
Pros, cons and consequences of the conflict

Certain circumstances, misunderstanding, negative attitude towards the interlocutor lead to conflict.

This incident happens to everyone and it natural processwhich occurs in different life situations.

Experts identify both the pros and cons of the conflict. There are many consequences of such incidents, which should be read.

Nature and reason

Conflict is born when one side believes that the other infringes its interests.

When in humans too different perception of what is happeningopinion does not coincide on a particular issue, a collision occurs.

Each side tries to prove its case, rejects the arguments of the enemy. People cease to hear each other, focusing only on their point of view.

Respect for each other, tolerance disappear, hatred and contempt grow. Is born the desire to prove to the other side of their case and take it.

Experts consider conflicts to be a natural phenomenon that occurs during human socialization.

He tries to make friends, certain acquaintances appear. In the course of communication, the interlocutors sometimes understand that their opinions diverge, and it creates negative situations.

Conflicts are usually accompanied. disputes, aggressionbut there are cases when the interlocutors come to a compromise, respect not only their opinion, but also the opinion of the opponent.

Psychologists identify several causes of conflict:

  1. Objective. Discrepancy of interests, views on life. The parties in this case can not accept the views of each other, criticize.
  2. Organizational and managerial. They are connected with the professional activity of a person, when an employee makes mistakes, feels pressure from a manager, or the boss does not fulfill instructions, is criticized by subordinates. Both sides are dissatisfied with each other, expectations do not correspond to reality.
  3. Socio-psychological. Usually this is an incorrect assessment of the results of the activity, or the person treats the adult as a child and talks to him as if he is small, does not give serious instructions.
  4. Personal. Discrepancy of temperaments, characters, insufficient social adaptability, incorrect assessment of one’s own capabilities. Proper cultivation will help prevent negative situations.

Raising the voice, rude language, arrogance, lack of desire to talk, solve the problem during communication can also provoke such an incident.

Causes of conflict:

Necessary and sufficient conditions and factors

Conflict terms - These are circumstances that provoke the occurrence of negative situations. They can be objective and subjective. Objective conditions include:

  • changes in the economic, political and social life of society;
  • financial stratification of citizens, when people's incomes vary considerably;
  • violation of traditional, moral principles;
  • diseases: both physical and psychological.

Subjective conditions for the birth of a conflict are:

  • the person is too anxious and exciting;
  • stressful condition;
  • selfish behavior;
  • low moral, personal qualities of a person;
  • inability to build relationships with other people.

Conflict Factors there are many. The main ones are the discrepancy of spiritual values, lifestyle, life aspirations.

Often they also become negative character traits: pride, selfishness, arrogance, the desire to suppress, hot temper and emotionality.

And vice versa, help to find a compromise such positive features as friendliness, tolerance for others, positive attitude towards others, the ability to maintain calm, the desire to find a solution to the problem.

Structure, constructive and destructive functions

The conflict consists of the following elements:

  1. An object. They can be material, spiritual, or social values. Depending on the situation, they differ.
  2. Members. These are individuals, groups of people, organizations, and even states. Conflict can not only individuals, but also huge groups.
  3. Conditions, social environment. The role is played by which social class the participants belong to, where they live, which professional positions they occupy.
  4. Subjective perception. Each participant in the conflict will perceive the situation in its own way, respond to it with certain emotions and feelings.

    One person they can literally overwhelm, and the other will perceive what is happening calmly, without emotion.

According to psychologists, conflicts perform constructive and destructive functions. Design features include:

  1. Revealing contradictions. Conflict is able to highlight the unresolved issues that exist between people.
  2. Evaluation of individual psychological characteristics of a person. Participants in the conflict find out previously unknown character traits of each other.
  3. The weakening of mental tension. You can get rid of irritability, relieve tension.
  4. Personal development. A person gains experience in communicating with people, learns to build communication with other people, to find a common language.
  5. Improving the quality of individual activities. The activity of people is accelerating, they develop behavioral skills in extreme situations.

In other words, the constructive functions are positive. They perform positive functions that best influence the personality of a person, and the conflict acts as a kind of development, gaining experience.

Destructive functions are different - they are negative and include:

  1. Violation of the communication system - a person faces difficulties in communicating with people.
  2. A person experiences negative emotions.
  3. The growth of hostility towards the other side of the conflict.
  4. One conflict may be followed by another, if the parties have not yet resolved the differences that have arisen.

The conflict performs both positive and negative functions.

Both sides experience certain emotions and feelings in the process of conflict, so psychologists say that these incidents are experience.

In one case, it can be positive, and in the other negative.

Conflicts: constructive or destructive - how to define? Watch the video:

Goals and motives

The purpose of the conflict is change of situation in a favorable direction. A person seeks to improve the situation, to solve his troubling questions. He wants to get rid of misunderstandings, find answers, decides to find out whether to continue the relationship or stop.

Motives are formed by internal components, beliefs, views on life. They are also influenced by circumstances, social environment.

Motives are the force that drives individuals to conflict.. They can vary greatly depending on the situation. As a rule, they are:

  • interests;
  • values;
  • goals;
  • ideals;
  • beliefs.

Social conditions, in which a person is located, can have a certain impact on the mood of the individual, his mood and outlook.

Conflict Conduct Strategies:

Positive and negative sides

These incidents can have both positive and negative sides.

Positive effects

The positive consequences of these incidents are:

  1. The development of interactions both between individuals and between social groups.
  2. Such situations improve relationships. They are moving to a new level, people are revealed to each other.
  3. Conflicts reveal the advantages and disadvantages of certain relationships.
  4. With the help of such situations it is possible to build more harmonious relations, individuals do not hide their real feelings.
  5. The participants of the situation know each other.

Thanks to such situations, people find out to be friends with them further or not, to build relationships or not to do it.

Relationships become more trusting, remove misunderstanding.

Conflict has a positive impact on society only if if they happen rarelydo not harass people internally, do not lead to stressful conditions.

Then people trust each other more, they are more open, uncovered.

If they happen often, the society becomes embittered, aggressive, the incidence of crime rises, and people cannot establish communication, unable to build relationships.

Negative results

Conflicts have many negative consequences.. These include:

  1. Dissatisfaction with the professional activity.
  2. Unjustified competition.
  3. Hiding information.
  4. Experiences, excitement, which often lead to mental problems.
  5. It is difficult to build communications in the future.

Person experiencing negative emotions, he feels bad, trying to recover from what happened.

It may negatively affect professional activities: A person is depressed, he does not have the strength to work, so productivity decreases. To cope with work, affairs becomes very difficult.

Social conflict is not always, but most often leads to negative consequences. People cease to strive for new relationships, avoid new acquaintances, withdraw into themselves.

It happens that the parties find a compromise, discuss issues that interest them, but often the residue from the conflict still remains.

Any conflict has certain goals, motives, can lead to both positive and negative consequences.

These incidents are part of human social life therefore, even among the most friendly and non-conflict people this happens as a result of misunderstanding and rejection of the views of the opposite side.

About the pros and cons of conflict in this video:

Watch the video: The PROS of CONflict! (December 2024).