A life

How to feel confident and not get lost in the crowd

Friends are constantly in the circle of communication, they are invited somewhere, they know how to express themselves ... and you are afraid to even come up to the guy and speak. How to feel confident when you are afraid to express emotions, act? If you haven’t felt like a queen of the evening for a long time, put on a fitting dress, and life has become monotonous to horror - do not panic! A little more and you will not notice how you will become the soul of any company. This article will help raise your self-esteem from the level of "I am nobody" to "and I am still hoo."

What should be a confident person

When it becomes difficult to talk to others, and you consider yourself to be a gray mouse that does not deserve anything - it's time to work on self-esteem. How to feel confident if there is no respect for their individuality? Girls complain of "crooked" legs and are afraid to wear a beautiful dress, which they have long dreamed of. They say "I'm fat", although on the scales of 60 kg.

Finally, the complex to be in the spotlight makes many hostages of their fears. Formation of negative thoughts is the first factor that prevents you from becoming confident in yourself. A self-sufficient lady will never look in the mirror and say "what a loser I am, I have a bad taste in clothes, I don’t like me guys." On the contrary, if she has flaws, then she either appreciates them in herself, or she sensibly understands - "I need to work on myself, because I can become better."

A confident person always keeps the situation under control. He does not have a crisis about the opinions of others, awkward cases and defeat. One woman can "fall through the earth" when she slipped in public, and the second - will proudly rise and move on.

In society, much attention is paid to the status and image of a person. When you are influenced by others, their opinion may pose a threat to your self-esteem. For this reason, you need to maintain a neutral position - to be able to accept criticism and learn from it, but also to have your own principled views.

Confident behavior is a positive view of things that motivate to be "on top". When you work hard for results, you are one step ahead of others. From this arises a competition where there is a winner and an outsider. Even when you stand on the spot of defeat - this is not the end of the world and this does not end the opportunity to fix everything.

See in the mirror, squeezed, stooped, unkempt woman? It's time to think about transformation! Work on posture, gait, talking in front of a mirror, gestures, wardrobe. A girl should understand how to look confident, so that she was pleased with herself. First of all, you need to become free from complexes. It is important to work for the result for yourself, and not for someone, because it again obliges to obey other people's laws. Freedom of expression is a search for talents and merits that can play into the hands of success, whether in a profession or in personal life.

Smile - the first thing you need to take in the habit of training confident personality. When a person is happy, he is ready to move mountains by his actions, not to pay attention to the negative. A depressed person is not able to sensibly look at the world - for her life is like a vicious circle, where she is a victim. In addition, when a person smiles, he looks nice and attracts attention. It is important not to ignore personal emotions in order to become open, because it helps to analyze your inner world.

If life proceeds in a "work-home-work" format, it is important to add here "movie dates (for those who are in search) for shopping trips-runs". A self-confident person is filled with enthusiasm for life, and does not give up at the first failure or stressful situation. A feeling of insecurity is created when a person has not adapted to society. If you didn’t speak in front of a big audience and suddenly you had to quit, you may be deprived of speech. It is best not to get into an awkward position, but to prevent it.

In this example, it is worth presenting yourself in front of an audience. It is important to learn to speak confidently, clearly, slowly, with beautiful gestures in front of a mirror. How to feel confident? Learn to express yourself freely, that is, to speak, to act, to think without restrictions. If you want to increase your chances of success and become interesting in communication - you should not ignore these tips.

Train alone

How to feel confident among the public, if to be sandwiched, notorious? It is important to train your communication skills, charisma, behavior in front of a mirror. Why not imagine yourself at the Oscar presentation with a soulful speech or sing karaoke as if you were in a crowded square. Fantasies help to portray yourself in the role that is your benchmark. Do you want to become a leading or an actress? There is nowhere without the skills of public speaking, beautiful gestures, facial expressions.

Wherever we are, the image works for us. When it is very difficult to communicate with real people - the best start with personal training. Independently, you can understand how to speak confidently, how to look interesting, how to sit, how to stand and many more nuances. A little more and you can conquer any company with your charisma.

Work on appearance

Don't you get tired of wearing this old gray sweater in a roll, a boring cardigan that went out of fashion in the 2000s? And this hairstyle ... no need to be obsessed with fashion magazines, blogs about style, but occasionally you should be interested in the novelties of the season. You can not imitate all the Instagram stars and not spend millions on makeup and things.

It is enough to revise your basic wardrobe, do not neglect jewelry, accessories. Being well-groomed in the end is always welcome. It is appropriate to the saying "meet on clothes." Appearance builds a first impression about a person. If you are dressed in robes and with a bun on your head, then no one will understand that you are a rather interesting conversationalist and love to draw. Confident behavior is born from the feeling of your image, in which you go out into the light.

We practice communication

After the theory immediately practice. You can not use probes for a long time - you will soon have to buy a full cream. Also in communication - you need to hone skills on real people, study their behavior, be able to withstand stress. The more we are immersed in psychology, the freer we feel under any circumstances. Why not call a friend and ask "how are you doing, let's meet for a cup of coffee?". Or surprise colleagues and for the first time approach them at lunch and talk about something interesting.

Praise and reward yourself

How to feel confident if you constantly blame yourself on trifles, live in stress and negativity? On the contrary, you need to appreciate your individuality and tune for success. Every morning, say to yourself, "you are strong, you can do it, you have so much potential," diligently practice confidence in the public and reward yourself with a beautiful dress.

You need to love what you do. You can not force yourself to be always better, stronger, more successful. On the contrary, it is necessary to keep the balance of interest, without which there will be no desire to control oneself and act. One more thing - if you are told compliments, then be able to accept and thank them. You should not include a defensive reaction - you are on your way to a new “I”, so proceed to increase self-esteem.

Develop physically

Confident person does not forget to maintain the body in good shape. Regular workouts not only save you from excess sentiment on your stomach, but also make you purposeful. Sport hardens willpower, which is just not enough for training social skills. Look at yourself in the mirror - in front of you is the one that has all the chances to be stunning. It is so nice to wear a tight dress, do make-up and go for a walk. Compliments and enthusiastic views are not long in coming.

Read psychology books

A healthy, toned body can not go anywhere without ordered thoughts in my head. Self-development books open up a world of possibilities. Here are the answers to many problematic issues, examples from the life of real people. Books are built on the experience that hundreds of people have experienced. It is necessary to find answers for yourself in the lines, how many situations will cease to be unexpected and bear fear.

How to feel confident already from this minute? Learn to be open to others and be ready for changes in your life. It is necessary to abandon the status of "sufferer", and to go independently to the possibilities Confidence? it is an individuality where you find yourself in a real image in which you feel comfortable. P.S. Love yourself in any mood, appearance, social position - accepting your realities allows you to open your eyes to great opportunities.

Watch the video: How to NOT Get Nervous Speaking in Front of People (May 2024).