Personal growth

Method of determining character accentuation by Karl Leonhard

In order to describe personal characteristics, a characteristic such as accentuation of a character according to leongard.

This allows not only to divide people into types, but also to identify problem areas and ways of interacting with the surrounding reality.

Character accentuation - what is it?

Character accentuation - the presence of pronounced features that can further lead to neurosis, personality disorders and somatic diseases.

If we consider the lexical side - “accent” in translation from Latin means “stress”.

Certain character traits are excessively reinforced; extreme normalsthat do not go beyond the pathology.

Pointed personality traits often interfere with normal life, causing problems in relationships with other people. In this case, the person himself may not be aware of the presence of such features.

Accentuation tends to manifest itself in stressful situationswhereas total personality disorder always acts. It does not affect the adaptation in society, a person gets out of the uniform flow of life temporarily under the influence of crisis situations.

Selected explicit and hidden accentuation. Character traits are particularly acute in adolescence, as a result of which deviations in behavior appear. When a person matures, the characteristics of the character remain pronounced, but they do not interfere with ordinary life. This is a clear accentuation.

With a hidden character trait remain within the normal range, expressed weakly in the usual human conditions.

You can not even suspect the presence of accentuation.

However, in stressful situations and atypical conditions, they can manifest themselves.

Accentuations of character in psychology and psychotherapy:

History of creation

The concept of accentuation was first introduced. K. Leonhard in the late 60s of XX century. The psychiatrist has divided personality types into two large groups: characteristics of character and temperament.

He noted that in addition to obvious mental disorders, psychopathies, there are also borderline states.

Under certain circumstances and life events, these sharp personality traits can develop into a pathology. Based on his ideas, types of accentuation were developed.

Types of character accentuation by Karl Leonhard:

12 types and their description

What types of accentuation of character, temperament, personality singled out Leonard?

Leonhard singled out the following classification of character accentuations, which quite accurately describe personality traits:

  1. Demonstrative. This type of personality has a well-developed fantasy, has artistic inclinations, posturing and pretense are inherent. Behavior live, agile, demonstrative. He knows how to lie well, precisely because he begins to believe in his lies. He tries to embellish himself, his actions, tends to be in the center of attention. Feelings are shallow, superficial. Demonstrative type has a tendency to intrigue, the psyche is quite labile.

    Observed such features as: selfishness, boastfulness, self-confidence, hypocrisy. The personality is notable for its extraordinary, impulsive behavior.

  2. Stuck. There is inertia of behavior, stuck on their thoughts and feelings. Type tends to lead protracted conflicts. People are divided into friends and enemies, the situation into bad and good. He knows how to concentrate well on the task, shows perseverance in achieving the goal. Jamming leads to the fact that a person is prone to jealousy, excessive suspicion. Character accentuation can develop into paranoia. He remembers grievances for a very long time, up to several years.
  3. Pedantic. A person who notices any little thing, is very careful and punctual, demands this from other people. Carefully, with scrupulous approach to any task. The work shows meticulousness, prone to rechecking, it is necessary to finish the job. This approach requires maximum concentration, therefore, as a result, a person may experience emotional fatigue. He is not inclined to conflicts, but reacts very violently to the facts of violation of order. Traumatic events are experienced for a long time.
  4. Excitable. Difficult controllability of your own emotions, control of your actions, impulsivity. Provokes conflicts, considers himself right, easily moves to action - a fight. Differs intolerance, easily falls into anger. This type of difficulty in establishing close ties, as a friend, chooses those whom it is convenient to manage.

    An excitable type can be dangerous to others, it is important to consider when choosing the type of activity and contacts.

    Shows unwillingness to learn, work for him is unbearable. He lives in the present, prefers entertainment, practically does not think about the future. Excitability is extinguished with difficulty, which creates certain problems not only for him, but also for those around him.

  5. Hyperthymic. This is a person who is almost always in a state of inspiration, full of ideas. He talks about these ideas to others, although he rarely implements them. He likes to do several things at once, but often does not bring them to the end, losing interest or motivation. He has broad interests, is curious, loves to learn, is able to maintain a conversation on any topic and give useful advice.

