A life

Nothing to do - why it’s boring

A tired man comes home from work. He turns on the TV, picks up a newspaper, or hastily snacks on what has been left in the fridge since yesterday. Sits on the sofa and once again catches himself thinking: “I have nothing to do.” Lazily goes over several exercises in his head, discards everything, then continues to idle or just goes to bed. The next morning, the counter of his life rewinds not one passed day, but a whole week. A predator, devouring the human age, is elementary boredom. Is it so dangerous, where its roots are buried, what are the reasons for the appearance - in this article.

Boredom is a must

Paradoxically? Nevertheless, it is a fact. Scientists have found that this feeling is a signal from the brain about the inefficient use of mental resources, as a result of which degradation occurs. Boredom is the first barrier to mental regression.

American psychologist Angela Duckworth believes that emotion arose as a result of evolution and is intended to be a stimulus for change, development. According to the expert, the complete absence of boredom could lead to the fact that a person would do the same things all the time, not wanting to improve the existing skills. If the old lessons do not bring practical experience, the emotion “I have nothing to do” prompts me to take on something new, more useful.

In small doses, boredom is even beneficial. Correctly reacting to it, you can maintain your brain, your mind “in a tonus”. Sensation tells you when to change something in your own life, how to do it.

Why are we bored

The reasons for the appearance of a bored expression on the face can be completely opposite phenomena. However, the analysis of their situation, the search, the elimination of these causes will return joy, a good mood.

Gray routine routine

“Make a clear schedule of the day - and life will get better” - promise journalists in articles, bloggers on channels, leading entertainment programs in studios. But what if this definition, accurate graphs, and so too much?

Experiencing the same day after day gives a feeling of stability, but leaves no room for easy adventurism and intrigue. It is not surprising that the whole existence becomes only a succession of identical predictable events causing melancholy. It is human nature to be afraid of cardinal changes. What if it gets worse? It remains to be content with what is.

And yet, allow yourself some freedom of choice, the lack of knowledge is not a luxury, but an accessible reality, leading to new bright emotions.

Lack of goals and ambitions

All life is the road from one dream to another. Getting the desired, the person immediately lights up the idea to achieve even more. Excessive ambition may become a serious problem, but the complete absence of these same ambitions provokes new difficulties. The reasons for this condition can be:

  • lack of self-confidence, lack of support;
  • life under strict foreign rules (parental, for example);
  • laziness, unwillingness to act;
  • fear of change, failure.

Purposeless existence is one of the causes of early death. So say Japanese scientists. They emphasize that knowing oneself, analyzing one's own aspirations that are not imposed by society will save the situation. You can start small and move on to more - from a goal to save up for a new piece of clothing to a dream to visit all countries of the world.

Inability to control the situation

A man stands in line for sugar, which is not delivered to the store for several days. Naturally, a large crowd formed in the room, to wait a long time. Now a few facts about the circumstances from the point of view of the main character:

  • to come home without sugar means to listen to your wife's grumble all evening, and not a football match;
  • the neighbor went to the cottage, ask him for a product or political asylum from the spouse will not work;
  • the phone is dead, there is no possibility to read sports news or play a game;
  • Every corner of the store is known, there is nothing to consider, but the queue consists of strangers, it’s impossible to talk to anyone.

The man is in a bind. He really has nothing to do except stand, hoping that when his turn comes, the sugar will not end. What does he feel? That's right - he is bored. Every time a person finds himself in a situation that he cannot change and has to just wait, he feels bored.

Difficult or undesirable task

Another paradox. Boredom can overcome even when there is an occupation. To begin, complete the preparation of a working report, general cleaning, an English lesson for some is extremely difficult. The person understands that the execution of the task takes him a lot of time, effort. Then he finds hundreds of other, less important tasks and is actively taken for them. Where does boredom come from here?

The problem is that light classes end sooner or later, and the desire to solve the main problem is not added. Unfulfilled instructions are constantly kept in mind, they are morally pressing. The mood worsens, anxiety grows - and this is the red path for boredom.

Physiological and psychological problems

Sometimes it is not longing that makes you feel unwell, but, on the contrary, poor health becomes a cause of chronic depression. These reasons include:

  • psychological - clinical depression, neurasthenia;
  • medical - diseases of the organs, lack of vitamins;
  • natural fatigue as a result of stress, great physical and mental stress;
  • poor nutrition, poor sleep patterns, lack of mobility.

As a result of internal problems, a person starts to get bored, does not know where to put himself, what to do. As soon as the problems are resolved, the mood will improve.

Lack of permanent occupation

This is not so much about household or work affairs, but about a hobby. Cooking courses, travel, even dancing at home, bringing real pleasure, eliminate the hopeless longing. If the whole existence is limited only by the vicious circle “unloved work-uncleaned house”, if the person himself does not know what he likes, what inspires, then sadness, unwillingness to do anything will be near all the time.

Having better studied the life of happy people, you can see that they are busy doing something almost all the time. Often it is creativity or volunteering. They are looking for owners of homeless animals, paint portraits, grow rare varieties of violets, compose four-volume poems. They always know where to spend an extra minute, with enthusiasm they talk about their hobbies.

Bright surge of emotions

Negative experiences or positive - it does not matter. A powerful flash of joy, grief, panic, excitement depletes the emotional reserve. A good rest restores the reserve, but the negative effect of overwhelmed feelings can last for several hours or days, and the echoes of the past can sometimes remind of themselves for months. Good experiences, as a rule, require a shorter recovery period, bad ones - on the contrary.

As soon as the adrenaline storm subsides, fatigue and exhaustion replace it. It is felt physically, emotionally. During this period it is easy to give way to boredom. That is why doctors insist that choosing personal relaxation techniques, being able to relax, draw energy from external sources - nature, hobbies, communication with loved ones - is extremely important.

What danger poses chronic boredom

If a slight temporary feeling can be useful with the right approach to interpreting it, then a constant bored mood can add to a lot of problems. This emotion is really capable of depriving a few happy years of life, but mediocre. What does it mean?

It has a detrimental effect on physiology, the psyche is not boredom itself, but its consequences. These include:

  • prolonged depression, apathy;
  • aggressiveness;
  • drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • gambling addiction;
  • physical, mental degradation.

The reason and its results are so intertwined with each other that experts still can not understand what comes first. However, psychotherapists assure: patients who complained that they are often bored, more often than others left the life of the young.

The conclusion is simple: boredom, the feeling that there is nothing to do, is not a reason for panic. After analyzing the state, finding the cause of the current situation, you can change, achieve great heights, fill your life with positive, bright joy. If it is impossible to cope with the problem on its own, specialists - therapists and psychologists can help.

Watch the video: THE MOST BORING THING IN MINECRAFT. (May 2024).