Personal growth

Types of speech and methods of communication: psychological features

We can write, read, speak and listen. What are these skills and how do they differ? In psychology, there are two main types of speech and several forms of their manifestation. About how it looks in practice and how they differ, read on.

Types of speech

Human speech is manifested in a variety of forms, but all of them from a psychological point of view belong to the external and internal types.

External - this is the oral and written methods of communication.

In the first version of the word can be heard and said, leaving the information in the head and space. The second option implies that the same information will be written using hieroglyphs, that is, alphabetic characters - each language has its own.

Oral speech

Depending on the number of people taking part in a communicative act, there are two ways to exchange information.


Conversation is the most common form of appearance of oral speech, which is also called dialogue (when there are two participants), or polylogue (when many interlocutors take part).

A conversation is considered to be the simplest, most natural, and also convenient way to find a relationship, to express one's thoughts.

Features of the dialogue:

  • Conditional short, concise replicas;
  • Syntactically correct sentences are rare;
  • The phrases are of a non-negotiated nature;
  • Actively used facial expressions, gestures;
  • Feedback, exchange of emotions;
  • Evaluation of the situation "online";
  • Using the characteristic everyday style of vocabulary;
  • The possibility of an unexpected ending.


When speech comes only from one person and is addressed to him or to other silent listeners, it is called a monologue (from the Greek "mono" - one).

This term is used in drama, literature, linguistics, psychology, acquiring in each of them different semantic shades.

Most often a monologue can be met by listening to a lecturer, speaker, politician, speaker or actor on the theater stage.
In contrast to the dialogue, a monologue requires the communicator:

  • A coherent statement of thoughts;
  • Logical, intelligibly building speech;
  • Observance of literary norms and rules of the language;
  • Accounting for individual characteristics of the audience;
  • Permanent self-control;
  • Thoughtful facial expressions, gestures.

Active and passive perception of the oral form of speech

The essence of these categories is easy to understand if you present yourself only as a listener. In order to perceive some words, we must make an effort - to gather, to tune, to "turn on."

Psycholinguists (researchers of mutual influence of language, consciousness and thinking) found out that when we listen, we almost always repeat the words spoken by ourselves to ourselves. This can be called the "parrot effect", which combines the main types of speech. We succumb to his influence unconsciously.

If the words of the interlocutor find a response in our consciousness, we take an active position of the listener, spontaneously pronouncing aloud what I want to say right now.

The passive form implies the repetition of the phrases of the interlocutor to himself.

An adult is equally skilled in both forms. And children first learn to perceive the words of others, and only after that they decide to repeat certain sounds after them. The level of development of these forms depends on the individual characteristics, life experience, type of temperament, as well as other factors.


The main difference between writing is the presence of a material carrier. Its role was once performed by stone blocks, fixing the hieroglyphs of the first people. Then there was parchment, records, books, and now information is more retained by flash drives or hard drives, and special programs are recognized.

The development of progress gave impetus to overcome the barrier to communication. Social networks, VibER, Skype, Telegrams and other applications make the exchange of information a continuous process. Recent studies have even shown that we spend three times less time on “live” communication than on virtual communication.

Despite the fact that it is easier psychologically to talk with signs, it is still a more complex form, since it requires special concentration and fulfillment of a number of conditions.

Let's do an experiment!

To do this, ask your friends to talk with each other in letters on any common topic (about the weather, cakes or bad roads). When the conversation reaches a climax, you should continue it verbally, recording the replicas to a dictaphone.

To make the picture clearly visible, the spoken phrases must be transferred to paper. The contrast between the first half and the second will surprise everyone. It turns out that the participants in the dialogue interrupt each other, get off, allow repetitions or parasitic words, keep back.

In fact, our "lexical flaws" manifest themselves in both types of speech. But you can clearly see them only in the external.

Psychological features of the written form of communication:

  • Constant concentration;
  • Compliance with the rules of spelling, style, other norms;
  • Difficulty in the transfer of feelings or emotions (in informal correspondence, you can use the "smiles");
  • The ability to think over the proposals or edit already written;
  • No instant feedback.

Inner speech

The basis of our thinking, as well as any action, is inner speech. Its presence distinguishes us from animals, which can also think a little or realize something. We are all actually in continuous dialogue with our inner “I”. Moreover, our consciousness is arranged in such a way that it is impossible to stop a continuous stream of reflections.

An inner monologue is capable of upsetting, cheering, persuading, or suggesting something. It is characterized by fragmentary, dynamic, fragmented, understated.

In most cases, there is no need to look for a topic for conversation with yourself - it appears by itself.
For example, a person, returning from the store, heard a replica: "What a nightmare!". Immediately his associative line appears in his head: "What a nightmare! What a nightmare - tomorrow to go to work again. They promised a check ... We need to prepare well ..."

Alternative Speech Types: Kinetic

The person has mastered the ability to transmit information through the movement of body parts even earlier than he learned how to scratch out some signs. This is the most ancient way to understand each other. With the advent of words, we stopped using gestures as the main means of communication. Most refer to them as an ancillary opportunity to express their emotions.

Kinetic speech remains the main form of communication for deaf-and-dumb people. Modern techniques have made a sign system as perfect as possible for talking, reading special books, and the ability to record thoughts.

To summarize: in psychology there are such types of speech as external and internal. The first is expressed verbally (dialogue, monologue) and written. Perceiving oral speech, we can be active or passive listeners - it all depends on the mood. Inner speech is our thoughts, the stream of consciousness. In addition to the main forms of communication, there is an additional - kinetic, which is used by the deaf and dumb. Each of the presented methods of communication has its own psychological features. Is it hard to remember everything? Click "Share"!

Watch the video: Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques (October 2024).