
How not to fear a fight and a fight: the recommendations of specialists in martial arts

Fear of fistfight is a completely natural reaction of the human brain to danger. Drama can develop in an unpredictable scenario, which will eventually lead to serious injury or even death. However, to overcome physical intolerance to personal clash with an opponent is possible. How to stop being afraid of a fight, and what should be done for this?

Knowledge of martial arts, as a sure way to overcome fear

What is the easiest way to deal with negative emotions before a fight? In fact, it is enough to master any martial art. Knowledge in this area will have the following effect on a person:

  • he will lose the psychological fear of a fight, because a person will be confident in his abilities during a full-time battle;
  • such skills help to notice the opponent's shortcomings, correctly using them against himself;
  • the development of martial arts helps a person soberly assess the situation, not to be led by adrenaline and act more logically;
  • attending such classes helps a fighter to gain an inner core, confidence in his victory.

Psychologists do not get tired of repeating that a person is afraid only when he is not confident in his own abilities. If he knows all his strengths and weaknesses, understands how to use the energy of the opponent against himself, he wins the fight even before he appears in the ring.

Another great advantage of such classes is self-discipline, which brings up blood and sweat in the ring. A person gets used to work a lot, doing all the best. Thanks to such activities, it becomes much more difficult to ruffle him, because of which the probability of a fight itself decreases.

We must not forget that the comprehension of martial arts is also a great way to keep fit. With an experienced athlete who has developed muscles, hardly anyone will want to get involved, which means that a person will be able to win the fight without even starting it.

Psychological modeling to fight fear

How to overcome the fear of a fight, without attending special martial arts courses? In fact, it is possible, but for this it is necessary to use psychological modeling. How is it done?

  1. You should close your eyes and imagine a situation in which a person is provoked into a fight.
  2. As a contender, you should choose a real person, the same person who most often acts as an aggressor.
  3. It is necessary to imagine how he delivers the first blow, how the fighter responds to these cuffs.
  4. Next, you should analyze the reasons for the aggressiveness of the opponent and his vulnerabilities.
  5. After that, it remains only to imagine how a fight logically ends with a victory.

Psychologists believe that psychological modeling helps to forget about the fear of the first blow. It is this feeling that often prevents a person from engaging in battle with an adversary. He passes even before the start of the fight, although he is stronger than his rival.

Psychological modeling helps to realize that a fight is not so scary, and that even the strongest, biggest rival can be defeated, competently using his power.

Another important advice from martial arts experts is not to be the first to be in a battle. Often the initiative from one fighter puts a stupor in another, not allowing him to win. If a person also has skills in the field of self-defense, the battle will surely be won.

Practice is the secret to success.

How to overcome the fear of a fight without participating in it is a fundamentally wrong question. You can train for a long time, motivate yourself to win and engage in the improvement of psychological preparation, but without practice it is all useless.

Only this does not mean that you need to immediately get into a fight with dangerous strangers. A person can resort to the following workout options:

  • fights with a trainer or other students of combat courses;
  • a fight with friends or acquaintances, which will be more likely a comic character;
  • in the absence of the first two options, you can always resort to using a punching bag.

Such practical training will help to work out your skills, make sure you have the skills. In addition, a fight can make an excellent emotional discharge, helping a person forget about stress. It is necessary to practice strikes for at least 2-3 weeks, and only after that a person can confidently go into battle with his enemies who offend him.

Psychologists emphasize that the sparring partners should choose a stronger opponent. This will teach a person not to be afraid of difficulties, confidently battling with any enemy, regardless of his physical data.

When not to get into a fight

Defeating the fear of a fight is not the most important thing, because you also need to teach how to ignore conflicts. If a person is not afraid to fight his ill-wishers, this does not mean that he should wave his fists at every opportunity. In what situations is it better to ignore the fight?

  1. If the opponent is a priori weaker, because then the victory will be unfair.
  2. If the sparring partner intentionally provokes a fight or uses dirty tricks.
  3. There is no need to resort to a fight with a whole crowd, because it is obviously a losing position.
  4. It is not recommended to go into action on the sly, striking a blow to someone who does not suspect him.

If a person attends martial arts courses, then he should know that skills in a fight are also a very big responsibility. They should not be used against those who are weaker. Also, a person who is not afraid of a fight should not join it with everyone. Elementary provocations must be able to be ignored, since reacting to them will not lead to anything good.

It is also not recommended to fight while intoxicated, since then the battle can end in absolutely unpredictable.

It is sometimes more terrible to enter the battle with your own fears than to enter the real ring. However, overcoming your emotions once, in the future, a person will be able to easily defeat any enemy without fear of losing at the same time.

Watch the video: How to overcome fear in Street fight. With Dr Jon Xue Zhang PhD (October 2024).