Family and Children

Tips and tricks from a psychologist: what should parents of a hyperactive child do?

Hyperactive behavior needs correction and proper organization of the daily routine.

If you have a hyperactive child, the advice of a psychologist will tell you what parents should do and how to make contact.

How to determine the symptoms?

First you need to find out whether the child is hyperactive.

Syndrome can be detected both in infancy and much later.

It is also found in adults, some researchers attribute this to the presence of certain genes.

It sounds completely like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but hyperactivity can be diagnosed separately. Associated with violation of the brain.

In boys, according to statistics, it is diagnosed four times more often. About 1-7% of children suffer from the syndrome.

Symptoms to pay attention to:

  1. Lack of attention. Reduced ability to manage your reaction, focus on your task. With a attention deficit in a six-year-old child, disorderly behavior is observed, the inability to sit in class during class. But the symptom can be observed without hyperactivity, therefore, additional study and diagnosis is necessary.
  2. Lack of self control. The child may have normal intelligence, but at the same time behave like a little. He has insufficiently developed willpower and ability to focus on an important task.
  3. Impulsiveness. First he does, then he thinks. Sharply reacts to the actions of other people. May suddenly burst into tears. The child skips the stage of thinking about the reaction, and immediately performs the action.


Causes syndrome can be different, depends on many factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • pathological factors: parents or mothers ingestion of alcohol, prohibited substances, smoking, problems encountered during childbirth, the threat of termination of pregnancy, stresses during gestation of the child.

The factors that increase the risk are the transfer of infectious diseases to the pregnant woman, chronic diseases, poor ecology, mismatch of the Rh factor.


In what cases are diagnosed "hyperactivity" in children of preschool and school age? What should alert the parents and the psychologist when analyzing the child's behavior:

  • sleep disturbance. The child falls asleep poorly, often wakes up, feels tired, his barytimis are disturbed, it is difficult to calm him down, and his sleep is very sensitive;
  • in spite of tiredness, it is difficult to calm and put the baby to sleep, his activity increases;
  • early physical development. The child quickly begins to roll over on his stomach in infancy, he has increased muscle tone;
  • anxiety, loud crying, crying can begin suddenly, for no apparent reason, with bouts - hysteria begins and also ends abruptly;
  • poor development of fine motor skills, clumsiness;
  • sharp, chaotic movements of limbs;
  • increased reaction to stimuli - tight clothing is not pleasant, scared of sounds and bright light;
  • the need for movement, it is difficult for him to sit still even for a couple of minutes;
  • fear of strangers, large crowds of people.

Hyperactive children and features of work with them

Especially hyperactivity manifested by about 4 years. At first, parents are happy that the child is active, inquisitive, but then it becomes a problem, as it becomes difficult to control, learning is not easy, his attention switches sharply.

Doctors for the treatment of hyperactivity may prescribe special drugs, but it is not recommended for parents to do this.

It is important to find out whether there is really a disturbance in the work of the brain, and to prescribe the most optimal and safe treatment.

When working with hyperactive children it is important to be patient. If adults are excited, the child becomes more nervous. As a result, disobedience, hysteria for any reason, refusal to learn.

If attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is suspected it is recommended to visit a psychologist and a therapist. They will assign the appropriate research.

Medical treatment will not be able to do. It is necessary to carefully consider the behavior of parents.

Adults should create a favorable and calm atmosphere. The child necessarily needs a discharge so that he has much to do with the accumulated energy. For this fit sports section, walking in the fresh air.

How to help the child: the advice of psychologists

What should parents do, if the child was diagnosed hyperactivity?

  1. Do not panic.
  2. Provide your baby with calm conditions minimum stress.

    The child should not observe family conflicts and be their participant.

  3. Create friendly atmosphere.
  4. Less likely to use forbidding wordsas it causes protest and excites the nervous system.
  5. Install schedule. Parents will have to control its execution. However, this is done gently, without open coercion.
  6. Give an opportunity consume extra energy, be sure to walk every day for walks. However, keep in mind that such activities as boxing, power struggle for hyperactive children are contraindicated, this increases the level of excitability.
  7. Talk to the baby calm gently.
  8. If a child is frightened by a large crowd of people avoid such places, accustom him to society gradually.
  9. To praise baby
  10. Do not give him several instructions at once, it is better to focus on one task.
  11. To help, if he has something wrong. This should be done calmly.

