Personal growth

Midlife crisis in women: what is it and how to get out of it

Such a concept as a midlife crisis is familiar to many people firsthand: at the age of 35-40 years, most people overtake this phenomenon. Especially difficult can be a middle age crisis for women, because they are more emotional and receptive than men.

The content of the article:
Signs and causes of the crisis
Ways to overcome
Psychologist's comment

Let's see what a female middle age crisis is, what it is manifested in, get acquainted with its features and possible causes and find out how to deal with it.

Signs of a crisis

How to understand that you or someone from your loved ones (mother, sister or girlfriend) have difficulty in overcoming the age limit of 35-40 years? Consider the main symptoms of a midlife crisis with a focus on a female audience:

  • amorphous state, unwillingness to do anything;
  • the desire to change their regular sex life, the search for a new partner;
  • the desire to change jobs or field of activity;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • depression, anxiety;
  • incessant introspection and self-criticism;
  • the desire to change the appearance (lose weight, change hair and wardrobe).

Possible causes of the crisis

Signs of a middle age crisis in women may appear for various reasons, but in most cases a crisis arises due to a combination of the following reasons:

  • Diffidence. It would seem that at this age many women already have a family, stable earnings and their own housing. However, the statistics are not so comforting. It turns out that about one-third of all 40-year-old Russian women have either never been married, divorced or widowed. Unsettled family life or problems at work can shake self-confidence at any age, and in this period, when there is almost no time left to fix everything, women become especially vulnerable.
  • Nostalgia for the past years, regret for unfulfilled desires. At this age, women can already look at their lives from the height of their past years and, depending on the events they have experienced, begin to feel nostalgia about what cannot be returned, or to grieve about what they did not have enough courage in their youth.
  • Empty socket syndrome. Many mothers, having raised their children and letting them go into adulthood, become depressed. They have lost the habit of living for themselves and do not know what to do next. Everything seems meaningless to them.
  • There is nothing to strive for. Successful women who could happily marry in 40 years, give birth to healthy children, purchase housing and build a career can come to the conclusion that everything has already been done in life, and there is nothing more to strive for. This plunges them into depression.
  • Fear of growing old. Women are particularly hard going through the appearance of the first signs of wilting: first wrinkles, health problems, decreased activity. They are afraid of old age and disease, wanting as long as possible to preserve youth and health.
  • Difficult relationships with loved ones. At this age it is already difficult to compromise, trying to adapt to another person. A woman knows what she wants, and achieves this by conflicting with other people.

Ways to overcome the crisis

If you do not make any effort to deal with the mid-life crisis, then the woman can become depressed for a long time, which is fraught with the development of chronic diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. If you have noticed signs of this age-related crisis in yourself or your close people, try to use these recommendations to speed up the relief of its symptoms:

  1. Rest more. Relaxing in a warm bath, meditation, evening leisurely walks, fragrant green tea and reading your favorite books will allow you to get rid of anxiety and forget obsessive thoughts.
  2. Find your hobby. It should be a creative activity for the soul: drawing, embroidery, dancing - yes, whatever! It is advisable to sign up for courses: in a team, the results will be more impressive, and communication and new acquaintances will not harm you.
  3. Change what does not entail problems: send a resume to other companies, change the image. But you should not break off relations with your husband in this fit: try to change something in yourself first, it is likely that you will no longer want to change anything in family life.
  4. Start a healthy lifestyle: review your diet, go in for sports. This will allow you not only to bring the body into a tone and lose weight, but also to get rid of the claims to itself. A healthy lifestyle contributes to rejuvenation, so you can extend your youth for a few more years.

In a period of middle age crisis, all women experiencing it need to remember that these difficulties in any case will lead to positive changes in life: the rethinking of values ​​is not accidental.

Awareness of the problems and understanding of the things that you would like to change should lead to an improvement in the level of your life and ensure its further stability.

Take for granted a change that is happening inside you, a positive phenomenon that will help you move to a new stage, discarding all unnecessary and focusing on more objective goals.

Olga, Podolsk

Watch the video: What Causes a Midlife Crisis? Cause of Anxiety & Negative Thoughts (January 2025).