Love and relationship

How to make a man think about you: advice and commentary of a psychologist

Any woman wants a man to seek her, to pay attention, not to forget about her for a minute. However, the realities of life are such that in order for the man you like to be near, you often have to take control of the situation. And if you can not get the attention of the guy you like, sooner or later the question arises how to make a man think about you?


Of course, you need to look at all 100%. Men love with their eyes - everyone knows that. Therefore, in order for thoughts of you to begin to creep into his head, he should at least want you.

Here it is important to observe a balance: it is categorically forbidden to look vulgar. Many men can only be seduced by their appearance in 2 minutes, only this will prevent you from getting closer to the desired goal.

Correct behavior

Suppose you are already catching on yourself the glowing gaze of the desired object. But how to behave further. The man has one goal, and you perfectly imagine it. However, responding immediately to his desire with a loving eye, you risk exacerbating the situation: he will simply get what he wants, raise his self-esteem, and you will continue to suffer and look for what will catch him. Only then it will be much more difficult.

The correct behavior is to show that a man is reasonably interested in you (the key word is in moderation, you should not look at him without looking away and by any means show that you need only him), but at the same time do nothing yourself. Take care, smile sweetly, showing by all appearances that for you male attention is the norm.

Some girls, after reading that men are hunters, radically change the line of conduct, becoming touchy and not letting a man close. This is fundamentally wrong. Men - lazy creatures, as a rule, without much imagination. Therefore, your chosen one, even if he liked you, can quickly surrender. A man must understand that his efforts will be justified, if he tries - and then he will think what to do to get what he wants.

When you are sure that the man understood that you are distinguishing him from the general mass, it would be good to make him jealous a little. Pay your attention to some other character. This is a very effective method, as self-esteem in men is a painful thing. He will not be able to calmly relate to the situation when an opponent appears. In this case, in no case can not be allowed to have the thought that you do it on purpose. Otherwise, he realizes his importance to you, and interest will fade.

Well, if you have the opportunity to constantly communicate. But to communicate with you should be interesting.

The less straightness, the better. Encourage him to make his fantasy work, but don’t do anything on his own. Talk with jokes, half hints so that he cannot understand what you really feel. At least he will be interested in what you want from him, and whether you want anything at all. And he will make attempts to find out.

Any advice on how to make a man think about you will not do any good if you yourself think more about him than you need. His interest is very easy to give out, and then the man will understand that you are already on the hook. Then you will have to adapt to it. If this happens, turn around 180 degrees and act as he does not expect.

You must clearly control the situation, if you can’t influence what is happening, and he controls everything, you are mistaken somewhere. If you have an appointment for today, call and cancel it. Just not an apologetic tone. Calmly say that you, unfortunately, will not be able to meet him today - extraordinary circumstances prevent you from doing so. You can say that you save the world with its beauty. No matter what you say, the main thing is that you cancel the meeting, and he understood that you have more important things to do.

How to save the situation if necessary?

Do not think that a woman should be caring-tender-affectionate to get the man she wants. Extremely rare specimens adequately respond to a normal attitude towards them. And with them, as a rule, you do not need to play any games. Therefore, “forget” the phone, gently apologizing afterwards for not calling back, respond to messages in a couple of hours or the next day, referring to busyness, etc.

A man should understand that he is for you - not the center of the universe, and you have your own interests, about which he knows nothing. Will ask - smile and make a joke. This, incidentally, concerns any questions about you: the less he knows, the better. Curiosity is a great power. But you can be interested in his life - ask (only not personal - you are not interested) more, and the more a man tells, the closer you will be to him.

Watch the video: How To Make Someone Miss You Psychology (April 2024).