
Books worth reading in your life

Books worth reading in your life

The book is a source of knowledge, wisdom and inspiration. Ancient clay tablets and modern e-books containing hundreds of novels carry the most valuable things that time gives to people - the knowledge, experience and wisdom of each era. The book passes through wars, famine, financial crises. It does not depreciate and does not lose its meaning. And there are books that can change a person’s life, inspire new feats, save them from hopelessness and despondency.

We advise you to read books that have magic keys, secrets of a happy personal and family life; books-manuals for parents and simply magnificent novels of authors of different eras.
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4 books that change the world
Why is it useful to read books

Books worth reading to a woman

Every woman dreams of happiness and love. She strives to make all her loved ones happy: husband, children, parents, friends, colleagues. The following books will be able to help her uncover the female talents in herself, teach the female wisdom and tolerance:
• "The Charm of Femininity" by Helen Andelin. The publication is rich in practical advice for girls, women. The book, in harmony with the eternal values, presents the desires and interests of modern women - fast-moving, business-like, demanded in society. How to combine gentleness and decisiveness, how to preserve charm and beauty, how to realize yourself on all fronts, remaining yourself? Helen reveals these and many other questions to readers.
• “Purpose of being a woman” Olga Valyaeva. The book teaches girls and women to be special for their husbands, children, parents. To be inspirers, doctors, muses, friends. To be the best and irreplaceable. A woman in antiquity had a special place and role in society. The author tells on her own experience how she went about developing her femininity, how she became the patroness of her family.
• "10 Commandments for a Real Woman" Julia Sviyash. The modern woman often realizes herself only in one direction, leaving the rest of her life without food and love. Julia’s commandments are the key to harmony, full of happiness; the key to feminine significance, immediacy.
• "Men from Mars, Women from Venus" by John Gray. Yes, we are all different! But how to cope with it? How to understand what is good for our half, and what is imposed by our natural birth different from them? In an accessible and easy language, the author reveals to the reader the feminine and masculine nature.

Books worth reading to parents

Parents are not born, they become parents. And there is no better mentor than a book with the knowledge of experienced educators, parents who raised their children happy, harmonious personalities.
• "Children from Heaven" by John Gray. It is difficult to recognize that the old methods of education in many ways limited children, did not give them spiritual comfort, did not develop them. But in absolute indulgence there is no sense. How to be? How to raise a personality and maintain their parental status? How to raise a child in love without spoiling him? This book is about that.
• “My son is growing up! How to raise a real man” Ian Grant. The title of the book speaks for itself. Parents of sons will find for their family practice a lot of interesting and useful tips to cope with the whims, fears, imagination of little men.
• "Smart Parents - A Brilliant Child" by Tony Busen. Each child is unique and brilliant in his own way, but not all parents have enough experience and wisdom to reveal it in a child, see its best sides and raise a self-sufficient personality.
• "Teach your child to think" Edward de Bono. There are many books about positive thinking for adults. And this universal book is for everyone. Together with their children, their parents will be able to learn how to benefit from the thought process. Remember that every thing, achievement begins with a small - thoughts!

Books worth reading for self-development

There are a lot of books on self-improvement, the development of the soul and spirit. Most of them are similar and convey the same knowledge. At the very beginning, when you only think about the spiritual path and self-improvement, the following books will help:
• "Unlimited Life" by Joe Vitalle. The author is a successful man who managed to get out of poverty and become what he wants. The book teaches readers to take full responsibility for their lives on themselves, reveals to everyone his limitless abilities - through forgiveness, acceptance of the world, harmonious relations with loved ones.
• "Where do ideas come from" Jack Foster. Man is the creator of his world. And everything is in it: ideas, projects, peaks, distant horizons. It is important to remember yourself and learn how to create!
• "Mental Light", "The Doctrine of Survival", "In Consonance with Oneself", "Staying or Going" by Luule Viilma. Books by an Estonian healer and certified doctor on how to live in harmony with oneself, how to cure one's illnesses with the help of correct thinking, with the help of prudence. Her practice of forgiveness was at one time a discovery for the modern world, in need of affordable methods of stress relief, the release of the internal resources of the body.
• “Stop thinking! Act!” Robert Anthony. Why wait for someone to live life for us, reach our heights, be happy for us? All this is our job! How to move from thoughts to action, how to start building a happy and successful life? A book about this and not only.
• "Conversations with God" (trilogy) and "Moments of Grace" Neil Donald Walsh. In simple accessible language, the author expounds the essence of our relationship with God. Without touching any religion, Walsh speaks about the main thing - about God in our hearts.
• "Transurfing of reality" Vadim Zeeland. Books by this author - for people of action, movement. Read them and remain indifferent to their reality is impossible. Be sure to want to change everything for the better. And you should start with a thought!
• "How to be when things are not as they want?" Alexander Sviyash. If life is far from ideal and every day a snowball of problems grows in diameter, then there are only two ways: to accept the fatal fate of a villain without a murmur or to act. Sviyash teaches action, development, moving forward - to happiness, well-being, success.
There are a lot of books that should be read - a lot, and the time of a modern person is extremely short, therefore in the future we plan to place only lists of the best books on our website. Read books and change yourself, change your life for the better, look for the keys to your happiness!

Watch the video: Reading a Book a Week is Changing My Life (May 2024).