
How to change your life for the better?

Each of us at least once in life had the feeling that he had gone astray. It seems that nothing happened, everything, as usual. But that's the point. The routine is boring, I want something new. But it is not clear which direction to go? How to change your life for the better?

Freeing up space

In order to let changes into your life, you need to make room for them in it. If you decide to change your destiny for the better, first you need to clear the space around you.

Imagine that all life is a big house that needs cleaning. Each side of your business is a "room." Let's see if there is anything superfluous.


At work, many of us spend most of our time, so it should bring joy and pleasure. And is it with you? Are you satisfied with your job, income? Do you have a desire to develop further in this direction. If work has become a boring and routine exercise, which is necessary only for the sake of a stable income, something urgently needs to be changed!

Unloved work and dissatisfaction with the place occupied in society are common causes of depression and nervous disorders. You can not force yourself to engage in daily "not his" business, it has a negative impact on the mental state and quality of life.

If your work responsibilities have become a heavy burden for you, it's time to look for a job that you prefer. You can even change the profession. Determine in which direction you would like to develop, engage in self-education, complete the courses. The main thing is that the new activity brings you joy!


In the family circle everyone should feel loved and protected. Conduct a "revision" of your relationship with loved ones. Are there unresolved disputes, conflicts? Old offenses? Perhaps you were unfair to someone from your family? Understand that these are the closest people to you on the whole planet. Everyone has a disagreement - between husbands and wives, parents and children. If there is some alienation and misunderstanding between you, it is in your power to change it.

Mentally forgive each family member for all that was said and done in moments of quarrels. Thank for the love, care and warmth that they give every day. Apologize to them for your words and deeds in any form: bake a cake, invite your relatives to a cafe, to a picnic. Tell your loved ones more often the words of love and support, do not forget to remind them how they are dear to you.


Everyone wants to meet his soul mate and find happiness in a love relationship. Do you have a partner? Are your feelings mutual? If you are happy in love - great! If not, be sure to fix it. Relationships that should be stopped to change the fate for the better:

  • the partner oppresses you, neglects your needs, ridicules your interests and hobbies;
  • feelings have long gone out of relationship, you are together just because you are used to each other;
  • partner applies physical and psychological abuse.

Such relationships destroy the personality of both men and women who participate in them. Stop them without regret, make room for a new love. Get rid of the phone numbers of former partners, remove their contacts from social networks. The biggest mistake many make in moments of weakness and despair is to try to bring back relationships. So you only make yourself worse. Returning to what you have left, you stand still and do not allow yourself to let a new, happy relationship into your life. If you are alone and cannot find a partner in your environment, change your environment!

Do not set a goal to get acquainted only with the opposite sex. Just attend various events, gym, sign up for courses, chat with new people. Be open and friendly. If you keep an active lifestyle and stop being discouraged, your other half will find you.


The people who surround us are not always friendly towards us. We usually know which of our friends are jealous of us, who are gossiping behind their backs. It also happens to us someone unpleasant from friends. With the following people, it is best to keep communication to a minimum:

  1. Envious. You get a negative from a person who sincerely does not understand why you are somehow more successful than him. Such a person will gloat in case of your failure, why is he needed in your environment?
  2. Those you envy. If you can not fight with envy to a particular person and send it in a constructive direction (for example, to achieve goals), it is better to avoid communicating with him. Why provoke negative emotions?
  3. Gossipers. Adhere to the rule of not saying behind the backs of others what you cannot say to their eyes. And from your surroundings demand the same.
  4. Friends who do not believe in you. People who tell you that you will not be able to do something (lose weight, pass an exam, etc.) should not be near you. Communicate only with those who support your faith in yourself.
  5. Those who try to look more advantageous on your background. There are people who try to always be the center of attention. All anything, but often this happens due to the humiliation of others, detracting from their merits. If there is such a person in your circle, say goodbye to him.

Also worth getting rid of the relationship that you "outgrown." It may be that you and your school mate grew up and became completely different people with opposing views on life. This also applies to friends from college years, colleagues from previous jobs, etc. You are not required to maintain a relationship forever. If communication does not bring joy, you need to stop it.

Avoid contact with people who cause you to have negative emotions. If they are in your environment, stop communicating with them.

Writing a life plan

After you got rid of excess ballast and conducted an audit of the main aspects of your life, I suggest you think about how you would like to fill the vacant seat. So, for the next stage you will need to retire in a good mood and dream a little! To create an atmosphere, you can light candles, drink a glass of wine or brew tea, turn on the music softly.

Take a box of colored markers and a white sheet of paper. In the center, draw a circle and write the word "I". From this circle the four rays should diverge in different directions, as from the sun. Every ray is a certain aspect of your life. Sign them: Career, Family, Love, Surroundings. Now work out every side of your life.

Think about how you want to see yourself? In the center write character traits that you want to acquire or improve. Perhaps you want to change outwardly? So write in this circle: "I - made a fashionable haircut, lost weight, became kinder, stronger." Similarly, sign "rays". Think in what area you want to build a career, what professional success to achieve? What should be your second half? What kind of people do you want to see in your environment? What would you like for your family? Be sure to write down everything. Save this leaflet. This is your life plan, follow it. And do not settle for less!

The nature of the person determines his fate. To change life, you must first change yourself. Think about what qualities prevent you from realizing your plans, achieving the desired, experiencing happiness to the full? Work on yourself and change will not keep you waiting!

Watch the video: 3 Habits That Will Change Your Life (May 2024).