A life

How to get better no matter what

Perfection is the only thing in man that has no limit. How to become better on their own and stop inactive? Why do you want to grow, despite the stability? How to start to try, not just to pretend? If the insight has come to you, that life becomes nondescript or goes along oblique - we begin combat readiness. We eliminate the shortcomings today, using simple tips. Starting now, you will at least save precious years, and as a maximum - you will become better!

How to become better

Live consciously

How to become better if you do not give a report to thoughts and actions? We are not robots that live on autopilot. This is impossible, because blindly following a schedule erases the framework of the world. Awareness is the ability to understand everything and give it meaning.

Relationships in the family are not devoid of meaning, the journey to observe the world is also not devoid of meaning. So it is also important to reinforce the daily affairs with connections with what we are doing it for. There is such a clever expression - cause and effect relationships. This is the law of the universe that works between man and the outside world.

Appreciate your and other people's time

A call on the phone is delayed for 40 minutes, instead of the short "Hello, how are you, what's new?". Friends are constantly late for any meeting, although they agreed at 17:00. Disrespect for one's time and for others lives in many people. Lack of punctuality, brevity in actions create other bad habits. Disrespect for time is a manifestation of inconsistency, without which you cannot go far in life. You can become better if you attach importance to each of your own and others' minutes.

Do not focus only on yourself

So that a person is not disappointed in the world, it is important to pay attention to others. Not everything revolves around the person himself - there are so many things around that need attention. Compassion is a strong point of personality, which many neglect. Charity and mutual aid, support reveal inner potential.

No damage will not bring financial assistance to orphans, planting a tree in the yard or Saturday in the park. It is also important to listen to the rest. Tips experienced people can bring undeniable benefits to those who are just beginning to develop. In the understanding of the people around them lies the philosophy of self-consciousness.

Learn to be flexible in society

Criticism destroys self-esteem and morally crushes? You can not take everything to heart! It is normal that some people disagree with your opinion, dispute it, moreover, they dissuade it. It is important to have your own opinion, which is not amenable to others' judgments.

Listening to the advice is one thing, but it is not permissible to be plasticine in the hands of others. Not everything should go on the bill of man! People may just like to play the emotions of others. If you show that it is not interesting, then they will eventually fall behind.

Value yourself

How to become better when there is no feeling of self-love inside? Rejection of one's life is a very strong decision, but rejection of oneself is destructive. When a person has a love for his individuality, this feeling is reflected in his environment. After hard work you can spend time in the company with a light shower. To go to the cinema, to sing in karaoke, to devote time to the spa - rest and encouragement of their efforts give a strong motivation. It is worth saying to yourself: “You are the one who is able to come to success, and I believe in you. You have the strength and you are a great fellow!”. Such words out loud help reinforce faith in yourself and not give up the position.

Talking and doing - inseparable things

Thoughtlessly to say "And I will have a big house, and I will have the recognition of the public, and I will have this and that" - a silly idea. This is familiar to many, and it is periodically traced in us. Reliability is a trait of the word man who does not spread to the wind. People around are often guided by reliable people and set them as examples. It is important to develop the will and character that will speak about inner strength. It was said that the meeting would take place tomorrow, and then abruptly reluctant - it is worth going and meeting with the responsibility face to face. How long has it been about losing weight? A great reason to start it right now!

How to make yourself better

The desire to grow includes a reboot of the mind, which for a long time was in hibernation. “Life goes on as usual” or “everything is fine with me”, and even more often “slowly” - this is what we hear day after day from people around us. You look at such a person and it reflects all the pain, depression, which grew over many years. Of course, every day cannot seem to be a Disney fairy tale with a rainbow and cotton candy - anything can happen. If this continues forever - then you need to turn on the Sherlock Holmes method. Why not become a detective in your own investigation?

How to become better by the method of the famous detective? Be attentive to detail! By adhering to only two rules, a person can acquire that lacking skill - concentration. So, what is the secret:

  • No need to spray on a lot. It is enough to pay attention to one thing. How do errors occur? If you do business in a hurry, as they say, loose. It is difficult to keep important information in your mind if you are in two markets (many will understand).
  • Emotions are our everything! How to become better if nerves constantly rule the parade? Anxiety and many other negative phenomena break the whole picture of the world. To think creatively, it is more open to include the positive side of yourself. A pessimist always looks at the world worse than a positive one.

The ability to become better developed with only two components: great desire and punching persistence. Without them, the changes will simply bypass the door and not knock on them. Now we need to take a sheet of paper and a pen. For the solemnity of the process, they must be beautiful (this is not unimportant) - so the process will be official. It is important to write down the following points that need to be followed on the path to a new “I”:

  1. Switch from frivolous to more important goals. At first, the mind will be a little shocked, but without this in any way! Quit work over the coming months for a dream job. Develop self-control - do not sit for hours at the TV, computer, and do yoga, reading literature. In general, what we have been thinking about for a long time.
  2. To conduct a deep analysis of reality. Write things that are not satisfied and need to be done with them. Near each one - write ways to solve the problem, replace “this” with “other”.
  3. Write a step by step plan. Do not make a million in 3 years, but write down how you can do it. Under the loud words should be the stages of implementation. It is necessary to include as many resources as possible to fulfill your dreams.
  4. Work on the shortcomings. What kills time? Not going to the forest for mushrooms (which is, on the contrary, a plus), but mindlessly sitting behind the phone, playing the console until night, aimlessly shopping. It is important to eliminate the irritants that hypnotize us.
  5. Monitor the implementation of goals. Each result is important to write in a diary and compare with each other. How to become better if you do not understand at what stage you are now? It is nice to know that a month ago we were at the foot of the mountain, and today - almost at the ridge.

How to become better? Activate your mind to the maximum and do not let go of this desire to the bitter end! The above tips will help you just take and start, despite the obstacles. Surely, you will not apply all of them, but you definitely will not stay in the same place. If you liked the article - share it with friends and start a new stage of life together.

Watch the video: Calum Scott - No Matter What (May 2024).