Personal growth

Leave your comfort zone

Have we ever thought about our comfort zone? The fact that we can live all our life in this area and not even notice it. The fact that we postpone all our dreams until later, or, even worse, we drive ourselves away from us, because we believe that they will never become a reality.
That we, before bedtime, present ourselves as heroes of other lives, in completely different circumstances, along with other people, and in the morning we fully immerse ourselves in the reality and routine surrounding us. The fact that we may be thinking about changing something in life, but when it comes to action, we take a step back and stay where we are.

We are afraid to risk, we are afraid of losing what we have now, we are afraid to look out of our rabbit hole. We are afraid of the new and the unknown. We are afraid not to justify the hopes placed on us. We are afraid of distance, critics. And most of all - failure. That we will not succeed, that we will fail, which will only get worse.
We are hostages of the restrictions that they themselves created. So we remain in the comfort zone, we do what is usual, we live as it is accepted among others, and we pretend that we are satisfied. We lose time, not recognizing neither ourselves, nor life itself, nor the multifaceted world in which we were fortunate enough to live.
But we are unique and inimitable, each individual and something stands out! All have the opportunity to do whatever they want, to live as you want. We ourselves set the boundaries of the possible in our head. To hell with all restrictions, we can all! The main thing is to take the first step towards dreams and they will surely come true! And you should start by leaving your comfort zone. And there, right after her, the rich, happy and incredible in life begins.

Open your eyes, raise your head, meet your fears, instead of “no, it’s not for me”, say “yes, I can”, challenge, risk and win! Of course, there will be failures, but if we were able to present it, then this could become a reality. The main thing is to believe in yourself, love yourself, listen to yourself and go forward. The first step is difficult and scary, uncertainty, darkness and uncertainty lie ahead.
Here you can cite as an example one statement: “When a car drives along the road, headlights in the dark illuminate only the next fifty meters of the road. But seeing only these fifty meters you can drive hundreds or thousands of kilometers. They are enough to cover the whole distance.” And we just like a car, you do not need to know the end point of the distance, just step into the unknown, leave the comfort zone and we will achieve everything we desire!

Watch the video: Leave Your Comfort, Find Your Calling. Pastor Steven Furtick (May 2024).