Personal growth

What Meditation Provides - 50 “Scary” Amazing Facts

Spa centers, guru trainings, documentaries intrigue with tempting headlines about the benefits of meditative practices. However, is it always that meditation gives rise to pleasant sensations?

In fact, sometimes such leisure causes discomfort and even pain. Why? Because growth and development require effort, getting out of the comfort zone, meeting with your “I”. And not everyone likes this. However, after passing through a difficult stage, a person finds himself on the threshold of a new, better life. 50 facts are vivid proof of this.


  1. Memory improves, its volume, speed of memorization.
  2. Creative thinking develops. Inspiration for writing pictures, creating poetry or other masterpieces comes much more often.
  3. Thinking faster. Solutions come faster, logical tasks are easier to solve.
  4. Increased attention, concentration, ability to deepen in different topics.
  5. The concentration of gray matter does not deteriorate in the process of aging. In some cases, its density even increases.
  6. There is the ability to work even in a stressful environment, to abstract from distractions.
  7. The brain is actively working even in multitasking. Quickness, ingenuity “run” faster.
  8. It is easier to control the flow of thoughts, give them direction. Awareness manifests, negative impulsiveness of decisions decreases. A person learns to think about every step without discomfort or stress for himself.
  9. Intellectual fatigue comes much later, its signs are less tangible, the brain recovers faster after such “declines”.
  10. Increases learning. New information is perceived easier and faster. You can discover in yourself a previously unknown talent or propensity for intellectual work.


  1. Resistance to stress goes to a significantly new level. Reduced irritation, anger, aggression.
  2. The fight against laziness is becoming more effective. Apathy, depression disappears, activity increases, adequate ambitions and a desire to embody them are formed.
  3. There are forces in order to give up bad habits - smoking, addiction to games, alcohol, junk food, kleptomania, etc.
  4. The psyche is restored after panic attacks. Meditation also acts as a preventative of such reactions.
  5. In character, organization is manifested along with the ability to adequately express one’s own emotions.
  6. With the right approach, the complexes disappear, problems associated with fears, phobias are solved.
  7. Practiced self-study. Man deepens the knowledge of his own personality. Learning to define and set goals, successfully achieve them. In this case, failures are perceived as an occasion to try again, and not a failure and rejection of ideas. Awareness and acceptance of hidden desires, oneself as a whole, comes.
  8. The mistakes of the past are forgiven, the future is seen as potential for new opportunities. The tendency to escapism (avoidance of reality) disappears.
  9. The feeling of calmness, tranquility becomes more frequent. Positive emotions, optimism, good mood prevail.
  10. Adequate self-esteem, self-confidence, and a proper assessment of oneself and one’s strength are developed.


  1. Normalized pressure, reduced risk of hypertensive crisis. Reduced dizziness, tinnitus, numbness in the limbs.
  2. Posture is corrected. Asanas for meditation strengthen the paravertebral muscles, make them more resilient, strong.
  3. Pulse returns to normal. The level of cholesterol is reduced, prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes is carried out. The body recovers faster after a stroke.
  4. Asthma, bronchitis, and other diseases of the respiratory system are more easily tolerated. Attacks of coughing, choking become more rare, acute forms disappear with time. Increases lung volume.
  5. Increases immunity. Inflammatory processes fade away. The need for drugs that support the immune system is noticeably reduced.
  6. The required amount of sleep is reduced. The body needs less hours for rest, while the quality of sleep improves.
  7. Aging processes are inhibited. Overall life expectancy increases.
  8. The pain threshold rises, which is why chronic pain does not seem so strong. Especially effective for headaches caused by vascular spasms.
  9. Skin diseases appear less. Lymphocirculation improves, blood flow is restored.
  10. The work of the stomach and intestines is getting better. Their irritability, cramps, colic, heartburn, bouts of nausea or bloating disappears.


  1. The bond between body, mind, and mind is strengthened. Awareness of their connection with nature, the world as a whole, comes.
  2. By using the prayers of his religion as mantras, the connection with faith becomes closer.
  3. There is an awareness and acceptance of truths that make it easier to establish contact with the world, people.
  4. In the soul of peace is established, imperturbability. It becomes easier for a person to control every thought, emotion, action.
  5. The ability to resist personal temptations is increasing, from elementary addiction to sins in their direct sense.
  6. Increases intuition. It is supported by experience, which is summarized in all conscious years.
  7. The desire for self-development, personal growth, understanding of the infinite possibilities. Open the way for this.
  8. There is an internal reserve of energy, often called “second breath”.
  9. Man learns to notice the beautiful, to create it. He finds ways to draw energy from ordinary phenomena that remain ignored by other people.
  10. There comes an awareness of the importance of each event from the past or the current time. A link is established between the incident itself, its causes and purpose.


  1. Empathy develops. Increasing understanding of the causes of behavior of others. A person learns to sympathize, empathize, support. The notions of “sympathy” and “pity” are divided.
  2. Shows condescension to the evils of the rest. Harmony in communication with random strangers and loved ones is increasing.
  3. Reduced level of conflict. There is no desire to argue with someone, do dirty tricks, show aggression.
  4. Even a new acquaintance looks like an open book. It is easier to study the character of a stranger in the details.
  5. Awkwardness from communication with unfamiliar people or from the first acquaintance appears much less. Improved brain function allows you to quickly find topics for conversation, guide the conversation, manage it.
  6. The growth of productivity, communication skills positively affects the working area. To get a promotion, to enlist the support of sponsors or partners is better.
  7. Speech is improving - its pace, the alignment of logical pauses, even the timbre of a voice. The surrounding people begin to evaluate this, which positively affects their attitude towards the narrator.
  8. Oral speeches are held with great success, less stress. New leverage on the audience.
  9. Increased energy impact on the interlocutor. It becomes easier to cheer him up, calm him down, convey the right mood.
  10. For the reasons listed above, the circle of friends is expanding, relations with relatives, colleagues, and hobby partners are improving.

Having learned what meditation gives, it will be a pity not to test its effect on yourself. The path to success may be thorny, difficult, confusing. However, the result is worth it. Besides, it is better to approach difficulties with passion, pleasant anticipation. No confidence in the reliability of these 50 facts? They can be tested by personally starting the practice and testing their usefulness through personal experience.

Watch the video: 50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! #31 (January 2025).