Love and relationship

How to meet in VKontakte with a girl

Communication in social networks has become very firmly established in modern life, and the cases of acquaintances in them that ended successfully occur more often. However, it often happens that such an acquaintance is not easy. Girls are difficult to contact, refuse to communicate and it is not always clear why. It seems to be a normal photo, and an interesting person in communication - but it does not work. So how do you get to know a girl so that something worthwhile comes out of it?

  1. First and foremost is self-confidence. Surely, you want to have a beautiful, intelligent and wonderful girl next to you. But it should be understood that such women usually have a lot of fans, and they need to create decent competition. You may need to change something in yourself (hobby, appearance, behavior). It is important to develop your own talents and be confident in your own strength, but at the same time try not to treat the girl down.
  2. Photo on the avatar is also important. Well, if the girl will share the passion for some particular movie or anime, but more often they want to see the person who writes them. Since the absence of a photo causes a strong suspicion, after all, subconsciously it is regarded as something that a person does not want to open, which means that he has something to hide. There are many different dangers in the real world, and a strange or even dangerous person can hide behind a cute and funny avatar. Therefore, when you immediately see the face of the interlocutor - it already has to trust. But you need to choose a good photo. Good options are portrait photography, which turned out to be of sufficient quality. Also interesting will be those photos that show hobbies or unusual trips (in any case, the owner of the page should be required), since they reflect the inner world and features of a person. You should not put photos with women or friends, but if they are of sufficient quality, then you can use this option.
  3. An important role is played by what is placed on the wall. Because it usually allows you to create a very clear psychological portrait of a person and his hobbies. Posts of pornographic, "thieves" and offensive nature will surely scare away any representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Do not be afraid to post what is really interesting to yourself - about the design of any mechanisms, philosophical sayings, quotes from movies or games, and everything that really fascinates. So, the whole way of thinking and area of ​​interest will be clear. And this will greatly increase the chances of success.
  4. In general, the more information about your interests is placed on the page - the clearer and more interesting is the person who owns it. And some girls themselves can write, based and carried away by what is indicated on the page. Do not be afraid to show your photos: they will help girls quickly make an idea about you. Use the opportunities that gives you the popular social network Vkontakte.

How and what to write when meeting

Once the page has become an attractive look, you can start trying to get acquainted. The search for suitable girls can be done in different ways: just specify the desired city and age, or go to those public tables that reflect their own interests, and write to girls who are in them.

If you plan not just chatting online, but also following meetings, get acquainted with the girls from your city, so that later there will be no problems because of the distance separating you.

Before you write a girl, you should just study the details of her page. There is usually reflected all the internal state of the girl at the moment, and at the same time you can immediately understand what to talk about, what topics to touch on, what area of ​​interest to reveal. View not only the wall, but also the groups in which it is made, audio and video recordings. Sometimes you can even check out friends to evaluate your social circle. In general, a social network page can give a complete psychological portrait of a person. This will allow you to interest the interlocutor, as well as avoid unwanted topics in the conversation.

When writing a message, you do not need to try to be too witty or original - this is unlikely to work, and the tension will feel good. And even more so do not need to use beaten cliches for dating. The best way would be to make a light and unobtrusive compliment, or just to start a conversation by discussing a common topic from those that were learned from the information on its page. Be sincere and open - the girl will surely feel your positive attitude and will reciprocate.

As practice shows, in order to interest a girl, sometimes it is enough just to put a “like” under her photo or some post. From this very often begin dating and very pleasant communication. The main thing is to take the first step.

In any case, you should try to relax and chat more in a friendly way, but at the same time quite a bit to flirt. Too much pressure will most likely scare the girl away, because she needs time to assess the person and see if she wants to continue dating and subsequent communication. And forcing events immediately imposes on her the obligation to decide immediately. And most often this decision is not at all in favor of the person who hurried the events.

The modern world and the Internet expand the possibilities of an ordinary person to communicate. Of course, the social network Vkontakte is a great place to meet online: the page allows you to form an opinion about a person in almost five minutes. We hope that our advice will help you not only to expand your social circle, but also to find a girl with whom you will succeed in building a romantic relationship. Good luck in your endeavors!

Natalia, Tomsk

Watch the video: How to findmeet Russian girl? EASY SECRET! (January 2025).