Personal growth

10 things you will regret by the age of thirty

What could be better than to learn about the mistakes of thirty, when you are still twenty? I bring to your attention a list of things that are most often regretted by those who managed to exchange the third dozen. Let's learn from the mistakes of others!

1. Too many "must", too few "want"
The older generation will always be displeased with the younger ones. The older generation is confident that they know the only true way of life. And by the age of thirty you will collect a whole handbook of things and events that you "must": get an education, get a job, build a career, marry or get married, raise a child, go on vacation, take a loan, build a cottage, look like everything , think like everything and this is not a complete list! One day in order not to find yourself in the circle of unloved people and activities, learn to listen to your own desires and ignore other people's advice.
2. You do not spend time with parents
No matter how sad it may sound, it is often very difficult to realize and accept the fact that, having lived more than a decade with our own people, we still do not have time to get to know them closely enough. Please yourself and your parents with meetings, joint walks and travels, and just talk to them more often. Remember, time will never go in the opposite direction, and relatives will not become younger.
3. You put work in the first place
Believe me, if you spend all your time on a career and a dream, after thirty you will greatly regret this decision. The time you spend with your loved ones, precious moments and memories - all this can not be bought for money or position.
4. You spend a lot of time in negative
Yes, by thirty you will want to return the time that you spent on meaningless melancholy and on constantly whining people. The sooner you decide to leave behind all those who make you feel miserable, the easier it will be for you to live. And, accordingly, try not to worry and not to worry in vain. If you can not change something - relax and do what you can do now.
5. You think 30 is old age
"I'm too old / old for this!" one of the common phrases, which hide behind all those who barely exceeded a quarter of a century. And you know what? 30 is not old age at all! And people are people who are now 50 or 60 will agree with me. Because the matter is not how old you are, but how actively you take part in your life.
6. You do not care about your body
Quite ironic - at first you say that you are too old for this or that, and then you come back to the food of teenagers - fast food. Do not forget, the later you begin to monitor your health and weight, the more difficult it will be to lose weight, cure chronic gastritis and deal with other sores.
7. You do not risk
You may be behaving prudently from childhood, or you may be careful because everyone around you wants you to be careful. In any case, who does not risk, then do not drink champagne!
8. You have no savings or investment.
Probably, you have not yet felt all the usefulness of the stash, because friends and parents are always ready to help out. However, by the age of thirty you will surely regret that you lived from paycheck to paycheck without making savings, not thinking about pensions and forgetting about the emergency situations that can happen to anyone.
9. You have not traveled
Do not forget, with age we become harder to climb. After all, it is unlikely that you decide to take a passport and go to the sea or gather your tents in the mountains if you have not experimented with traveling in your youth?
10. You care about what others think of you.
When I hear someone discussing my life, my partner, work, hobby or appearance, the only thing that comes to my mind is: "They probably have an incredibly boring life, since they are discussing me, not themselves or about their interests. " This is your life and you have one. Live it for yourself, fulfill your dreams, try to make yourself and those you love happy.

Watch the video: Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds (December 2024).