Personal growth

How to adjust yourself and not be afraid of fighting in the street?

Fear of fighting is the natural reaction of the human body, especially at the time of occurrence of the risk of attack. The degree of fear may be different.

In some cases, people may not be anxious even when confronted with a stronger rival. An important role in shaping the fear of fights is played not only by physical strength and the presence of certain skills, but by the level of self-esteem.

If a person is not initially confident in himself and his abilities, then in a collision with an enemy he doomed to failure. So how not to be afraid of a fight?

Why is man afraid to fight?

The main reason for the appearance of fear of a fight is basic inability to use physical force for self-defense.

The second most common factor is experienced bad experience (for example, the attack of hooligans, which provoked serious injury).

In some cases, the causes of such fear can be embedded in the subconscious and due to certain traits of a person’s character.

Provoke fear Before a fight, the following factors can:

  1. Children's fears (not only a bad experience in childhood can provoke fear of a fight, but also punishment from adults for any attempts to repel the abuser with force).
  2. Fear of injury and pain (at the subconscious level, a person begins to think how much discomfort to give him a bruise on his face or other injuries).
  3. Availability fear of causing pain to another a person (at such moments can be combined fear of excessive use of their strength and pity for other people, even with an aggressive nature).
  4. Congenital properties of the psyche (fear of a fight may be due to certain traits of character, for example, modesty, excessive vulnerability, etc.).
  5. Fear of consequences or their ignorance (fights can be punished by the law, entail a lot of negative consequences, ignorance of the outcome of events becomes the cause of psycho-emotional discomfort).
  6. Suffered physical and mental abuse (if a person is intimidated or subjected to regular beatings, then he will be extremely difficult to cope with the fear of a fight).

Street fighting psychology

Street fights have some features.

First of all, the nuances relate to the psychological aspect. Street Fights most often provoked by a crowd of hooligans.

In this group of people there is always the one who all the other participants in the conflict are oriented to. Participants in a street fight do not rely on their physical abilities, but are motivated by the potential protection of their comrades.

Such nuances have a powerful impact on the self-esteem of each member of the group. Confront an aggressive crowd extremely difficult.

Who usually wins?

In most cases, the winner in the fight is the one who literally thinks less and acts more. Plays an important role having combat skills.

If you have experience of numerous street fights, mastering the techniques of boxing, wrestling or martial arts, then it will be extremely difficult to cope with such a person.

Victory guaranteed to those who do not allow the enemy to comprehend the situation, to find ways of retreat or attack.

Why do intelligent people lose?

A good intelligent person initially less chance of winning in a fight.

The reason for this prediction are numerous factors, including the nuances of education, certain character traits and the principle of thinking.

An intelligent person at the time of conflict thinks how to settle it with wordsHow to avoid beatings, what consequences a fight will have for both parties.

Shyness, indecision, shyness and other traits can prevent the ill-wisher from giving a proper response.

A bad, ill-mannered person relies only on his instincts and reactions at such times.

What to do, if afraid to hit another? Street Fight Psychology:

How to stop being afraid?

The most effective way to combat the fear of a fight is the development of self-defense techniques. Women, men and even teenagers can enroll in such courses.

Working with students, the coach teaches the skills of fighting, works with the psycho-emotional state and uses some psychotherapeutic methods of influence.

After the course of such classes with a person increases self-esteem, self-confidence appears, and the ability to protect oneself with the help of physical strength is developed.

Several ways to overcome fear of a fight:

  1. Mentally it is necessary to present a conflict situation and play it in imagination to the end (special attention should be paid to their actions in the presented situation; one must see oneself as a bold, clever and decisive person).
  2. Fights should not constantly wait and be afraid (anxiety in some cases can materialize and literally draw trouble into a person’s life).
  3. It has good performance mastering the skills of controlling one’s own emotions and the basics of the respiratory gymnast (such techniques will help not to lose vigilance and not to give vent to excess emotions at a crucial moment).

How to overcome fear? 100% way to learn how to fight:

How to prepare?

