
I hate my own body: tips to help change my attitude

Which of us boasts a perfect body? Such units. Even the stars of TV screens after removing make-up and slimming underwear become quite ordinary, "earthly". Nevertheless, there are women, and sometimes men, who are extremely dissatisfied with their appearance. Tellingly, these people usually do not have any serious deformities. Why do they hate their bodies so much?

The root of the problem

Dislike of your body in 99% of cases appears in adolescence. In the period from 15 to 19 years, and sometimes earlier, girls begin to emphasize their appearance, painfully assess how others react to it. It is according to the comments of peers, parents, standards of media that a teenager adds an opinion about himself. Consider these factors in more detail:

  1. Criticism, teasing, insulting peers. “You are fat”, “flat ass”, “mare”, “dilda”, “lose weight” - such words, especially regularly repeated, are able to turn anyone against their own bodies. Add to this the natural vulnerability of girls, hormonal surges in adolescence, and an explosive mixture is ready. The girl begins to pay attention to the criticized features, often hides them, and by all means seeks to change.
  2. The attitude of parents. Well, who did not face peer ridicule, you ask? Not everyone began to hate their appearance after that. This is where we come to problem number two. With the right upbringing, a girl should not suffer self-esteem from anyone's opinion. If the parents themselves often teased the daughter, criticized her or did not participate at all in life, then she will, willy-nilly, be forced to give weight to the words of other people. Especially often girls who lack the support and attention of their father suffer from insecurity and low self-esteem.
  3. Media Spectacular models and TV stars set an example for the masses. "As much as I would like to have such an appearance, she is perfect," think the girls. When comparing oneself and one's idols, an inferiority complex arises, and the nagging of the smallest "non-ideal" features begins.

It is worth noting that with age, rejection of their appearance usually passes. The girl realizes herself as a person, thereby forming self-esteem according to her more important qualities - work ability, leadership qualities, motherhood, housekeeping abilities, etc. The problem usually remains for those who for some reason have not realized themselves. Also, the rejection of appearance can for a long time pursue women who are left alone or have chosen an inappropriate man who allows himself to humiliate and insult the weaker sex.

What to do?

First of all, you need to be prepared for the fact that one reading of the article does not get rid of here. It is necessary not to read, but rather to do - to begin work on yourself. And of course, this is not about plastic or changing your body through various disguises. It is necessary to change the attitude to yourself, to accept and love your body, no matter how “terrible” and “ugly” it is. How to do this, practical tips:

  1. First lesson. Imagine that your body is alive. Since birth, it is forced to obey your mind. Day after day, this body faithfully serves you for a very long time, the legs are delivered to any desired point, the eyes see, the ears hear and report information in time, and the stomach unconditionally accepts even food harmful to it. But instead of praise for correct work, it receives only criticism and insults - “you are ugly,” “fat,” “crooked.” Sooner or later it will launch a program of self-destruction, the so-called psychosomatic diseases. Women who do not love themselves are often found to have cysts, hormonal disorders, and even cancer. Are you ready for this? Not? Then learn to treat your body as your own, beloved child. Love him like mom, dad, grandmother. These people are certainly not perfect externally, but, nevertheless, worthy of love. Take care of your body, do not scold and do not criticize, and it will definitely respond to you with obedience.
  2. Lesson two. Discard the husks. This means you need to learn to distinguish between true beauty. Think about who is more handsome, a “made” model or a talented actress, a singer. What characterizes these people, appearance or talent? Look for an example among your acquaintances or famous personalities, who are outwardly not perfect, but at the same time endowed with incredible charm. Much more beautiful is the man who glows with happiness and kindness.
  3. Lesson three. Beauty is not equal to happiness. No wonder they say: "Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy." How many beauties with a heavy fate, so many gray mice are absolutely successful and happy. Do not believe? Read the history of the first beauties of the world.
  4. Lesson number four. Experiment. Find funds for professional makeup, styling and photographer. Make a photoset, and then select the most successful in your opinion frame and anonymously publish on the Internet. You can even on a dating site. Read reviews, look at yourself through the eyes of other people. You make sure your problems are contrived.
  5. Lesson five. Get rid of the accumulated insults and anger. Put a pillow in front of you, and alternately represent the people who injured you. Give them all you think of them. Beat the pillow if your soul requires it. You can even cut it out.
  6. Lesson six. More communication. Stop hiding, open up to this world and other people. You will see that you are judged not by appearance, but by communication and actions.

Advice of the author. To love yourself and your body you need to achieve inner harmony. Try to develop in a different direction. Start learning your favorite profession, get creative, learn how to sing and dance beautifully. Each small victory will give you happiness and pride in yourself. Soon you will understand how much your values ​​have changed.

The result is “I hated my body,” then I fell in love.

Self-indulgence as a sign of illness

In medical sources, the pathological hatred of one’s own body is called dysmorphophobia. This is a mental disorder that is manifested by excessive anxiety and employment by a minor defect or peculiarity of one’s body. Dysmorphophobia is associated with a high risk of suicide and requires psychiatric treatment, work with a psychologist. What distinguishes this disease from the usual dissatisfaction with his body:

  1. Rejection of appearance strongly interferes with work, communication with other people.
  2. When thinking about the shortcomings appear ideas of self-torture, suicide.
  3. There is an obsessive desire to constantly examine yourself in a mirror or in photographs.
  4. A person avoids his reflection, does not take pictures under any circumstances.
  5. Relatives are constantly asked for "defect".
  6. Much of the time is spent thinking about the “defect”.
  7. A person refuses to leave home, being in society causes stress.
  8. There is an obsessive desire to make plastics or take radical actions on their own (for example, knock out a tooth curve, cut off a birthmark, etc.)

Dysmorphophobia is often accompanied by anorexia, bulimia nervosa, obsessive-compulsive disorder, hypochondria. To get rid of it once and for all, you need to seek qualified help. No other measures will help here. By the way, after treatment such people claim that their lack disappeared by itself.

Never say "I hate my appearance." To be beautiful it is not necessary to match any pattern. Do not believe? Take a closer look at Ume Thurman, Sarah Jessica Parker, Lisa Minnelli, Barbra Streisand, Amy Winehouse.

Watch the video: How To Improve Your Personality. 9 Personality Enhancing Tips (May 2024).