
Black stripe in life: who is to blame and how to overcome it

A person can not be happy and successful always. A calm, carefree life at any time can be darkened by unpleasant, and even tragic events. Dealing with them is not easy, especially if failures are pursued one after another. You involuntarily ask yourself the questions "why is this happening to me," "will the end of the black stripe in life come to life," "how to get rid of problems that have piled on." In fact, to break the vicious circle of bad luck under the force of each.

Who is guilty?

"While we are lucky, we attribute this to our dexterity, we blame the gods for our failures" G. Shaw

Often it seems to us that misfortunes come from nowhere. Some blame fate or karma. But more often the person himself is to blame for his troubles in one way or another. Let's look at the list of the most frequent problems:

  1. Disease. Health does not deteriorate at one moment, any diseases develop gradually. As a rule, this contributes to poor nutrition, poor lifestyle, long-term disregard for the alarm signals of the body.
  2. Material difficulties. Carelessness and frivolity in spending money quite naturally lead to their absence. It is also worth mentioning such a human quality as laziness. Too lazy to perform their duties at work, too lazy to look for a better paying job, too lazy to do anything at all.
  3. Unhappy love. Wrong choice of partner, the power of feelings over the mind often lead to disappointment in love.
  4. Conflicts with others. Inattentive attitude to relatives, harsh statements, arrogance - the main causes of quarrels. Often, a person cannot objectively evaluate his behavior; it seems to him that he is being hurt, although he himself does no better.
  5. Loss of loved ones, theft, fire, war, natural disasters. Perhaps the only tragic events that occur regardless of the behavior, nature and attitudes of a person. It is important to put up with what happened, not to lose the will to live, to believe that there is a better future ahead.

What to do?

“Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” W. Churchill

From the point of view of psychology, for any shock, a person needs emotional discharge. Give out to negative emotions, shout, cry, write your feelings on a piece of paper, and then burn it. Take it easy. Now you are ready to fight the black stripe in life.

What to do next:

  • Recognize the problem. Tell your loved ones who may be able to help.
  • Try to give an objective assessment of the situation. How irreversible are the consequences? Is it possible to fix something? What do I need to do?
  • Develop a plan of action. Try not to make rash, adventurous decisions.
  • Take any help. Sometimes strangers help to change the situation.
  • Do not withdraw into yourself. Be open to communication.
  • Find the positive aspects of your position. Dismissal should be perceived as a chance to find a new, higher paying job. Break the relationship will meet a really close, dear person.
  • Throw away the despair. Seek support in faith, your beliefs, your favorite thing. Start helping others. Chat with people who have already encountered a similar problem.

In a healthy body healthy mind

In the period of gloom, depression take care of their health is especially important. Lack of vitamins, irregular sleep, poor nutrition impair a person’s ability to withstand failure.

What should be done:

  • Eat more fruits, vegetables. In winter, you can drink a course of vitamins and minerals.
  • Normalize sleep and rest. You should not go head to work or household duties. A person must sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Start the day actively. In the morning, it is advisable to do exercises. You can sign up in the gym or any group classes. By evening, the body should calm down, adjust to sleep.
  • Limit alcohol consumption. Alcohol obscures the mind, creates the illusion of security, reduces the ability to reason. In addition, looking for a solution to their problems at the bottom of the glass, you can quickly become an alcoholic, which will further aggravate the situation.
  • Keep your body clean. Always follow the rules of personal hygiene. This will avoid many diseases. In addition, taking a shower before bedtime is a good psychological method for relieving stress. Imagine that all your failures are washed away with water.

Daily tips

It is important to understand that breaking the chain of negative events at one moment will not work. In order not to fold your arms, not to surrender, not to fall into despondency, observe the following rules:

  • Smile Even a tense smile reduces the amount of stress hormones in the blood.
  • Less self-pity, more praise.
  • Give up the role of "victim".
  • Be curious. Try every day to learn something new, allow yourself to get carried away with an interesting book, an unusual occupation.
  • Pamper yourself with nice little things.
  • Live the present. Remember that the past does not change, and the future depends on what you are doing here and now.
  • Thoughts are material, so try most of the time to think positively.
  • More often in the open air, walk in the park. Stay close to nature.
  • Get a four-legged or winged friend. Everyday care of the pet will distract from gloomy thoughts, give a lot of pleasant warm moments.
  • Believe in the best. Dream, make plans, set goals. Life goes on!

The black stripe in life is sure to end. One fine day, you just forget about her. Bright, joyous events will replace the dark, heavy failures. And finally, I want to add advice from myself. Do not expect someone to suddenly get you out of trouble or they will disappear by themselves. Take life into your own hands, act, and good luck will certainly look into your home.

Watch the video: 9 Things That Happen Before And After You Die (December 2024).