The risk of a fight can be a surprise, so work on yourself need to start to carry out in advance. First of all, it is necessary to understand the object of fear and identify the specific cause of its occurrence.

In some cases, doing it yourself is problematic. Psychologists or psychotherapists will help determine the exact nature of the fear of a fight. These specialists can select and optimal combat options with such fears.

How to become brave and confident?

How to set yourself up for a fight?

Before starting to develop self confidence in a fight, it is necessary to understand what is courage.

This concept does not mean the absence of fear, but implies the ability to carry out the task, despite the occurrence of anxiety.

Courage must be trained and should begin with minor deeds and careful work on yourself.

How to remove fear? Methods of working on yourself to develop courage and confidence in their physical strength:

  • honestly admit to yourself in your fear (you can tell your reflection in the mirror about it);
  • try to find the reasons for the appearance of the fear of fighting (child resentment, character traits, etc.);
  • regularly perform insignificant but bold actions (taking the initiative in getting to know one, defending one's point of view in front of colleagues or friends);
  • for success in acquiring new qualities of character you should praise (it is recommended to note even the smallest manifestations of courage);
  • if the fear of a fight becomes an obsessive state, then it is necessary to seek help from specialists (psychologists and psychotherapists) as soon as possible;
  • to eliminate the feeling of fear can only be a long work on yourself and your emotions (fear must be realized, accepted and overcome);
  • it is necessary to learn how to scream (fear of speaking up in raised tones can provoke negative consequences at the risk of a fight, you can choose deserted places or natural areas for training shouts);
  • one should try to show courage with maximum regularity (if there is such an opportunity, stand up for the child in front of peers, save the kitten from a dog or other offender, etc.).

How to get angry before a collision?

The easiest way cause aggression, is a mental representation of a situation in which you have already shown or could have shown strong features of your character.

For example, an attack by hooligans on a defenseless person, a mockery of a peer at a child or other examples of injustice.

Can try introduce someone from their longtime offenders or specific people who cause you to have bouts of rage and resentment. Anger as a result of such experiments with the subconscious to appear very quickly.

Use intelligence

Intellect can be used on stage attempts to prevent a conflict situation. It is important to try to use such psychological techniques that will help create the impression that you are a fearless and strong person.

At the time of the fight thanks to the intellect, you can identify the weaknesses of the offender and even calculate the battle tactics.

However, in street fights intellectual abilities become powerless. The actions of some people who are prone to aggression, can not be a logical explanation and can not be predictable.

Psychological advice before the inevitable hassle

Psychologists pay special attention neurotic factor in case of fear of a fight.

Fear can be caused not by a specific object, but by character traits.

For example, excessive instinct of self-preservation, lack of propensity to solve problems by physical force or other nuances.

If a fight is inevitable, then a loss of control over one’s own emotions can cause serious trouble. The main task in this case is the use of special psychotherapeutic techniques.

How to get rid of excitement? Psychologists recommendations:

  • you can not show your excitement (appearance should be as cool as possible);
  • the enemy must look into the eyes (in most cases, people experience internal discomfort when someone looks at them intently);
  • so that the enemy does not take control of the situation, you can try to give free rein to your most negative emotions (shout at it, use obscene expressions, etc.);
  • you can not think about the strength of the enemy and prepare for defeat (even in the presence of unequal forces, you need to think about winning);
  • it is necessary to objectively assess the number and strength of offenders (if several people provoke a conflict, only flight can be the best way to solve the problem).

To combat the fear of a fight, psychologists recommend first of all to work on the level of their self-esteem.

To such forms of fear in most cases humble people tendwho do not see their virtues and consider themselves initially weaker than others.

Looking in the mirror, it is recommended to compliment your image, celebrate dignity and regularly smile to yourself. With the help of such simple techniques, not only self-esteem, but also mood will increase. Further work on yourself will have to be carried out for a long time and in stages.

How to become stronger in spirit and overcome fear? How not to be afraid of conflicts? Find out from this video:

Watch the video: How to Survive a Dog Attack (April 2024).