    If a child does not manage to tie his shoelaces, do not shout at him, but it is necessary to do it together, be sure to praise the kid even for small successes.

  12. Do not rush. If you are in a hurry, start getting ready in advance. The child does not understand that you are late, but the nervousness of the parents is transmitted to him.
  13. Give a child a room or separate placewhere he will be able to play quietly play independently.
  14. Do not tell the child that he is bad, naughty. Complain directly by deed and not by person.

How to cope with it at home?

What to do with a hyperactive child?

Parents worth pay attention as early as possible on overactive baby.

It is important to provide a comfortable environment for development. Stress, family conflicts are contraindicated.

A child from 2 years old reacts to the mood of loved ones, therefore adults should keep calm and poise.

When dealing with a hyperactive baby will need patience. If you scream at him, and even more so to punish him physically, it will aggravate the situation.

Be sure to engage him in any activity. Do not give many toys at once, let them learn to focus on a small number of objects.

How to calm fidget?

Recommendations to parents:

  1. Calm down yourself and do not be irritable with a child.
  2. Forget the habit of raising your voice; this child is even more exciting.
  3. Talk to him calmly, confidently, in a quiet, friendly voice.
  4. Switch it to another activity, change the situation, switch attention.
  5. Before bed, you can take a bath with an extract of henna cones, make a light massage.

Drug therapy

What is prescribed for children with hyperactivity? Medications for treatment prescribed by a doctor only.

Children may be recommended soothing herbs, such as chamomile or motherwort, but it is important to exclude the presence of contraindications.

May be prescribed as a sedative glycine - This is an amino acid necessary for the brain to work.

In severe cases, can be assigned PantogamIt refers to notropic sedative drugs. Reception is carried out only after consulting a doctor.

Possible appointment Pirocetamhowever, it has many contraindications.

The doctor may recommend other drugs, depending on the characteristics of the child's body, its nervous system and the presence of contraindications.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - treatment

How to cure a child? With ADD apply:

  1. Psychotherapeutic techniques. Suitable cognitive behavioral therapy. Classes are held under the guidance of a psychologist. The child forms a model of behavior. Classes are held in the form of games or conversations, depending on the age of the baby and the type of therapy. Older children are taught methods of communication, methods of resolving conflict situations, and rules of behavior in public places. Good results are shown by art therapy, games for the development of attention, perseverance, social interaction.
  2. Pedagogical measures. Directed to the correction of behavior, setting the mode of the day. It is necessary to take into account the cyclical nature of the child's activity and frequent switching. About 10 minutes his brain absorbs information, then he needs to rest for a few minutes. Therefore, children are given simple tasks that they can complete in a short period of time.

For children with attention deficit disorder organization of proper nutrition. It is necessary that the brain receives the amount of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals it needs.

It is necessary to identify products for which the child has an individual intolerance. For very young children not recommended exciting drinks - coffee, strong tea.

Care should be taken with lemonade, ready-made food containing artificial additives, as they can directly affect the work of the brain and the metabolism in general.

Carbohydrates necessary for the brain to work, but they must come not in the form of white sugar and flour products, but from natural foods - fruits and vegetables.

How is hyperactivity in adults treated?

How to deal with hyperactivity? Before you start taking medications, you should pay attention to other ways of treating hyperactivity in adults:

  • organize proper nutrition, to ensure the intake of an adequate amount of vitamins, use less white sugar and products with artificial additives;
  • properly organize daily regime: lie down and get up at about the same time, sleep at night, eat several times a day;
  • get rid of excess energy by physical activity;
  • do not sit more than an hour in one place, give yourself opportunity to move;
  • to be in nature, more rest from the city noise and excess information;
  • to practice relaxation techniques - meditation, breathing exercises, auto-training;
  • do not prescribe medicationswithout consulting a doctor - the wrong choice of the drug can exacerbate the problem;
  • communicate with friends, relatives, do not be too long alone. Social activity helps to get rid of excess energy;
  • learn to restrain yourself, develop willpower;
  • pay attention the development of perseverance, attention, memory, imagination;

    Classes should be conducted intermittently, without overloading the brain too much.

  • find a hobbywhich will bring positive emotions and reassure.

Hyperactivity - this is not a sentence, and a feature of the brain. Correct behavior will help to correct behavior, but in case of pronounced hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder, consultation of a psychologist and doctors is recommended.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Tips for parents:

Watch the video: How to Teach Children With ADHD (April 2024).