
Will a million rubles really solve all your problems?

In this article, I will write mainly about money, and how strongly most people have given them tremendous value. And I am writing it just for those individuals who still think that they are not ruled by themselves or their thoughts, but by external factors such as money, circumstances, government, and so on. I think this picture is familiar to you. And now let's talk directly about money.

Analogy with air

You think money decides your fate. And I think that by no more than 50% they decide something. And another thing: successful and harmonious people may have refuted my words and say that money is just an additional attribute to life, for example, like air. In fact, we will not be able to live without air, but we do not chase after this air like money. And we certainly don’t work to breathe every day and not die from asphyxiation and oxygen starvation. Although, perhaps in the future we will work on the air, who knows?
And why?? Because air is not at the moment any currency. Although, if we judge rationally, without it we will not live even five minutes. Without money, we can live - and infinitely, until we die. Because money alone is just paper that has acquired some value. With the same success, you can endow the value of a match and make “cheap” matches of them and paint them yellow, and the “expensive ones” turn green. By the way, in many films about aliens, matches are the main currency for aliens.
Which one can summarize here? Man needs money in the modern world for the convenience of survival and life. But what really should not be done in my opinion is to set goals in the accumulation of money! That is, if you get joy from the fact of adding money, and not from what can be purchased on them - then, most likely, you think destructively and irrationally.

Why do I think that only we rule our lives? And where does all the money?

Because I was convinced of this by a personal example. Try to force the smoker and the alcoholic to give up their addictions and at the same time the bad habit. He will say that he likes to smoke and drink, and he chooses to do it himself. Then go to the heavy smoker and tell him to quit smoking. The latter will say that he can not do it! And what millions can help him quit smoking? None Therefore, we concluded that money does not solve the problem here.

Million will solve my problem in other areas!

Go ahead. For example, you believe that most of your problems are in the absence of money. Say, you would have a million, and you would be happy. And let's imagine that right now you have this large amount! How would you live from now on? I am now ready to prove that if you think like a poor person, your million will not bring you happiness, but only cause depression. Or rather, you yourself will choose to experience a state of depression and apathy. I'll explain why.
So you have a million. Let me try to guess your thoughts. At first, you buy yourself everything that you have long dreamed of: a new computer, clothes, a motorcycle, and money for travel and entertainment. How long will you live like this? Suppose half a year. And you run out of money. What is the result? The desire to live beautifully further and the absence of such an opportunity - and now we return to depression and unwillingness to continue living. As a general result - the money provoked your bad mood in the end. Why all? Because you think like a poor man!
See also:
Psychology of poverty - 10 signs
It is better for you to spend money right away and all, than to invest it in the right direction. If you seriously think about where it is better to invest your funds, then a million, of course, will not hurt you. But rarely 1 000 000 rubles falls so easily on your head. Therefore, we have to invest the money earned. But, you better spend it on entertainment again.
The general conclusion about money: no matter how much money you have: you will always have little. More money - more needs and desires. Therefore, it is extremely foolish to complain that you have little money. They will always be small, as long as you think in a certain way.
Do you still think that money will solve all your problems? Then look for books about millionaires and billionaires and read about their fate. You say that they were all happy? On the contrary: only a few became successful, having a lot of money in their pockets, the rest lived their entire lives in fear - as if to save their money and not lose it. So close to paranoia.

Specific example

I guess I did not convince you. Therefore, I decided to turn to an example. Suppose you realize that money needs to be multiplied and open your business. And so, you accumulate the necessary amount for you and invest it, say, in the opening of your own stall. In the hope that all this will pay off, and you will soon begin to make a profit.
But, your business collapses, and you lose all the money you have invested. No matter how: whether it is the strongest storm or refusal to sign the papers you need. What will a man who thinks poor do? Surely he will fall into depression and will live again like a poor one. And what the one who thinks rationally think? And he will think that anything can happen in life, and this is just another difficulty that needs to be overcome. This is what distinguishes a rich person from a poor person — objective thoughts!
It is on them that one must focus his work, and not on money. Let us return to the analogy with the air.
Imagine that you live on Mars, in a huge palace, the size of your city. There you work on a hired job, only not for money, but for air. Everyone always complains about the lack of enough air and that everyone will die without him soon. This becomes a universal problem, and sometimes panic. People completely forget about real life!
Anyone who wanted to become a musician - forgets about his dream, because he needs to think about the air. Who wants to open his business - he does not have enough energy to do this, because thoughts of air occupy most of his brain. And so on. The whole palace is filled with a continuous problem and can not think about anything else. Of course, there can be no talk of any normal life. Similarly, we live on Earth, only we came up with a problem with money, that is, with ordinary pieces of paper, endowed with a certain value.
It was not I who invented this idea with air, but took it from the film “Remember All” with Arnold Schwarzenegger, where people on Mars really appreciated the air and were very afraid to be left without it. In my opinion, a great analogy.
Like that. First of all, all attention should be paid to your thoughts, not money. Because, working on thoughts - there will be money too, and in sufficient quantities. For example, if you had an idea to start your business, then you need to start it. And not to think, “What if it doesn’t work, and so on?” - with these thoughts you are moving away from money. Here you have the proof that the necessary thoughts are more important than money.
P.S. Do you know why you are focused primarily on money? Because your parents did everything for this: they told you that you need to study well in order to find the work you need. So was your life. Do you know why you are not working on your thoughts? You guessed it - they simply did not teach you. That's the whole secret.

Watch the video: Tom Lehrer - Lobachevsky (May 2024).