inferiority, low self-esteem in women.

The feeling of love is always attributed to jealousy. Of course, it is the place to be, but by essence the feeling of love and the feeling of jealousy are completely non-identical concepts. If you look closely, the constant and restless jealousy, which does not find a day without its work, is nothing but an ardent manifestation of selfishness.

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