    Sociable, mobile, actively uses gestures, creates a lot of noise around him. Good tone and appetite, healthy sleep. Meanwhile, it may not be serious about its duties. He also has negative characteristics - a tendency toward immoral acts, irritability. Hypertim is difficult to endure monotonous work, loneliness, rigid discipline.

  6. Distributable. Too serious about everything that happens, often in a depressed mood. Self-esteem understated. Distimik is hard to contact, the main reason - the uncertainty that he may be interested in someone. But if someone is his friend, appreciates it.

    In life pessimist, conscientious. In the work is responsible. Fighter for justice. Prefers to stay at home, does not like a noisy society.

  7. Anxious. From a very early age, a representative of this type of accentuation is literally afraid of everything. Fear takes him to adulthood. He avoids high positions because he fears risk, error, competition. He is afraid to be rejected, so it is difficult to go to a relationship. An alarming type has a high responsibility towards other people, it is suspicious, fears for the health and lives of loved ones. The main character traits: humility, inability to defend their point of view, timidity, friendliness. Anxious type easily submits to the care of older peers or adults. They find it difficult to manage their own lives and take responsibility. Since childhood, touchy, acutely react to ridicule, criticism, often become targets for jokes. Feeling a sense of their own inferiority, they try nonetheless to find themselves in the activity that they do best at.
  8. Affective exalted. The basis of their personality - a violent reaction to everything - no matter a positive or negative event. Among this type there are fanatics, people devoted to their profession, adherents of religion. They are attached to close people, and are also excitedly rejoicing for their success. Very emotional, loving, altruistic. There is a tendency to exaggeration and anxiety. In moments of high spirits, a maximum of happiness and joy emanates from people of this type, joy is expressed violently, with a desire to draw other people into it. From bad events come in complete despair.
  9. Emotive. The type is close to exalted, but the reactions are not so bright. Sensitive, compassionate, embarrasses the grief of others, comes to the rescue. In conflicts comes rare. Insults, experiences are in themselves. Characterized by diligence, high sense of duty, kindness.

    Shows excessive sensitivity to external influences, it can easily cry.

  10. Cyclothymic. Differs changeable mood. Periods of turbulent activity and manic activity are replaced by passivity. People of this type do not have a golden mean, they are going to extremes. High level of communication skills. The psyche is mobile, it easily switches from one topic of conversation to another. Mood, reactions depend on external events.

Two more types are also distinguished depending on the orientation of the individual on the external environment or his inner world:

  1. Extraverted. Reactions are directed outward. Deeds are impulsive. An extrovert necessarily needs a number of other people and their recognition. Frivolous. It can be influenced by other people. Overly communicative.
  2. Introverted. Reactions are directed inward. External events affect him a little. The value has his own perception of the situation, thoughts. He lives in the world of ideas, is interested in religion, science. He prefers loneliness, communication comes with difficulty, says little, does not reveal his experiences.

Method of determination

For the diagnosis of the type of personality accentuation is used questionnaire K. Leonhard-S. Shmisheka. Consists of 10 scales and 88 questions.

The instruction is simple: you have to read the questions and quickly answer "yes" or "no." The answers are considered with the help of a special key, after which a schedule of expressions of one or another accentuation is drawn up.

If there are brightly pointed accents, it means that we can speak about the presence of a certain personality accentuation.

Leongard-Shmishek test questionnaire: character accentuation.

Where and what is the Leonhard-Shmishek diagnostics used for?

The Leonhard-Shmishek questionnaire is designed to diagnose character and temperament accentuations adolescents and adults.

Used by in psychological counselingin the selection of professional activities, especially associated with increased responsibility and stress factors.

The theory of accentuation helps psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists to research and predict the behavior of adolescents and adults. Based on their possible identify the most appropriate profession, to analyze the behavior of the individual in stressful situations.

Watch the video: Albrecht Kossel. Wikipedia audio article (April 2024).